Statistics Office
Iraq's Central Statistical Organization (CSO) offers statistical information on various topics such as agriculture, environment, trade, index numbers, and national accounts. Additional statistics covering different aspects of life in Iraq including demographics, employment, education, and welfare are also available.
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) provides information on the population and economy, such as statistical data including an annual survey of trade and monthly reports on the Brazilian economy. Some information on the website is only available in Portuguese.
The Albania Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) is an independent institution under the authority of the council of ministers. The web site includes monthly, quarterly, and yearly data on social and economic indicators.
The National Office of Statistics of Algeria provides statistical data for many different aspects of the country. The site includes demographic, social, and economic statistics. Available only in French.
The Department of Statistics (DS) keeps official statistics and presents them to the public. The site includes sections on society and population, the labor market, business sectors, and the economy.
The National Institute of Statistics and Census, also known as Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos (INDEC), is responsible for providing statistical data about economic activity, investment, labor market, prices, foreign trade, public finance, capital market, and money and banking in Argentina. Available in Spanish with limited availability in English.
As a state body, the Statistical Service of the Republic of Armenia publishes statistics for government and public use. The site includes databases and a search feature to navigate the information, as well as a calendar with release dates.
Aruba's Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) provides detailed statistics collected by the government of Aruba. Larger statistical categories include the business and economy, environment, labor, and tourism. Some statistics are updated infrequently, but the latest publications and updates are listed on the home page.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) provides key statistics on a wide range of economic, environmental, and social aspects. The ABS coordinates statistical activities in order to collect, compile, analyze, and distribute statistics with the aim of making their community more well informed and productive.
Statistics Austria contains a wide range of statistical information, including industry specific data, demographic statistics, and economic indicators in Austria. The site also compiles publications, services, and surveys.
The State Statistical Committee website contains demographic, social, economic, and environmental statistics for Azerbaijan. The site also offers information on legislation, publications, and e-services for its users.
This resource contains statistical information on the Bahamas provided by the Department of Statistics of the Bahamas. Its data includes statistics on the labor force, trade & industry, economics, imports & exports, and other key statistics for doing business in the Bahamas. The resource also provides historical archives and reports for the viewer.
Official government statistics on all aspects of life in Bahrain. The website provides features for analyzing data, as well as raw numbers.
The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics offers current and archived data on economic, environmental, and social statistics. Its role is to provide the government with statistical information to guide decision making and developmental processes.
The National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus is the official institution in charge of collecting and publishing statistics on various parts of the country. Its website includes the structure of statistics collected, official country statistics, population censuses, sample surveys, events, news, and publications.
Statistics Belgium provides data related to Belgium, as well as other countries. It also links to statistical agencies' international, regional, or country-specific websites.
The Statistical Institute of Belize (SIB) provides statistical information on various aspects of Belize, including economic, labor, and population information. They also offer diverse publications for international and local clients.
The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Analysis (INSAE) site includes news, events, surveys, methodology, documentation, recruitment, news pertinent to statistics, and the economy of Benin. Only available in French.
The Bermuda Department of Statistics collects statistics regarding Bermuda's economy and society. Specific reports are available which cover topics such as employment, household expenditure, population and demographics, GDP, and consumer pricing.
The National Statistics Institute, also known as Instituto Nacional de Estadística, provides and analyzes statistics on various aspects concerning Bolivia to offer users a greater perspective of Bolivia’s economic and social situation. Statistics include, but are not limited to, the economy, demographics, geographical information, and the environment. Only available in Spanish.
The Federal Office of Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the primary office in charge of gathering statistical information for the country. The site includes general country statistics, information on the statistical system, surveys, indices, news, and publications. Site only available in Bosnian.
Statistics Botswana provides statistical services to the government, the private sector, and the public. The website provides social and economic statistics, a data portal, and a database of publications.
The National Statistical Institute (NSI) for the Republic of Bulgaria offers comprehensive statistical information about Bulgaria and other countries for use in comparisons and analyses. The site provides statistics on industries and information on foreign trade, business surveys, and gross domestic product.
