Small Businesses Going Global

Author: Evan Pennisi


Many small businesses are achieving success by selling to customers within their domestic borders. While this is a solid strategy, opportunities exist around the world that will allow further business growth. These opportunities lie within expanding business into new markets abroad. Going global may seem difficult at first but for many small businesses it provides a proven growth strategy. Doug Barry of the United States Commercial Service states that profit margins for international sales tend to be higher and he also offers several tips for entering international markets. We will now take a look at these suggestions and see how easy international business can really be!

It may be surprising to hear that it is possible to go global without actually going abroad. This can be accomplished with a web page that welcomes inquiries from countries around the world. Barry also suggests that websites attract more international sales when multiple languages are offered on the site. Additionally, global trade is often avoided because of concerns regarding payment securement and international regulations. However, these problems can be easily solved by turning to expert help sources such as the United States Commercial Service, which offers free and high quality services for small business expansion. Another way to find prospective international opportunities is through trade shows and internet marketing.

If these small steps are taken, small businesses will surely be on their way towards global business growth. To find out more details about going global check out Doug Barry’s interview and full article here!