The Department of the Environment and Energy designs and implements policies and programs to protect and conserve the environment, water, and heritage while promoting climate action. The department deals with topics including air quality, national fuel quality standards, and renewable energy. The site is a source for information regarding the department's legislation, grants, permits and licenses, and programs.

Public Safety Canada protects Canadians from risks such as natural disasters, crime, and terrorism. Its official website includes information on national security, border strategies, countering crime, and emergency management. The website is available in English and French.

Deloitte LLP combines in-depth knowledge and an understanding of sectors with the company's functional experiences to offer perspectives and research into the public sector. The site provides a background of the industry, reports and featured insights focused on issues facing the industry and future outlooks.

The International Union of Railways (UIC) is the world-wide organization for international cooperation among railways and promotion of the rail transport mode. Its website provides information regarding press releases, ENEWS articles, projects, and an activities/topics section that covers a range of areas.

A product of McKinsey & Company, the site features in-depth articles on several different industries including the public sector. Articles and reports present companies with advice and suggestions along with industry trends. 

NRC Environmental Services provides contact information for 24-Hour emergency service or response and offers services in response to industrial, power generation, transportation, oil and gas, and marine solutions.

Norway's Ministry of Education and Research oversees primary, secondary, upper secondary, higher level, and tertiary vocational education sectors. It is also responsible for kindergartens, cultural schools, and research. In addition, the site provides current information on several topics related to education in Norway, as well as official documents and other resources.

Port Technology International includes technical papers, industry related news, a port directory, and notices regarding upcoming events. In addition, it offers a subscription to the quarterly journal.

PricewaterhouseCoopers provides background information on industry sectors globally. This site includes challenges facing the industry and potential solutions, general insights, and links to further explore certain facets of the public service industry. 

The "Power and Utilities" section of the PricewaterhouseCoopers site provides information and access to a series of utility topics. Discussion papers, global surveys, annual reviews, analytical papers, and a glossary of terms are also available on the site. 

Funded by global trade unions, the Public Services International Research Unit (PSIRU) compiles empirical research on public services and the privatization of such services. Based out of the University of Greenwich in the United Kingdom, PSIRU has hundreds of research reports written by professors and professional researchers.

The Ministry of Education and Research in Sweden is responsible for all levels of education and funding research within the country. Its website describes the ministry's activities and responsibilities in-depth and provides recent news and publications related to educational research.

The Union of European Railway Industries (UNIFE) is the European network for the railway supply industry. It is a professional association representing the interests of companies in the industry. UNIFE’s mission is to enhance the competitiveness of the railway industry and to promote European policies favorable to rail. The site contains information on several topics, such as trade and international affairs, standards and regulations, and environment and sustainability. Also available on the site is information regarding UNIFE's current projects, news and publications, and industry events.

The Environment Agency is the leading public body for protecting and improving the environment in England and Wales. This site provides environmental information including statistics, publications, policies, and consultation on environmental issues.

The Department of Education (ED) promotes educational excellence and equal access to schooling. The department establishes policies on federal financial aid for education, monitors these funds, and collects data on US schools. Its site provides in-depth coverage of the types of student loans and grants available for students pursuing an education at a post-secondary institution. Users may also access a library containing laws related to education as well as data and findings from research done by the ED.

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) works to regulate and strengthen the national housing market. Information is included on different housing topics for different audiences, including home buyers, homeowners, and landlords. In addition, the site provides information by states, topic areas, and additional resources.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protects human health and the environment by developing regulations, giving grants, studying environmental issues, and teaching people about the environment. The EPA ensures that all Americans are protected from health risks and partakes in national efforts to reduce environmental risks. On this site, you can learn about the laws and regulations that protect the environment as well as potential risks that are of interest to the EPA.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) promotes the progress of science, advances national health, prosperity, and welfare, and secures national defense. NSF funds research conducted by universities and supports all fundamental science and engineering fields. Users can read about recent discoveries, news, statistics, and publications.