The Bureau of National Statistics Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a government department that collects and disseminates statistical information to the government, economic circles, and the general community. The agency's information covers economic, demographic, and developmental indicators.
The Burkina Faso National Institute of Statistics and Demography is an organization under the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Structural and trend data are provided, as well as a catalog of publications. Site is only available in French.
The Central Statistical Organization's (CSO) purpose is to provide quality and correct statistics through collection, compilation, and dissemination. It allows users to combine and use the statistics to develop a more efficient system to plan economic, social, and administrative affairs in Burma. The CSO has publications for policymakers, planners, researchers, and other interested users.
The Cabo Verde National Institute of Statistics is responsible for the production, collection, analysis, and dissemination of official national statistics. The site contains statistics on indicators such as population, the economy, inflation and exchange rates, agriculture, foreign trade, and transportation. Only available in Portuguese.
The National Institute of Statistics (NIS) functions as an integral part of the Ministry of Planning of Cambodia. The website offers statistics on demographics, the consumer price index, and national accounts. The NIS site has some publications listed that are only available for purchase.
Cameroon's National Institute of Statistics is responsible for providing statistical data about structural statistics like agriculture, finance, and mining, as well as quarterly conjunctural statistics. The site is available in English and French, although many of the PDF files are only available in French.
Statistics Canada is the national statistical office. The agency ensures Canadians have the key information on Canada's economy, society, and environment to function effectively as citizens and decision-makers. The website is available in English and French.
The Economics and Statistics Office provides economic indicators for the Cayman Islands. The site also contains several statistical reports which users can search for by topic or sector.
The site for the National Statistics Institute of Chile, also known as Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas (INE), is a collection of Chilean statistics and indices that provides helpful information for doing business in Chile. The website highlights the price index, employment figures, monthly indicators, regional indicators, and census data. Some features of the site are available only in Spanish.
The Chinese National Bureau of Statistics offers rich statistics on key economic indicators, which are organized by month, quarter, and year. Other statistics on the site include the consumer price index, total retail sales of consumer goods, and investment in fixed assets.
Costa Rica’s National Institute of Statistics and Census, also known as Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Censos (INEC), manages the country’s national statistics. The INEC site provides statistics by categories such as the economy, society, environment, population, education, and households. Census data, publications, press releases, surveys, and methodologies are also provided. Site available in English and Spanish.
The National Statistical Institute (INS) serves as the principal statistics office for Cote d'Ivoire. The site includes general information as well as economic statistics and various indices. Only available in French.
The Croatian Bureau of Statistics (CBS) provides expert work concerning preparation and carrying out of statistical surveys in the Republic of Croatia. It collects, processes, analyzes, and publishes statistical data on the basis of unique methodology and uniform statistical standards.
The Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT) provides information about economic, demographic, social, and environmental trends. The site contains the results of surveys and censuses that CYSTAT conducts, information on specific industries, and publications.
Czech Statistical Office (CZSO) contains statistical information covering several areas such as external trade, financial data, prices and inflation, regional statistics, and macroeconomic indicators. In addition, the site provides analysis and commentaries, a public database, an external trade database, and various publications.
Statistics Denmark is the central authority on statistics that collects, compiles, and publishes statistics on Denmark. A variety of data regarding specific business sectors, labor, the economy, and finance are all available on the site. The authority also provides a number of products and services, such as surveys and data for research and analysis for varying nominal fees.
Provided by the Government of the Dominican Republic, the National Office of Statistics (ONE) is the official institution for collecting and disseminating statistics in the Dominican Republic. The website provides information on the office's background, services, statistics, and links to external statistical resources.
The National Institute of Statistics and Census, also known as Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Censos (INEC), provides statistical data on population, censuses, consumer price indexes, producer price indexes, and other demographic and economic data. The INEC website contains information about the institute, its services, publications, and various forms of statistical data. The website is only available in Spanish.
