The National Administration of Drugs, Foods, and Medical Devices, also known as Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica (ANMAT), is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and food and beverage industries within Argentina. The site contains information on regulations, press releases, and publications as well as state agency and medical publications links. Some areas of the site are only available in Spanish.

Assessing the Risks of Counterfeiting and Illicit Diversion for Health Care Products is a paper series published by the Center for Anti-Counterfeiting and Product Protection (A-CAPP) at Michigan State University. The paper addresses the threats of counterfeit products in the healthcare industry and how they affect businesses within the industry. Additionally, the report examines the global supply chain and counterfeit threats of pharmaceuticals. This resource opens in PDF.

The Department of Health is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the healthcare industry in Australia. The site contains publications, information about the department's programs, and relevant information for both consumers and medical professionals.

The Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Austrian healthcare industry. The site contains information for tourists traveling to Austria, physician certifications, and pediatric health. The information provided covers the Austrian healthcare system as well as more specific topics such as nutrition, diseases & medicines, and women & equality.

The Ministry of Health is responsible for overseeing and regulating the Healthcare Industry within Bahrain. This site contains information on medical services and institutions within Bahrain.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOH&FW) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Healthcare Industry within Bangladesh. This site contains information on healthcare services, budgets, and an annual report published by the MOH&FW.

The Federal Public Service (FPS) Health, Food Chain Safety, and Environment is responsible for overseeing and regulating Belgium's healthcare, food, and beverage industries. The site contains information about food safety, healthcare, the health of animals and plants, and the health of the environment. Food regulations are addressed for specific food production aspects and are downloadable in PDF. Some parts of the site are not available in English.

The Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Healthcare Industry within Brazil. The site contains news, education, and knowledge resources sorted by sector. Parts of the site are only available in Portuguese.

Health Canada is responsible for overseeing and regulating the Canadian healthcare industry. This site contains information on legislation, activities, and publications. This website is available in English and French.

The Public Health Agency of Canada is responsible for medical research and development and then communicating with the Canadian government to enforce policies and regulations within the public sector of the Canadian Healthcare Industry. This site contains resources on diseases, education, and statistics. The website is available in English and French.

The National Institute of Health, also known as Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS), is responsible for the medical research and regulation of the Colombian healthcare industry. This site contains information on public services and educational resources for the public. Only available in Spanish.

The Ministry of Health, also known as Ministerio de Salud, oversees and regulates the healthcare industry in Costa Rica. This site contains press releases, regulations, and a listing of services for both citizens and businesses. 

The Ministry of Health is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Croatian healthcare industry. This site contains information on services and regulations, strategy plans, and important documents relevant to healthcare in Croatia. It is only available in Croatian.

The Ministry of Public Health, also known as Ministerio de Salud Pública, is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Cuban Healthcare Industry. This site contains information on regulations, services, and statistics. Only available in Spanish.

Deloitte Life Sciences and Healthcare combines in-depth knowledge and an understanding of sectors with the company's functional experiences to offer perspectives and research into the healthcare industry. The site provides a background on the industry, reports and featured insights focused on issues facing the industry, and future outlooks.

The Danish Medicines Agency (DKMA) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries within Denmark. The site contains information on licensing and supervision, product information, medical devices, pharmacies, and the sale of medicines. A library of publications about pharmaceutical research and development is also available.

The Ministry of Health, also known as Ministerio de Salud, is charged with the education, oversight, and regulation of the healthcare industry within El Salvador. The site lists news, policies, and services the Ministry of Health provides.

The Agency of Medicines of Estonia is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries within Estonia. The site contains information on Estonia’s regulations, drug trials, and proper healthcare techniques.

The Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA) is responsible for the regulation of medicinal products for human and veterinary use in the European Economic Area. The HMA focuses on the development, coordination, and consistency of the European medical regulatory system. Its site contains information about the authorities of HMA as well as the regulations associated with human and veterinary medicines.

The Ministry of Health & Medical Services is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the healthcare industry within Fiji. This site contains information regarding the ministry and available health services as well as a media center with various articles, press releases, and speeches related to improving the healthcare industry.

France's Ministry of Social Affairs and Health oversees issues of social exclusion, unemployment, racism, sexism, and social justice. The Ministry is also responsible for regulating the public healthcare facilities and managing the health insurance sector of the French Social Security system. They also set prices pertaining to healthcare goods and services. Their site includes ministry information, campaigns, press documents, statistics, and publications. Only available in French.

