The Centre for Intercultural Learning (offered by Foreign Affairs, Trade, and Development Canada) offers resources related to developing and refining the intercultural skills vital to a successful international experience. Available resources include over 100 “Country Insights” providing a local and Canadian prospective on culture for countries all over the world, the centre's Intercultures Magazine, and freely available research and discussion papers.
Atma Insights is a proprietary digital streaming service that helps professionals, educators, students, and global enthusiasts explore key international business topics as well as understand how culture impacts a range of business practices and management functions. The site provides learning videos focusing on global business topics and cultural practices, as well as an offering of sample course syllabi.
Cultural Savvy is tailored to the international business professional. This site provides advice, coaching, consulting, briefings, and workshops to users so that culture will no longer be a barrier in international business. The site also offers tips on business culture for a variety of countries, as well as related articles to accompany the tips.
Culture Crossing is an evolving database of cross-cultural information about every country in the world. The country guides to culture allow people from all walks of life to share essential tips with each other about how to navigate our increasingly borderless world with savvy and sensitivity.
This site focuses on Geert Hofstede's research on cultural dimensions. In addition to the scores and analysis on individual countries and regions, the site also provides charts and graphs of the data, as well as a listing of related publications and information about other cultural analysis resources.
Kwintessential includes several useful tools, including several language tools (language identifier, popular phrases, translation guides) as well as several culture related guides (doing business in guides, expat relocation guides, and business etiquette around the world) for a number of countries.
Created by the University of Texas at Austin, Cultural Interviews provides a compilation of over 200 brief cultural interviews with Latin American and Spanish executives. These Spanish-speaking executives discuss cultural issues that are of interest for businessmen dealing with Spanish and Latin American entities. The interviews are divided into the following categories: Negotiation, Language, Social Situations, Time & Schedules, and Spain Interviews.