The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics provides statistics and economic indicators regarding Egypt's business environment. This resource also contains information regarding Egyptian consumer prices, labor forces, foreign trade, manufacturing industries, food commodity prices, building materials prices, and tourism. The website is in Arabic.
The Department of Statistics and Census, also known as Dirección General de Estadistica y Censos, provides statistical data on population, censuses, consumer price indexes, producer price indexes, and other demographic and economic data. These offerings can be found underneath the "temas" section. Only available in Spanish.
The Statistics Estonia (SE) website offers extensive data on the economic and social aspects of Estonia. A wide range of indicators are covered with some archived data starting from 1992. The resource also includes news articles and publications giving current statistical trends.
The Central Statistical Office of Eswatini aims to provide high-quality statistical data and information about the nation in order to assist government leaders with policy planning and national development. A variety of statistics are available on different aspects of the nation, including the economy, agriculture, demographics, tourism, and prices. Various statistical reports are available in PDF.
Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology is an online statistics portal covering over 100 agencies within the United States. The website allows users to research statistics based on agencies, states, and subjects. The site also includes a search feature for statistics across agency websites.
The Federated States of Micronesia Division of Statistics website provides various statistics about the society, the economy, and the environment of Micronesia. The website also offers past statistical publications and infographics, available for download in PDF or as ZIP files.
The Fiji Bureau of Statistics (FBoS) provides various economic, demographic, tourism, and migration statistics. These statistics can be viewed on the FBoS website or in the form of free downloadable publications. The site also allows users to search a document library for recently released statistics and other information.
Statistics in Finland have various resources for gaining economic and trade statistics. Information on the site covers many topics, including population, trade, energy, science, technology research, and labor market data.
France's National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies provides a comprehensive collection of indicators and figures on French economic, demographic, and social aspects. The site includes statistical information on different topics and regions as well as unique databases, publications, services, and official indices.
The Federal Statistical Office, also known as Destatis, provides statistical information about Germany covering economic indicators, countries and regions, national economy and environment, economic sectors, and society and state. There are also a number of statistical publications which can be viewed and downloaded in PDF. Recent news and press releases are available on the homepage of the site.
Ghana Statistical Service is the main page for all official statistics from Ghana, allowing stakeholders a full view of quality country data. The site provides economic, social, and demographic statistics, censuses, and surveys and allows users to request customized data. In addition, the site provides multiple databases, current projects, and publications.
The Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) site provides statistical data categorized in various areas such as industries, international trade, the economy, and the population and social conditions. In addition, the site contains press releases, various indices, as well as news and announcements.
The National Statistics Institute of Guatemala (INE) provides statistical information on Guatemala. The site provides statistics that cover the sociodemographic, economic, and environmental aspects of Guatemala. In addition, the site provides access to databases and publications, general public information, and reference prices. This resource is only available in Spanish.
This is the national statistics webpage of Guinea. The site provides economic and demographic statistics, commodity prices, and currency exchange rates.
This is the official statistics webpage of Guinea-Bissau. The site provides general information about Guinea-Bissau and statistics regarding health, finance, and agriculture. The site also contains publications on the economy and demography of Guinea-Bissau, events, and links to statistics from other countries.
Guyana's Bureau of Statistics works with government departments to organize and publish statistical data on several sectors of the country. The site includes reports and publications, as well as the census.
This is the official website for the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) for the government of Hong Kong. It provides statistics covering various social and economic topics such as population, labor, trade, personal income, and business performance of the country's key industries. C&SD also features press releases and publications relating to the statistical topics covered by the site.
The Hungarian Central Statistical Office collects and organizes statistical data for the parliament and public administration, local authorities, scientific bodies, and economic and social organizations. Information provided by the site includes economic and financial data, key production and consumer indicators, and news on important statistical events.
Statistics Iceland is the national statistical institute of Iceland. The site provides data collected on the population, environment, economy, business sectors, and society. The site also contains a collection of publications, an indices overview, historical stats, and related news.
The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation website includes a national data bank covering socio-religious issues, income statistics, and industry trends. Free registration is required to use the data warehouse.