The National Security Agency of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the French Healthcare Industry. This site contains information on news, activities, publications, and services as provided by the ANSM. Only available in French.

The German Medical Association is the central organization in the system of medical self-administration in Germany. It represents the interests of physicians in matters relating to professional policy and plays an active role in opinion-forming processes with regard to health, social policy, and in legislative procedures. The site contains information about health tips for patients and it explains how the organization will assist doctors in the medical field.

The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) is responsible for licensing and registering finished medicinal products as proof of safety and efficacy. BfArM monitors the risks of medicinal products by collecting and evaluating laboratory reports. The institute also evaluates and develops safe medical devices in Germany. The BfArM site contains information about the institute and its functions, medicinal products, and medical devices. Various research documents covering topics such as pharmacogenomics, pharmacoepidemiology, safety of medical devices, neuropsychopharmacology, special indications, and biostatistics are also available. 

Germany's Federal Ministry of Health is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the quality of the health care system and the prevention, rehabilitation, and disability policy for the country. The ministry's goals include the continuation of safeguards and further developing the effectiveness of health insurance. Its website contains information about the ministry itself, prevention, long-term care, and health. Recent topics in healthcare are also posted on the homepage.

The Ministry of Public Health and Welfare (MSPAS), was established to ensure the right to health of the inhabitants of Guatemala. The MSPAS regulates the health services, and controls the financing and management of the resources, orienting it towards health promotion, disease prevention, and people recovery and rehabilitation with quality and equity. This resource is only available in Spanish.

Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) is an organization devoted to sharing knowledge, spurring innovation, and encouraging collaboration in the healthcare industry. The HIMSS website provides industry news, research, and reports, in addition to information on all the hot and not-so-hot topics and trends in the industry.

Healthcare IT News offers a wealth of healthcare information in the form of an e-newsletter, articles, and a blog. Some portions of the site are not accessible without registration, but registration and membership for this site are free. 

Iceland's Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour deals with policy-making relating to social affairs, health, and social security. This site provides an overview of the ministry as well as some of its legislation and publications.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) is responsible for maintaining and improving the healthcare system and population control measures of India. An overview of the ministry links to its various departments and programs and reports are listed on the website along with information regarding medical education and counseling.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is the apex body in India for the formulation, coordination, and promotion of biomedical research. Aside from information about research and a directory of council directors, publications regarding medical research and scientific forms are available and may be downloaded from the website in PDF.

The Ministry of Health is responsible for overseeing healthcare services in Indonesia. The site includes public information, public services, data publications, and news. Some pages are available only in Indonesian.

The Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) is a non-profit organization that strives to improve healthcare throughout the world. Its website has a knowledge center that contains publications, IHI white papers, presentations, case studies, and additional websites for healthcare industry information. The user communities within the site also provide a forum for discussion groups and blogs. There is also a helpful search tool to browse the website by medical interest.

The International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) oversees the standards of drug development and registration and brings together the regulatory authorities of Europe, Japan, and the U.S. to discuss scientific and technical aspects of drug registration. The ICH website provides press releases, ICH guidelines on products, a calendar of meetings, and information on training. 

The Department of Health is responsible for improving the health and well-being of people in Ireland in a manner that promotes better health for everyone, fair access, responsive and appropriate care delivery, and high performance. The site includes a news center, publications and statistics, and information about projects being done by the department.

The Ministry of Health bears national responsibility for ensuring the health of the population of Israel. The Ministry determines the policy on matters of health and medical services, and is in charge of planning, supervision and control, licensing and coordination of the health system’s services.

The Ministry of Health has been assigned the responsibility to look over the healthcare, veterinary healthcare, and occupational healthcare industries, as well as coordinate national health services and regulate hygiene and food safety in Italy. The site offers information on the ministry such as the functions, organizations, and information on the National Health Council. The site provides tools and services for users. Only available in Italian.

The Ministry of Health's (MOH) mission is to ensure the provision of quality health services and to promote healthy lifestyles and environmental practices in Jamaica. The ministry, together with its regional health authorities, agencies, and related organizations, make up the public health system and are responsible for healthcare delivery across the island. The MOH website provides current news regarding healthcare and pharmaceuticals as well as information about the ministry's services.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare provides regulations on maximum residue limits for agricultural chemicals in foods, basic food and drug regulations, standards for foods, and food additives for Japan. The site includes policy information, news, statistics, and documents.

