How-To Social Media: Lessons from Social Media Gurus

Author: Thomas Robb


Social media has swept the nation with nearly everyone and their grandmother posting daily updates on the likes of Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. However a recent study by global PR firm Weber Shandwick finds that 64% of CEOs at the world’s 50 largest companies do not engage in social media. The most popular form of communication between CEOs and their customers are posting letters on their companies’ websites with 28% of CEOs participating. This is followed by 18% posting videos on YouTube, 8% using Twitter, 4% using Facebook, 4% using MySpace and 4% using LinkedIn.

This trend is slowly reversing and is being led by a small group of cutting edge CEO’s. provides a list of the most influential CEOs in the social media space and provides their top 5 with examples of how the global business leader can enhance their online presence.

1. Brooke Burke, Co-CEO, ModernMom
Brooke Burke is best known as the host of Dancing With the Stars, but many are unaware of her entrepreneur endeavors. ModernMom is an online parenting guide that has an active presence on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Their YouTube channel has 270 videos with the best performing videos featuring exercise and health tips from Burke.
Tip: Be personal and contribute where you can add value.

2. Pete Carroll, Head Coach & EVP, Seattle Seahawks
Carroll is known as one of the more social coaches and business heads in sports. Carroll shines on YouTube by offering pre-season, training and interview videos that take and informative and personal point of view. Viewers feel like he’s speaking directly to them and has racked up 3.7 million video views.
Tip: Know your audience and speak about topics they care about.

3. Tim O’Reilly, Founder and CEO, O’Reilly Media
Tim O’Reilly is an authority on all things tech and has the highest Klout Score (87 of 100). At the Web 2.0 conference, O’Reilly maintained an active stream on Twitter regarding the latest announcements. O’Reilly also keeps a well updated catalog of his recent speeches on his YouTube channel.
Tip: Provide thought-provoking commentary in your area of expertise and stay relevant.

4. Craig Engler, SVP & GM of Digital, Syfy
If Darth Vader had Twitter he would follow Craig Engler. Engler shows his passion for Syfy’s viewers by answering their questions and tweeting interesting information throughout the day and even on nights and weekends.
Tip: Be personal and passionate – users love to interact with the face behind the company.

5. Steve Rubel, SVP, Director of Insights for Edelman Digital
While most people share news on Twitter, Steve Rubel is known to be one of the few that actually creates it. He has a monthly column on and Advertising Age and also runs a very popular blog on marketing, media and technology. His followers enjoy his range of information sources and are very engaged in his posts.
Tip: Learn to master news creation and distribution – both are keys to success.

Is your business up to speed on its social media?