
globalEDGE Newsletter             April 2005               Vol. 4 - Issue 3 

  1. Did You Know @ globalEDGE: Online Course Modules
  2. Featured Country: Argentina
  3. Special Report
  4. Selected Article
  5. Media Updates
  6. Recently Added Sites
  7. Featured Online Discussion
  8. Newsletter Information
  9. Errata


Academy section offers Online Course Modules free for registered users. The interactive tools focus on various areas pertinent to international business. The modules can be used as educational material for classrooms and businesses alike. Topics include Doing Business In, Culture, Exporting, Market Research & Entry, Functions, Legal Aspects, Agricultural Business, and Other. Most modules include cases or anecdotes, a glossary of pertinent terms, quizzes, and references where applicable.

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Our featured country this month is Argentina.

Like many other South American countries, Argentina has been plagued by political and financial problems for many years. In 2001, the country defaulted on roughly $81 billion worth of bonds and interest. In an effort to restructure it's debt, Argentina announced it would offer owners of defaulted bonds new bonds, which would be worth roughly one-third the value of the old bonds.

Néstor Kirchner, Argentina's president declared that "at least 70 to 75%" of bondholders had accepted the new bonds. This coupled with an economic recovery achieved through a move towards a market-based exchange rate and increased exportation of commodity goods has triggered an 8.7% growth in real GDP. However, the debt restructuring has prompted much debate as analysts fear that other indebted countries will follow suit.

globalEDGE has more information and links on Argentina at:

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Climate Change
The Guardian (March 15, 2005),12374,782494,00.html
Most scientists believe that economic expansion by first-world countries has caused the global warming we face today. The Guardian's special report on climate change looks at the proposals that are being made by environmentalist and concerned leaders to reduce global emissions. One proposal is for the UK to emulate Germany's construction of wind farms. In addition, the report covers issues from the environmental impacts of Chinese economic expansion to the melting of ice on Mount Kilimanjaro.

More "Special Reports" from globalEDGE at:

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3PLs: The Next BIG IDEA
World Trade Magazine, by Andrea MacDonald (March 1, 2005),3481,145306,00.html
The ability to successfully manage a global supply chain has become an increasingly critical for companies. Innovation in supply chain management is now constantly needed to stay competitive in the global arena. MacDonald looks into the demands companies are now making on 3PLs. Issues that are covered include technology, security, expertise (especially in China), and port congestion.

More "Selected Articles" from globalEDGE at:

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U.S. Unveils New Pact With Canada, Mexico
Yahoo!News, by Jennifer Loven (March 23, 2005)
The leaders of the three North American countries met last week for a summit. They finished with a pledge to build a "North American Alliance for Prosperity and Security." This came as a result of talks surrounding immigration, global competition, and collaboration in the energy, transportation, financial services, and technology sectors.

More "Media Updates" from globalEDGE at:

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A sample of some of our recently added sites:

WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center
The WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center is a valuable dispute service provider that WIPO, the World Intellectual Property Organization, offers to interested parties. The site demonstrates how the impartial Center has contributed, and continues to contribute, to the good of mankind by creating real wealth for nations. The site presents information on the two main services the Center provides, arbitration and mediation, as well as press updates. Administering disputes under WIPO procedures can prove helpful across countries and various parties in need of outside assistance.
Listed in the following category: Research: Organizations

USA: The Advocacy Center
The prime responsibility of The Advocacy Center is to promote U.S. exports and help create and retain U.S. jobs by coordinating strong U.S. government support to large, medium-sized, and small companies competing for international opportunities. The government group oversees resources from 19 U.S. government agencies in the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC) to ensure that sales of U.S. goods and services have the best possible prospects overseas. The site provides news articles on the Advocacy Center and their program. Registration is an option on this site, however not mandatory. Registering on the community is used to contact members regarding specific trade opportunities, trade events, or export-related information of special interest.
Listed in the following country: United States
Listed in the following category: Research: Government Resources

Center for Transnational Law
The Center for Transnational Law offers searchable definitions of principles of transnational commercial law. Searches provide the user with text and comprehensive references, taken from international laws and academic sources, for each principle, concept, or rule entered.
Listed in the following category: Trade: Trade Law

A list of recently added sites to globalEDGE is available at:

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Featured Discussion: French Work Week.

A bill has recently been passed in France allowing employees to work longer than the traditional 35-hour work week. Originally implemented by a Socialist government that was trying to decrease unemployment, the rule has created happy, relaxed, and some of the most productive employees in Europe. Unfortunately, the desired effect was…

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In globalEDGE's March 2005 Newsletter under 5) MEDIA UPDATES, the description for the article titled "Brussels Warns Brown Over Budget Deficit" incorrectly stated that the UK is not a part of the EU. The sentence should have read that the UK does not take part in the Euro.

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