globalEDGE Gets Social!

Author: Sarah Vogel


“We are also excited to bring a greater focus on social media and connectivity to the latest version of globalEDGE with numerous RSS feeds, opportunities to connect with globalEDGE via LinkedIn and Facebook, and to follow us on Twitter and by reading our blog.” – The globalEDGE Team

globalEDGE has certainly transformed into a more interactive and social site. Our new Get Connected portal is the best place to find all of the ways to stay up to date with globalEDGE. From here you will be able to access the Blog, the globalEDGE Business Review, the Newsletter, and quick links to all of our social media pages. With our Facebook and Twitter feeds streaming on the side of the page, it is easier than ever to stay on top of all that globalEDGE has to offer!

If you are not connected to globalEDGE yet, there are so many ways to start! Are you addicted to Facebook? Like the globalEDGE page and get a second look at what we have to offer. More of a Twitter fan? globalEDGE is there too! Following globalEDGE ensures that you will be up to date on international business news and fun facts. For business professionals we are also on LinkedIn. Become a member of our group and start an international business discussion today. Lastly you can add our blog to an RSS feed, or register on our site directly! It can all be done directly through the Get Connected portal.

Our country pages have also received a social update. On any country page you will be able to see the blog posts related to that country with a feed on the main page. Click on any blog that looks interesting and you can comment using a Disqus, Facebook, Twitter, Google, OpenID, or a Yahoo! account.

If you’re not on the Get Connected portal, don’t worry – you can connect with us from any page.  In the footer we have links to all of our social sites, so they are never out of reach.

We hope you find gloablEDGE’s Get Connected portal useful – let us know what you think!