globalEDGE Newsletter

July 2007
Vol. 6 - Issue 7

Inside This Issue

  1. Featured Country: Pakistan
  2. Poll Question
  3. News
  4. In-Depth Look
  5. Recently Added Sites
  6. Newsletter Information

1) Featured Country: Pakistan

Established in 1947, Pakistan is still a relatively young country. However, its youth belies a rich history that stretches back more than 4,500 years. From Alexander the Great, to the British Crown, Pakistan has seen its fair share of powerful rulers come and go. Amidst its many historical milestones, this nation also underwent its own cultural renaissance, known as the Gandhara Period.

Pakistani independence brought with it a tumultuous period, both politically, and economically. However, its fortunes saw a dramatic turnaround following a 2001 commitment to the fight against terror. Pakistan is currently experiencing a rapid inflow of foreign assistance, and also rising exports and foreign exchange reserves. Increased international aid will also be channeled towards bettering the country's health and education sectors. The Pakistani government is currently in talks, with India and Iran, about a potential tri-nation natural gas pipeline, with an agreement expected to be reached in July 2007. This, coupled with coming elections, represents an exciting time in Pakistan.

Learn more about Pakistan on globalEDGE Country Insights.

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2) Poll Question

This month's poll question is:

"What impact will a potential tri-nation gas pipeline, with India and Iran, have on Pakistan?"

Please visit our homepage to vote on this month's poll question.

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3) News

India, Pakistan, Iran may Sign Pact for Pipeline Next Month
Financial Express, (June 13, 2007)§ion_id=24&newsid=63963
A natural gas pipeline running through India, Iran, and Pakistan could be a reality in the not too distant future. Barring any significant hurdles, an agreement between all three nations could be finalized as early as the end of June. The pipeline is expected to cost about $7 billion, and will initially be able to carry about 60 million cubic meters of gas daily.

Asia's Emerging, New Silk Road
BusinessWeek (June 11, 2007)
Next to the economic might of China lie the struggling minnows of Central Asia. Stricken by poverty and uncertain market systems, the latter is the focus of a new United Nations (UN) project for a renewed Silk Road. Dubbed the Silk Road Initiative, it is aimed at recreating the trade route, in hopes of spreading Chinese growth to surrounding regions. Unfortunately, the ambitious undertaking could be hampered by the rampant corruption, and sporadic conflicts that continue to plague Central Asian nations.

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4) In Depth Look

Job Security in Corporate Pakistan
All Things Pakistan, by S.A.J Shirazi (June 18, 2007)
It is a precarious world in corporate Pakistan, especially if one is an employee. The results of a private survey reveal a severe state of job insecurity in the nation, with employers issuing dismissals at their whim and fancy. It also stated that this trend could potentially lead to an eventual lack in both trust, and productivity. Hence, it is suggested that reforms and regulations be made to the Pakistani corporate sector, with the hope of fostering a better self-motivated, and creative work force.

Wealth Gap Grows and Solidarity Fades as Rebellion of Rich Spreads Across EU
The Guardian, by Ian Traynor (June 11, 2007),,2100204,00.html
Cracks are forming in the European Union (EU), and they reveal a worrying trend. The way that tax-money is used has left the wealthy more than a little agitated. Many of Europe's prospering regions are unhappy that most of the money is used to better, and fuel poorer communities, instead of their own; others are lamenting the seeming special benefits showered on the latter. It is feared that such resentment could mar the EU's history of successful wealth redistribution. Already, separatist talk has begun to surface, amidst the fading unity of this regional community.

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5) Recently Added Sites

A sample of some of our recently added sites:

India, China and America (ICA) Institute
The India, China & America Institute (ICA Institute), founded by Dr. Jagdish Sheth, is a non-profit organization providing industry-focused research, education and strategy recommendations on the market impact of the rise of China and India. It provides a slew of knowledge-based services that includes research opportunities, as well as a weekly newsletter covering issues affecting China and India.
Category: Research: Organizations

India, China and America Institute (ICA Institute) Newsletter
The India, China and America Institute (ICA Institute) Newsletter is a weekly online publication by the ICA Institute. It offers a generous sampling of news, and comments and analyses about India, China, and the United States. A few areas of focus include commercial growth, emerging markets, and policy-making in these three markets.
Category: News & Periodicals: Global News

View more recently added sites on globalEDGE.

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