The National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS) conducts testing, research, and studies toward the proper evaluation of the quality, safety, and efficacy of pharmaceutical products, foods, and the numerous chemicals in the living environment. The site includes information on drugs, medical devices, food, and chemicals as well as general information on the NIHS.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) is responsible for maintaining public health by offering preventive, treatment, and health control services. The ministry also organizes and supervises health services offered by the public and private sectors. The site provides access to publications, health information systems, primary community initiatives, and nutrition education. Certain links on the site are only available in Arabic.

Lebanon's Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) works to improve the health of its citizens by providing them access to services through universal coverage. The website includes information on laws and regulations, medical care, prevention, e-services, and drugs. It also provides statistics, publications, news, events, and conferences. The news articles and announcements are generally in Arabic.

Luxembourg's Ministry of Health studies public health problems, advises public authorities and communities on health issues, ensures compliance with legal and regulatory provisions, and takes necessary emergency measures to protect the public's health. The ministry also collaborates on national and international levels to develop and implement health policies. The site explains the healthcare system in Luxembourg regarding its departments, services, and financing. It also provides information about diseases, prevention methods, health occupations, and the rights of citizens. Resources are only available in French. 

The purpose of the Ministry of Health is to establish systems for health, well-being, and social protection of its people. Their goal is to provide affordable, accessible, and high-quality healthcare services as well as drug rehabilitation services. The Ministry of Health also strengthens the mechanisms for protecting the rights of its children, women, persons with disabilities, and the elderly. Website is in Divehi. 

The Ministry for Health is responsible for regulating health institutions, promoting healthy living, supporting the elderly, and offering rehabilitation for people with disabilities in Malta. Its official website includes information on healthy living, events, health institutions, services, and health promotion. The website is available in English and Maltese.

Central to the recent global debate on national health care are issues concerning economics and cultural values that drive decisions affecting the scale, scope, and delivery of health services (both preventive and treatment) provided for a country’s population. While most agree on the goal of seeking quality health care at an affordable price, wide disagreement exists, both within and across nations, about who (government, individual, or third party) should pay for what service and whether national health care should operate as a business, public welfare program, or a social enterprise. In the absence of clear evidence favoring one option over another, policymakers engage in “strategic choice” (Child, 1972), choosing between value-based priorities and criteria of operational effectiveness in making national health care decisions.  

This special issue seeks to publish research that helps delineate the complex nature of national health care and offers evidence-based recommendations for its effective management. We are particularly interested in studies that investigate fundamental tensions between economic concerns and cultural values surrounding national health care, and how these tensions can be resolved or managed through strategic choice. Additionally, we encourage submissions that seek to frame the debate in novel and creative ways with the aim of introducing innovations into the design and/or delivery of health care at different levels of operation (e.g., individual, organization, regional, country, and international). Finally, given the important role played by pharmaceutical companies in the health care field, we also welcome contributions that examine topics related to policies and practices concerning the development of new drugs, particularly those that combat rare and neglected diseases.

Authors interested in submitting to the Special Issue should send an abstract (maximum 3 double-spaced pages) to the guest editor at the address below summarizing the key ideas of their paper and how it helps advance fundamental knowledge about national health care and its effective management. EJIM publishes both conceptual and empirical works, with special interest in papers that develop interdisciplinary knowledge by integrating theoretical ideas and research methods from two or more disciplines.

Notes for Intending Authors

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

All papers are refereed through a peer-review process. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines webpage (

Important Dates

Deadline for Abstract Submission: November 1, 2010
Deadline for Abstract Review Notification: December 15, 2010
Deadline for Full Paper Submission: May 1, 2011

Email Addresses
You may email one copy of your submission in the form of an attached MS Word file (details in Author Guidelines) to:

Professor Joseph Cheng
College of Business
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Champaign, IL 61820, USA. 

With an email copy to:

EJIM Editorial Team


IEL Editorial Office

Please include in your submission the title of the Special Issue, the title of the Journal and the name of the Guest Editor.

The Ministry of Health and Quality of Life tries to enhance the population's health status and improve the quality of healthcare delivery by monitoring the sanitation of hospitals, clinics, and blood transfusion centers and collaborating with other organizations to approve pharmaceuticals for public use. The site provides information about various departments and hospitals, statistical data, relevant laws, and recent news and events.

A product of McKinsey & Co., the site features in-depth articles on several different industries including healthcare and pharmaceuticals. Articles present companies with advice and suggestions along with industry trends. Interviews with leading industry professionals are also provided.

