gE Blog Series: What Can globalEDGE Do for Your Business Part 4 - Export Tutorials

Author: James McKillop


One of the many great resources available on globalEDGE is the export tutorials. This resource is located in the Reference Desk section of the globalEDGE website. The export tutorials offer information and helpful tips for individuals or companies looking to take their products internationally. There are five main headers: export readiness, government regulations, financial considerations, sales and marketing, and logistics. Under each header are important questions relating to that particular topic, accompanied by answers to those questions.

Clicking on a question listed below a header will bring up a comprehensive answer, as well as several links to outside resources on the topic and possibly modules and other resource pages already available on globalEDGE. Many of the outside sources are provided by U.S. government agencies, and provide information that is extremely relevant and up to date. Links to government resources throughout the tutorials provides a one stop-shop for all of your exporting needs, as it relates to laws and agreements.

The export tutorials also offer great insight on the overall globalEDGE website and provide modules that expand knowledge regarding exporting and international business. There are two primary types of links to other pages within globalEDGE: modules and resource pages. Resource pages provide critical information through article format. Modules on the other hand, serve as an interactive learning tool for those who are looking to get a better understanding of exporting and the international business climate. Modules span a wide array of topics, from trade agreements and pacts to analyzing a company’s ability to export. All of the resources available on the globalEDGE website that are accessible from the export tutorials will not only expand your knowledge of exporting and international business, but provide more comprehensive detail on all of the capabilities the globalEDGE site provides.

Whether you are just beginning to look into exporting, or trying to finalize the financing and compliance before you launch your international project, the export tutorials on globalEDGE will be of great benefit to you as a user. They are presented in a clear cut manner with in depth material and a wide array of outside resources. If you are looking to get started in the realm of international business and need help with your exporting services, look no further than the globalEDGE export tutorials.  While you are on the website, be sure to check out all of the other great resources that the site provides.