Scotland Votes "No" to Independence

Author: Jeff Nemesi


Scotland has voted “no” to independence from the United Kingdom. The voting finished with a final count of 55.3% to 44.7% in favor of remaining a part of the United Kingdom and continuing the 307-year-old union. David Cameron, the prime minister of the United Kingdom, is now a little more comfortable in his position after helping lead the charge to keep the union together. He claims that the Scottish Referendum has settled the independence debate for a generation.

A “yes” vote would have meant that Scotland was broken off from the union of the United Kingdom, leaving them with new power including their own Central Bank, their own Government, and a new sense of identity. Scotland would’ve had to prove to the European Union that the country had a stable and managed currency in order to be a member. It would have given Scotland its chance to show that it had job creation powers and end the government rule by parties that were not elected by Scottish voters. It would have also meant that Scotland’s border with England would become an international boundary, and more than half of the mortgages in Scotland would then be provided by foreign banks. Scotland controls much of the United Kingdom’s oil reserves, with most of the reserves being in the North Sea.  Who this oil belongs to has also been a major source of debate between the unionists and those pushing for independence. It is unclear to the people of Scotland just how much oil there is available, but it is estimated that it could be valued up to one trillion British pounds.

Alex Salmond, who led the failed bid for Scottish Independence, explained that the 1.6 million people who voted for independence showed the British political leaders that they need to follow through on the promises made for increased political power in Scotland. Although he stepped down from the campaign, he expressed his gratitude for all of the support and stated that the fight for independence in Scotland will never end. Do you think Scotland’s independence would have led to prosperity in the country? How do you think the United Kingdom will react to such a close vote?