The Swedish Consumer Agency is the state agency tasked with safeguarding consumer interests. This site contains a list of consumer rights in Sweden as well as information regarding product safety, filing complaints, and budget and debt.

The Consumer Brand Association (CBA) assists members in producing safe products through scientific research, testing, and evaluation. The CBA website provides information about various issues, policies, and resources such as research, reports, and technical guidance and tools. In addition, recent news, events, and newsletters are available on the site.

Deloitte LLP combines in-depth knowledge and an understanding of sectors with the company's functional experiences to offer perspectives and research into the industry of consumer products. The site provides a background of the industry, reports and featured insights focused on issues facing the industry, and future outlooks.

IBM offers expertise on the consumer products industry to help assist users in addressing business challenges through reports and perspectives. This resource contains several case studies and reports on current industry problems and solutions to these problems. The site also provides information on analytics, commerce, and software related to consumer products.

The retail section of insights and publications from McKinsey and Company features recent in-depth articles on the retail industry. These articles present companies with advice and suggestions, industry trends, and interviews with leading industry professionals.

SAP offers articles that provide insight on all aspects of business in the consumer products industry: from the supply chain to marketing to product innovation. This site has many articles, found in PDF files, on past case studies and current opinions and analysis on the industry.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) protects the public by regulating the production of consumer products. The site includes information on recalls, safety education, regulations, and laws and standards. In addition, the site provides information about research and statistics, business and manufacturing, and recent news.