Statistics Indonesia (BPS) provides statistical data on population, censuses, and economic sectors. The statistics can be sorted by industry and by region. The site also includes press releases and publications and is available in both Indonesian and English.
The Central Statistics Office of Ireland (CSO) is under Ireland’s Ministry of State and coordinates the analysis and compilation of information relating to Ireland’s economic and social aspects. The site features detailed statistics covering agriculture, trade, economy, labor, and prices. Census results are also provided.
The Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) is a government body that provides statistical information to government ministries, academic research institutions, and the general public. Examples of offered disseminated information include economic and demographic data, price indices, and labor figures. Monthly bulletins in Excel and PDF are also available.
The National Institute of Statistics (Istat) acts as the central institution for statistical information in Italy. The site includes indices on several economic sectors, news, and statistical tools. Users can find an assortment of statistics listed by territory or theme on the site.
The Statistical Institute of Jamaica is an agency of the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation. It provides statistical data on demographics, employment and labor, consumer prices, production, and trade in the country. Annual, quarterly, and monthly statistical reports are also provided.
The Statistics Bureau of Japan (SBJ) website provides recent statistics releases, survey results, and vital data about Japan. The site provides statistics regarding labor force, population, consumer price index, and unincorporated enterprise information.
The Jordan Department of Statistics (DOS) is a government agency that provides statistics on a national level. The data includes population, employment, history, and economic figures. Users also have the ability to look at statistics by sector. Publications are available for a fee. The website is available in Arabic and English.
The Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) is a semi-autonomous government agency mandated to collect, compile, analyze, and produce publications of statistical information. The site provides data releases, which include consumer price indices and inflation rates, the producer price index, quarterly GDP reports, and leading economic indicators. The site content also provides news, surveys, resources, and publications.
This is the official Kosovo Agency of Statistics webpage. The statistics are categorized by themes, such as agriculture, education, and environment. The site also provides the viewer with publications and news headlines regarding business in Kosovo.
The Kuwait Central Statistics Office provides various statistics on all types of indicators. Population and economic statistics are published, along with news and events regarding Kuwait. Studies and reports are also available to be downloaded.
The Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (CSB) is the main performer and coordinator of official statistical work in Latvia. Its site provides a variety of economic, demographic, social, and environmental statistics of the country.
This is the website of the Central Administration of Statistics (CAS), the official statistics office of the Lebanese Republic. It provides annual or monthly statistics by topics, including demographic, social, economic, and gender statistics. The site also provides thematic maps, publications, and news.
The Statistics Office of Liechtenstein, also known as Landesverwaltung Fürstentum Liechtenstein, provides relevant statistical information on the country's social, economic, and environmental aspects. This resource is only available in German.
Statistics Lithuania is the official site of the statistics agency of Lithuania. Along with statistics relating to population, natural resources, and geography, this site provides links to the national population and agricultural censuses.
As the official statistics bureau for Luxembourg, the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (STATEC) provides relevant statistics on the country's environment, population, social conditions, enterprises, and economy.
The Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) provides a statistical database in which users can retrieve historical data for specific indicators, as well as a database of external merchandise and trade statistics. The categories of statistics available include demographic, social, labor force, tourism, transport and communications, industrial and energy, construction and real estate, and national accounts.
The National Statistics Office of Malawi (NSO) website provides users with statistical information about economics, demographics, and agriculture in the country.
The Department of Statistics in Malaysia is the official statistics institute for the country. The site provides statistics, publications, key indicators, and an option for data requests.
The National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of the Maldives aims to facilitate national development by economic planning and coordination. The website provides information about indices, census, and economic indicators. In addition, the site provides a statistical yearbook, along with previous additions, as well as other reports and assessments.
The National Statistics Institute of Mali offers official statistics about Mali including economic and societal data. There are also links to resources pertinent to Mali. This website is only available in French.
