globalEDGE Database of International Business Statistics™

Collecting, compiling, and organizing international business data is difficult and costly. Many scholars and firms do not have the resources necessary to conduct rigorous international business research. Finding comparable time series data is also a labor intensive task. These complexities often mean that international business studies include a smaller sample of countries and firms, often without the desirable power and quality. This is unfortunate since it hurts the credibility of the data, provides limited answers, and hinders the field's development.

We hope that the globalEDGE Database of International Business Statistics (DIBS) will alleviate some of the data collection complexities associated with international business research. Importantly, the globalEDGE DIBS is FREE. Interested academics (i.e., students, faculty, and researchers affiliated with a higher education institution, government agency, or think tank) may download data free of charge. The only requirements are that you register on globalEDGE (which is also FREE) using an institutional (.edu or .gov) email address and provide a statement of your intended use.
