November 2006 Vol. 5 - Issue 10

globalEDGETM Newsletter

inside this issue

  1. Special Interest
  2. Featured Country: Venezuela
  3. Poll Question
  4. News
  5. In Depth Look
  6. Recently Added Sites
  7. Featured Academy Section
  8. Newsletter Information

1) Special Interest

International Education Week takes place this November 13-17. IEW is designed to promote international involvement and provide new experiences for future leaders in an increasingly global environment. A listing of these events by region is available on the IEW website.

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2) Featured Country: Venezuela

Venezuela is a nation of environmental diversity and abundant natural resources. It boasts the Andes Mountains, Amazonian rainforest, Caribbean shoreline, fertile plains, a small desert, and the world's highest waterfall, Angel Falls. While Venezuela's economy depends highly on agricultural goods, such as coffee and cocoa crops, the petroleum sector dominates the economy. Venezuela's petroleum industry accounts for roughly one-third of its GDP, or about 80% of export earnings, and more than half of government revenues.

It is fairly evident that Venezuela's economic fortunes are tied to world oil prices. Venezuela's economic recovery in 2004 and 2005 was driven by a large increase in government expenditures, which was in turn based on higher than expected oil prices. Currently leading the country through a socialist revolution is President Chavez, who envisions strengthening Venezuela's regional influence through relations with other South American and Caribbean nations. The upcoming election will reveal how Venezuela will handle private investment and inflationary pressures.

Learn more about Venezuela on globalEDGE Country Insights.

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3) Poll Question

This month's poll question is:

"Venezuela's government receives half of its revenues from oil. Is this viable for Venezuela's long-term economic growth?"

Please view our homepage to vote on this month's poll question.

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4) News

Venezuela Inflation Accelerates to Fastest in Year
Bloomberg, by Guillermo Parra-Bernal (November 1, 2006)
Venezuelans are breaking the bank with a white-hot inflation rate. At its highest rate in a year, analysts are blaming the roaring prices on a surge in consumer demands, and narrow currency trading. Furthermore, the rate could hit a staggering 17%, with the festive season and year-end bonuses just around the corner.

More Jobs - But at What Cost?
BusinessWeek, by Peter Coy (November 6, 2006)
Higher wages and a lower unemployment rate - the picture could not be any rosier. Or, could it? With productivity flat-lining in recent months, more grunts and lavish paychecks could spell trouble for corporate profits. The spike in buying power, coupled with little or no increase in production, also becomes a recipe with dire inflationary consequences.

The Fraser Institute: Economic Freedom and Rule of Law Key to Ending Latin America's Years of Stagnation and Poverty
Market Wire (November 2, 2006)
Though a region with boundless potential, Latin America has never managed to wake itself from a stupor of poverty and decline. Trapped in a quagmire of tepid market reforms and social disorder, it has consistently failed to achieve the holy grail of economic freedom. While Chile is reaping the rewards of dedicated change, powerhouses such as Brazil and Venezuela have increasingly suffocated the rights of both businesses and citizens.

View more News on globalEDGE.

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5) In Depth Look

From Bench to Bedside
The Economist (November 2, 2006)
Plagued by red tape and banal ventures, the pharmaceutical industry has seen a steady decline in drug discovery. A concentration on generic drugs, instead of R&D, has ensured a saturation of copycat treatments in the market. Fortunately, there is a new kid on the block. Innovation-rewarding venture funds are just now entering the arena. Armed with gumption, and deep pockets to boot, they could be the long-awaited panacea of both the industry and the world.

Australia's in Luck
Forbes, by Paul Maidment (October 31, 2006)
Consumed by racial strife and protectionist dawdling, Australia seemed to be drifting into the mists of oblivion. Now, fresh from a forty-year transformation, the continent has become an economic force to be reckoned with. Copiously blessed with natural resources, the outback now plays host to some of the biggest multinationals. And, as it begins saddling the ever powerful East Asian economic surge, its only potential undoing would be its own inaction.

View more In Depth Look articles on globalEDGE.

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6) Recently Added Sites

A sample of some of our recently added sites:

Venezuela: Venezuelan Analysis
This site provides a news feed of current events in Venezuela, with opinion articles grouped by subjects such as international relations, economy, labor, oil and gas, and more.
Category: News & Periodicals: Regional News

OECD: Statistics Directorate,2688,en_2649_33715_1_1_1_1_1,00.html
The Statistics Directorate provides statistics on a myriad of topics such as 'international trade in services'. Also, numerous publications are available like case studies, reports, and country surveys, among others. Finally, there is country-specific information including either statistics or publications.
Category: Research: Statistical Data Sources

The Internet Public Library: International Business
Provides links to different sites related to doing business in international markets, and business information specific to various countries or geographic regions of the world.
Category: Other Resources: International

View more recently added sites on globalEDGE.

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7) Featured Academy Section

University HR
The Academy Section has recently revamped its University HR section, and it now includes links to 137 university human resource departments. We hope that these new resources will facilitate both universities and faculty in finding an ideal fit.

View more Academy Resources on globalEDGE.

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8) Newsletter Information

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