The National Statistics Office (NSO) provides quarterly statistics on Malta's people, culture, agriculture, quarterly GNP, GDP, and retail price index. There are also news releases relevant to Malta, external links to pertinent resources, and other sections to further enrich the information available by the statistics office of Malta.
The Economic Policy, Planning and Statistics Office (EPPSO) of the Marshall Islands is responsible for collecting, compiling, and processing statistical data with the cooperation of government departments, agencies, institutions, and non-profit organizations. The website serves as a statistical data and information portal for both the Marshall Islands and the international community.
Statistics Mauritius is the official organization responsible for collecting, compiling, analyzing, and disseminating statistical data regarding Mauritius's economic and social aspects. The site contains the census, surveys, and various other statistical publications. Statistics may be searched by subjects ranging from agriculture to public finance. A unique data portal also allows users to interact with the statistics provided by the site.
The National Institute of Geography, Statistics, and Informatics (INEGI) offers information on doing business in Mexico. The site has a comprehensive archive of relevant Mexican statistics on topics such as the environment, economics, science, and technology. Also, surveys on issues like household income expenditures, as well as censuses, are provided.
Along with traditional statistics, the National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova provides access to the consolidated budget for Moldova. It is the official site for all demographics, financial, and other miscellaneous statistics for the republic.
Monaco Statistics' role is to gather, produce, and analyze economic data to monitor Monaco's economy. The site provides reports of Monaco's economic activity for previous quarters, information about the population and employment, and information about various procedures and services. In addition, the site provides newsletters, publications, news, and key figures.
The National Statistical Office (NSO) of Mongolia offers statistics reports and statistical publications, including the Mongolian statistical yearbooks and information on statistical law. These include statistics on topics such as unemployment, GDP growth, and inflation rates, as well as a section on the latest news.
The Statistics Directorate of Morocco provides information regarding the country's population, geography, economy, and government. Statistical publications are available for free download in PDF or Word. The site is available in French only.
The Namibia Statistics Agency collects and disseminates statistics and spatial data to educate the public. The website provides economic and demographic statistics and is viewable in PDF and Excel format.
The Nauru Bureau of Statistics is the main statistics office for the Republic of Nauru. The site provides statistics on economic indicators such as GDP, CPI, trade, and labor, as well as social indicators that include population, health, and education. The website also contains reports, census data, and links to national, regional, and international websites.
Statistics Netherlands (CBS) provides statistics for the country as well as for the European Union. The categories of data figures include labor and income, economy, society, and regional statistics. The website also provides news, publications, articles based on the different statistical categories. In addition, there are interactive infographics that users can utilize to experiment with data about economic indicators and the business cycle.
From the New Zealand government, Stats NZ houses vital statistics about the economy and trade. Statistics are updated frequently and cover many economic indicators. Also on the homepage are real-time tickers portraying information on the country's basic statistics including population count, GDP, and unemployment. The site also provides a newsfeed containing recent changes in important statistics.
The Niger Institute of National Statistics (INS) provides both social and economic statistics pertinent to Niger. There is also a news section and resources that can provide more information relevant to the statistics and economy of Niger. The website is only available in French.
The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) is an official office of the Nigerian government that gives statistical information on the country. The site provides its information through customized reports, an online data analysis tool, information by state, a press center, and a data portal.
The State Statistical Office of North Macedonia collects and processes statistical information on the demographics, social aspects, and economy of North Macedonia. The website provides a variety of statistics, as well as news releases, publications, current activities, indicators, and links.
Statistics Norway is the official statistics site for the Norwegian government. The site includes statistics in several sectors, such as banking and financial markets, national accounts and business cycles, and the population. In addition, the site includes several research fields, publications, and the latest news and releases.
The National Centre for Statistics & Information is the official website for the statistics office of the Sultanate of Oman. The site provides statistical indicators, a library of publications, and an upcoming events listing.
The Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) collects, compiles, analyzes, and publishes national statistical data. The site also provides tables, services, and downloadable publications.
