The Emerging Market Global Players (EMGP) project, a collaborative effort led by the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, ranks multinational enterprises in emerging markets according to the level of foreign assets held. The project also works to strengthen international investment by providing educational services, policy analysis, as well as tools and resources through extensive research. Reports are listed by country and can be downloaded in PDF.

Mexico Business Directory provides access to information on all businesses in Mexico. The directory can be searched by company name, SIC category, or by other keywords.

Banco de Mexico serves as the central bank for Mexico. It offers information about currency, monetary and exchange rate policies, economic and financial indicators, and also publications, including annual reports and speeches.

Bancomext, Mexico's development bank, is responsible for financing international trade to aid the economic development in Mexico. The site provides information on various financing models, diverse services for professionals, information on various sectors, and information on international and national agreements.

The Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV) aims to provide helpful information and trading and market development services for businesses. The site provides information on capital markets, mutual funds, and issuers.

El Economista is a daily Mexican financial newspaper. It offers economic headlines, market indices, quotes, and market commentary. Available in Spanish only.

El Financiero is a leading financial Mexican newspaper. It has financial, business, and economy sections as well as national and international news. Available in Spanish only.

El Sol de México is a regional newspaper that provides current financial news and opinions for Mexico. Available in Spanish only.

The National Institute of Geography, Statistics, and Informatics (INEGI) offers information on doing business in Mexico. The site has a comprehensive archive of relevant Mexican statistics on topics such as the environment, economics, science, and technology. Also, surveys on issues like household income expenditures, as well as censuses, are provided.

The Government of Mexico website provides information in various areas such as procedures and services, the government, Mexican culture, business and finance, health, environment, and laws and regulations. The site is only available in Spanish.

This document explains how the Mexican Civil Code regulates sales representatives and distributorships. Also described are Mexico’s exclusivity terms, choice of law, non-compete provisions, mandatory provisions, and special tax considerations. Prepared by: Cuevaslugo Abogados.

The Secretary of the Economy website for Mexico provides trade and investment information, such as competitive reports and foreign trade, as well as national and international standards, industry information, and relative news. Available only in Spanish.