Jamaica: Economy
Income Level (by per capita GNI) Source: The World Bank Possible values: High Income, Upper Middle Income, Lower Middle Income and Low Income |
Upper Middle Income |
Level of Development
Source: United Nations Possible values: Developed, In Transition and Developing |
Developing |
Economic Trivia | Jamaica is of the pioneering members of the CARICOM trade bloc. |
Source: United Nations Comtrade Note: Top 3 trade partners are calculated by imports + exports. |
Top 3 Trade Partners (2021): United States, Brazil, and China |
Top Industries Source: CIA World Factbook | Tourism; Bauxite/Alumina; Agro-Processing; Light Manufactures |
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) [1]
GDP, PPP (current international) | $33,424,077,379 (2022) |
GDP Growth Rate (annual %) | 4.2% (2022) |
GDP Per Capita, PPP (current international) | $11,822 (2022) |
GDP PPP, Billions USD - Last 5 Years
GDP Country Rank 139/197 (2022)
Economic Indicators [1]
Inflation, consumer prices (annual %) | 10.35% (2022) |
External debt stocks, total (DOD, current US$) | $17,701,301,681 (2021) |
Total tax rate (% of commercial profits) | 35.1% (2019) |
Real Interest Rate (5 year average %) | -2.194% (2022) |
Manufacturing, value added (% of GDP) | 8.504% (2022) |
Current Account Balance (BoP, current US$) | ($129,755,510) (2022) |
Inflation, % - Last 5 Years
Labor and Employment [1]
Labor Force, Total | 1,572,790 (2022) |
Employment in Agriculture (% of total employment) | 15.544% (2021) |
Employment in Industry (% of total employment) | 16.192% (2021) |
Employment in Services (% of total employment) | 68.264% (2021) |
Unemployment Rate | 6.049% (2022) |
Labor Force - Last 5 Years
Trade [1]
Imports of goods and services (current US$) | $7,729,988,090 (2022) |
Exports of goods and services (current US$) | $4,782,355,185 (2022) |
Total Merchandise Trade (% of GDP) | 51.919% (2022) |
FDI, net inflows (BoP, current US$) | $318,736,000 (2022) |
Commercial Service Exports (current US$) | $4,490,710,152 (2022) |
Imports, Millions USD - Last 5 Years
Economic Snapshot [1]
Note: Percentile ranks are calculated using the latest available data for all countries within the last 5 years.
How to interpret the graph: The purpose of this graph is to take a snapshot of a country’s economy in comparison to other economies. For example, Jamaica’s Exports rank is higher than 28.65% of the countries in the dataset. For Exports, FDI and GDP measures, a higher rank (closer to 100%) indicates a stronger economy. Conversely, for Unemployment and Inflation, a lower rank (closer to 0%) indicates a stronger economy.