This document outlines how agents, distributors, and sales representatives are treated differently under Spanish law. It also describes exclusivity and non-competition provisions, choice of law, special tax considerations for businesses, and international conventions. It also provides links to several useful Spanish websites. Prepared by: DS Advocats. Opens in PDF.
Bank of Spain, also known as Banco de España, functions as the national central bank and supervisor for the Spanish banking system. Because of its affiliations with the European Systems of Central Banks, it also defines and implements the Eurosystem’s monetary policy, conducts currency exchange operations, promotes the sound working of payment systems, and issues legal tender banknotes. The site provides information about the bank's services and the Eurosystem, legislation, publications, and press releases.
The Bolsa de Madrid, or Madrid Stock Exchange, is a market that trades a range of products and also serves as a meeting point for companies and investors. The Madrid Stock Exchange strives for the further development of the Spanish economy, a greater majority of productive investments, and an increase in overall wealth. The Bolsa de Madrid website lists markets and prices, companies, indices, shares, exchange-traded funds, warrants, and investment funds. The site also contains publications and statistics, as well as studies and reports.
The Invest in Spain web portal provides resources and information designed to increase foreign investment in Spain. This organization promotes the investment climate in Spain by identifying the potential needs of investors and suggesting appropriate measures to meet these needs. The site includes a guide to doing business in Spain, economic reports, publications, information about the country's sectors, and news reports.
La Gaceta is a Spanish business newspaper published by the Madrid-based business group Negocios. The group publishes a magazine, Dinero, and owns the radio station Radio Intereconomía. The site is only available in Spanish.
As the official website of the Spanish government, the La Moncloa website provides information about the Spanish government, the President, and Spain, as well as press releases.
The official website of the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation provides insights and analyses of various Spanish industries and information regarding the Spanish economy, digitalization and artificial intelligence, telecommunications and digital infrastructure, and communications. This resource is available in Spanish with very limited English translations.
Spain Export and Investment (ICEX), also known as el Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior, works to help Spanish businesses increase their exports and facilitate an international presence. The website provides descriptions of ICEX's services, guides for new and habitual exporters, statistics, and information about investing in Spain. Site is only available in Spanish.
The National Statistics Institute (INE), also known as El Instituto Nacional de Estadística, is an internet-based statistical information storage system. The INE site contains statistics by industry, economic indicators, census reports, and publications.