Medscape is a comprehensive medical resource for professionals in the industry. It seeks to aid healthcare providers in patient care by providing access to clinical studies and medical journals, conference coverage, educational activities, business-related practice information, reviews, columns, and commentaries. A cost-free registration is required to access this resource.

The Ministry of Health is responsible for monitoring the universal healthcare system and approving medical facilities. They also regulate the importation standards of drugs, medical goods, and agricultural products. The site provides information on hospitals, institutes, and standards. 

The Ministry of Health and Population is responsible for developing standards for the health care system regarding hospital sanitation, medical professionals, and drug distribution. They are also in charge of population and disease control with various international health agencies. This site is available in limited English.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) assesses and regulates medical products for distribution, the healthcare workforce, and medical standards in New Zealand. The site provides information on the health system, featured work by the ministry, statistics, and publications.

The Ministry of Health, also known as the Ministerio de Salud, in Nicaragua manages the standards for healthcare facilities, water, and agriculture sanitation, as well as drug approval and distribution. The ministry's website contains information on the institution, its branches, recent health news, statistics, and upcoming events. Only available in Spanish.

Nigeria's National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) is responsible for monitoring the pharmaceutical and agricultural industry. NAFDAC also regulates the standards of what drugs or foods should be available to the public. The site includes general information about the organization, regulations, guidelines, publications, news, and events.

The Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD) is responsible for government policy on health and care services in Norway. HOD also monitors the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry, health and social services professionals, health research, and hospitals.

The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) aims to provide effective regulation of drugs and health products. The site offers legislation, services, and reports.

The Ministry of Health, also known as el Ministerio de Salud, regulates the healthcare system in Panama. The site contains programs and projects, health information, campaigns, publications, and a press center. The site is only available in Spanish. 

The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare, also known as Ministerio de Salud Publica y Bienestar Social, sets the standards for medical facilities, medical professionals, and drug approval. It also oversees issues of unemployment, welfare, and social justice. This site provides information about the ministry's programs and regulations. Only available in Spanish. 

The Ministry of Health of Peru, also known as el Ministro de Salud del Perú, is responsible for the healthcare sector and monitoring the drugs released by the pharmaceutical industry. Additionally, it formulates public policy regarding sanitation. Its site contains statistics and news publications related to the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries and basic information about common medical disorders in the country. This resource is only available in Spanish.

The Ministry of Health in Poland regulates national healthcare policy and oversees the state-financed system and the National Health Fund, which provides free medical treatment countrywide to all citizens and legal residents. It is also responsible for overseeing the labeling and safety of medical goods and services. Furthermore, the ministry's website contains information about the healthcare system, medical treatments, and pharmaceutical products.

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) provides background information on industry sectors globally. This site includes an up-to-date industry environment description, challenges facing the industry and potential solutions, free downloadable publications including annual reviews, and insights into current events.

The Romanian Ministry of Health (MS) is responsible for managing the National Health Program and the general regulatory framework in Romania. The site provides information about the structure of the ministry and information about various topics of concern, such as nutrition, drugs, and vaccinations. In addition, the site provides various reports, press releases, and speeches. Only available in Romanian.

Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Health (MOH) regulates the governmental and private health sectors. This agency sets medical research, academic/professional degrees, and sanitation standards. The site includes information on ministry sectors and services provided. Certain features of the site require a free registration. Site available in English and Arabic.

The Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of Serbia (ALIMS) issues market authorizations for medical products and equipment, evaluates their quality in compliance with laws and standards, and provides public information about the use of medicines and medical devices. The ALIMS website contains information about regulations, medical commodities, veterinary medicines, and pharmacovigilance. News and press releases are also available. 

The Ministry of Health regulates the conditions of medicine manufacturing and inspects medical facilities. It also issues medical licenses for professionals and sets standards for sanitation and vaccinations. The Ministry of Health's website contains information about health sectors, international projects, laws, and news.

The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) is responsible for administering Singapore's national regulatory frameworks for pharmaceuticals, complementary medicines, medical devices, and other health products. HSA also runs the national blood bank and oversees the standards for medical services, forensic medicine expertise, as well as investigative forensic and analytical science services.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) manages the public healthcare system of Singapore to ensure that affordable essential medical services are available to all. MOH also licenses and regulates all healthcare establishments, such as hospitals, nursing homes, clinical laboratories, and dental clinics. The site provides a comprehensive overview of Singapore’s healthcare system regarding policies and issues, costs and financing, and diseases and conditions. A practical medical directory also allows users to search for licensed healthcare institutions.

