Sponsored by Barron’s investment magazine, Emerging Markets Daily is a blog that focuses on emerging market news and analyses. The blog provides relevant data and research on an emerging market to assist users in navigating the investment landscape. Blog articles are posted nearly every day and are searchable by topic or country.

Provided by Bloomberg, this section of the enterprise's website encompasses a wide variety of emerging market-related topics. These topics include daily news articles centered around emerging economies, videos on recent updates, and current photos that may interest users.

The City of London Investment Group PLC provides an emerging markets quarterly outlook. A review of the markets' performance in the past, as well as an analysis and projection for future performance, is provided. Users can download the full report for even more in-depth analysis.

The Emerging Market Global Players (EMGP) project, a collaborative effort led by the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, ranks multinational enterprises in emerging markets according to the level of foreign assets held. The project also works to strengthen international investment by providing educational services, policy analysis, as well as tools and resources through extensive research. Reports are listed by country and can be downloaded in PDF.

The Emerging Markets Institute at Cornell’s Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management provides useful information and academic research on emerging markets and their impact on the global economy. The website offers sections containing research publications, news, events, and resources.

The Emerging Markets Traders Association (EMTA) is the main trade group for emerging markets. The main goal of the EMTA is to promote fair, efficient, and transparent markets and also to integrate emerging markets into global capital markets.

As a Euromoney Institutional Investor Company, EMIS Emerging Markets delivers news, analysis, company data, and financial data directly from emerging markets to thousands of emerging market investors around the world. A subscription is required for most features on the site.

GlobalMarkets, formerly Emerging Markets, is the online version of the Global Markets magazine, which is the newspaper of record at the IMF and World Bank, as well as at several development banks around the world. This site is the user’s source for news, analysis, and commentary on topics comprising economic policy, international economics, and global financial markets all with a main focus on the emerging world.

The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) provides a research section on emerging markets. This research page includes top business news in emerging markets as well as an emerging markets highlighted article. Under the emerging markets tab, HKTDC provides infographics and an economic factsheet for many of the emerging market countries and areas.