The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) partnership with the European Union (EU) was created with the common goal of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger around the world. Their website provides figures, news, and publications on food security around the globe. The site also contains information about FAO and EU partnership projects pertaining to global food security.

Provided by the United States Department of Agriculture, the Economic Research Service provides analyses of the economic issues affecting the safety of the United States food supply. The Food Security & Hunger section of the site provides recent news briefs, publications on the topic, and statistics on food security in the U.S. and the world.

The role of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is to assess and communicate risks associated with the European food chain. The EFSA provides independent scientific advice and clear communication on existing and emerging risks to food safety. Home page links to news, opinion, events, and key topics related to food safety.

The official website of the United Nation's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) provides a wide range of information regarding the food security issues in developing countries. Readers have access to articles regarding food security for different countries and regions. Various publications on food security and links to agriculture statistics are also available.

The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) seeks policy solutions to end malnutrition and poverty. Research is organized by topic or specific country, and the site also provides the latest news and events relating to food policy. Research includes publications, data sets, models and simulations, and videos about food security.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) supplies a website pertaining to food safety procedures, produce regulations and policies, food recalls, and food defense and emergency response information. This website also provides specific information regarding importing agricultural products into the United States, including inspection standards and guidelines for exporting U.S. agricultural products. is a gateway website that provides links to selected United States government food-safety related information. Maintained by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the site provides recent recalls and alerts, tips to keep food safe, risk information, and food poisoning information.