The Department of Health is responsible for national health policy and the administration of public health. The department regulates the pharmaceutical industry, approves medical goods and services, issues medical licenses, and oversees insurance policy. This site contains information regarding the department and the services it provides, a resource center, and media available for download.

The Ministry of Health, Social Services, and Equality in Spain regulates the healthcare industry by carrying out the government's policies on consumer health and assistance as well as protection against discrimination. It also manages the budget for Spain's various public health facilities. This resource provides information about the Ministry and its services, statistics, and publications. A limited English version is available. 

The Ministry of Health, Nutrition & Indigenous Medicine is responsible for protecting public health in Sri Lanka. The ministry implements policies to ensure the safety of the production of health services provided to the public. They also promote health programs to educate the public on disease prevention and their quality of health.

The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) is responsible for improving Taiwan's healthcare quality the quality. The MOHW works to improve and expand healthcare services both domestically and internationally while industrializing health technologies. The MOHW website contains information about the ministry, its work, laws and regulations, and statistics and publications. offers a wide range of current industry information to help exporters of U.S. goods and services get the information they need to compete successfully in overseas markets. This information includes trade events, market research, trade agreements, statistics and data, publications, industry associations, and points of contact for the industry.

The Ministry of Health is responsible for regulating Trinidad and Tobago's health system and protecting public health by ensuring that all health service institutions conform to safety standards. The Ministry's website provides access to information regarding disease prevention and safe healthcare procedures, statistics, and a list of health facilities.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) regulates medical institutes and their infrastructures. The MOH also provides simple access to information regarding public health, potential health threats, and the prevention of diseases. The ministry also promotes health research and investments. Only available with limited English translation. 

The Ministry of Health in the Ukraine is responsible for implementing regulatory policies in the healthcare industry. The ministry ensures access to public information regarding health risks and disease preventative measures, and is in charge of altering the public of potential health risks such as diseases or environmental hazards.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) of the United Arab Emirates is responsible for establishing and implementing policies that regulate the healthcare industry, maintaining infrastructural facilities, and developing healthcare safety systems to counter health hazards. The MOH site provides information about the Ministry's services, data and research reports, news, and events. 

The Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC) is responsible for the standards of health care in the United Kingdom. The DHSC sets the framework for adult social care and they authorize officials on what they should spend on social care. They promote and protect public health by taking the lead on issues such as environmental hazards to health, diseases, health promotion & education, and the safety of medicines.

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) supports research to improve the quality and safety of healthcare to help people make more informed healthcare decisions. The AHRQ provides easy access to information for United States citizens and healthcare providers, as well as research tools and data for those in the healthcare industry.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) promote health, prevent diseases, injury and disability, and prepare for new health threats in the United States. The site provides information about diseases and conditions, healthy living, and traveler's health. In addition, the CDC site provides information regarding new studies and results, emergency preparedness, and various outbreaks.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) hosts programs that provide equitable treatment of beneficiaries and enable the collection of national health data. HHS conducts research, studies food and drug safety, and offers grants. The HHS website provides users with news related to the healthcare industry as well as information about prevention, regulations, and how to be prepared for a potential public health emergency.

The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) oversees legislation on public health, public welfare, and environmental health in Guam, a territory of the United States of America. The site contains department information and provides regular announcements and press releases relating to its legislative oversight.

The Ministry of Public Health, also known as the Ministerio de Salud Pública, is responsible for establishing policies and strategies to protect the public health of Uruguay. The ministry informs the public and officials of potential public health issues, takes emergency measures for severe public health conditions, and trains employees on how to comply with regulatory legislation. Only available in Spanish. 

The Ministry of Health has responsibilities such as studying problems pertaining to public health in Vietnam, advising public authorities and the population on health issues, ensuring officials' compliance with regulatory policies, and taking emergency measures to protect health. Although portions of the site are available in English, a majority is only available in Vietnamese.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. WHO is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends. The WHO website contains a variety of healthcare-related publications, as well as information about the organization, its programs, and healthcare statistics.

The Ministry of Health of Zambia is in charge of addressing and sharing health-related ideas with the public in order to provide the people of Zambia with available, effective, and quality healthcare. The site provides information on current problematic diseases and conditions in the country, downloads of relevant publications, and a listing of medical tenders.

The Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) aims to protect public and animal health by keeping the public informed of which medicines, allied substances, and medical devices are safe and effective. The site contains recent news and announcements regarding healthcare and has numerous regulatory and licensing documents that are available for download in PDF.