Classification Standards | Currency | General Guides | Time contains a wide variety of easy-to-use converters. Convertors for measurements such as currency, length/distance, weight/mass, and others are all provided by this site.

Foxjump Systems provides a multi-date currency converter that allows users to convert data from one currency to another. Users are able to paste data directly from Microsoft Excel or Google Spreadsheets into the converter tool, which produces a table including the original data, the converted currency amounts, and the exchange rates for each date.

The Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) website provides time zones for every country around the world, as well as the current times in the world's major cities. In addition to the time zones, some other special features include time zone conversion and a list of countries that do not use daylight saving time regimes.

The Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) was launched as an initiative to strengthen transparency and promote good governance practices by establishing standards and codes. It shows how the IMF has taken measures to improve statistical practices of countries by providing key economic and financial data and the practical steps followed by the different countries that have signed the standard.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Standards Glossary presents a quick reference to international standards and specifications that establish a common language. This website also describes technical specifications and other precise criteria designed to be used consistently. Users are able to identify appropriate standards as well as provides official titles and descriptions by browsing this glossary, and the standards included are classified by number for ease of use.

OANDA provides currency trading information, business services and currency tools. There are a number of helpful conversion tools including a currency converter, a travel exchange rate convertor, and currency tables. Each tool allows the language, the currency, and the date to be selected. The website also features simple global money transfer tools as well as exchange rate subscriptions for reliable exchange rates. is a website that contains a wide range of interactive conversion utilities. This site contains a variety of conversion categories, including economy, currency, date/time, and finance.

The time zone converter on Savvy Time is a helpful resource for those looking to easily find time differences between different locations. Users can choose to compare between time zones or cities, and will find the current time in both locations.

The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Identification Tools page provides users with drilldown tables to search for specific NAICS codes as well as codes from the previously used U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. Users may also search for NAICS codes by keyword or look up business listings in the provided company lookup tool. An additional feature on the site allows users to input old SIC codes to be converted into their current NAICS code.

The Time Now offers useful tools for converting between time zones, finding the current time in major cities across the world, and planning international meetings.

Time and Date features a world clock with current times that can be sorted by city, country, or time. The website also has time zone maps, a meeting planner for those arranging meetings across different time zones, as well as local weather information.

The Time Zone Converter provides a time converter and world time for countries of the world.  The converter is very easy to use, and has the option of converting either the current time or the date and time of an event, such as an important business meeting.

A resource from the U.S. Naval Observatory, the time zone map provides a geographic view of local times from around the world. The printable versions of the map are the easiest to read.

TimeJones provides a variety of standards and conversions tools including a time zone converter, a world clock, as well as a holiday list for countries in Asia, Europe, and North America. 

World Time Server provides current local times by country, as well as a convenient meeting planner to compare the time in multiple locations in order to effectively plan meeting times. This resource also includes a time zone converter and weather information that can be sorted by country as well.

World Time Zone is an online time zone map which displays the current time in specific time zones. Users may search for the time in specific cities and also view zoomed-in portions of the map by region. 

XE is a comprehensive currency website that provides various foreign currency exchange tools and services. Some of these tools include a currency update email service, a travel expenses calculator, currency charts, and historical rate tables. A universal currency converter is also available and allows easy conversion of one currency rate to another.