The Bureau of Budget and Planning section of the official government website offers data on Palau's economy, socio-demography, environment, and national development strategies. It also provides publications such as a statistical yearbook, quarterly economic indicators, population and housing data, household income, and an expenditure survey report.
The National Statistical Office is responsible for collecting, compiling, and disseminating official statistical information on a regular basis. The website provides information on the economy, population, and news. Other documents, such as censuses and health surveys, are available for download.
The National Institute of Statistics and Information, also known as el Instituto Nacional de Estadistica e Informatica (INEI), is the official statistics office for Peru. Its site provides numerous demographic, economic, and geographic statistics, which can be downloaded as Excel spreadsheets. Although there is an English version of the website, some portions of the site are only available in Spanish.
The Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA) website provides a number of social, economic, industry, and trade-related statistics. Recently published statistics are updated regularly on the homepage of the site.
The Central Statistical Office of Poland is responsible for gathering and disseminating economic, political, and social statistics. The site contains a library of statistical publications about Poland, links to specific regional statistics offices, and databases for a wide variety of indicators.
Along with general statistics, the Portugal National Institute of Statistics, also known as Instituto Nacional de Estatística, provides most data in time series format. A number of the statistical tables are also available in excel documents.
The statistics sector of the Planning and Statistics Authority (PSA) is the governmental source for statistics in Qatar. This site contains economic, population, social, and environmental statistics specific to the country. Publications of general statistics are also available for free download in PDF.
The National Institute of Statistics (NIS) is responsible for organizing and collecting the official statistics in Romania. This resource provides statistical data and metadata databases, consumer price indices, and allows users to search for statistical data by various subsections. In addition, the site provides statistical leaflets, newsletters, and press releases. Some statistics reports, questionnaires, and surveys are only available in Romanian.
This website provides detailed statistics about Russia covering demographics, industries, business, education, and health.
The National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda provides statistics on various fields related to Rwanda's international business environment, including information on gross domestic product, consumer price index, external trade factors, and various surveys about topics such as child labor, mining, and national demographics.
The Central Statistical Office (CSO) of Saint Lucia is responsible for providing advisory and technical services to users on all statistical matters. The CSO's website contains census information, details on elections, and publications as well as statistics on trade, economy, labor, and population.
The Samoa Bureau of Statistics (SBS) provides statistics related to the following areas: economy, population and demography, social and environment, and sector. All files containing statistics are free to download.
The Sao Tome and Principe National Institute of Statistics web portal is the official provider of country statistics for Sao Tome and Principe. Statistics are available regarding demographics, communication, economy, education, tourism, and other areas. There are also links to resources relevant to Sao Tome and Principe. This website is only available in Portuguese.
The Ministry of Economy and Planning site is the official Saudi Arabian statistics site. The site provides facts about Saudi Arabia and detailed information about the Saudi Arabian economy, such as the budget, foreign investment, foreign trade, national strategies, and key economic indicators. Site available in English and Arabic.
The National Agency of Statistics and Demography of Senegal (ANSD) is responsible for the technical coordination of the national statistics system. The site produces and distributes statistical data for the purpose of Senegal's government, private sector, development partners, and the public. Information such as regulations of the national statistics system and various publications are also provided. Available only in French.
The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia includes statistics for a variety of topics as well as other country data. The site also provides press releases, studies and analyses, and its methodologies and standards.
The National Bureau of Statistics of Seychelles includes statistical databases of various categories relating to Seychelles, such as merchandise trade, employment, and exchange rates. The site also has downloads available, which include bulletins and other statistical information.
Statistics Sierra Leone provides current statistical indicators, population and housing census, GDP trends, and relevant statistical publications.
The Singapore Department of Statistics is the official statistics bureau of Singapore. This resource provides a wide array of statistical resources and data relating to topics such as GDP, merchandise trade, and labor and productivity. It also has a catalog of publications that can be downloaded for free in PDF.
The Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic provides detailed data in the form of reports on main economic indicators such as industry, telecommunications, foreign trade, and GDP. It also allows access to the latest census and some international statistics.
The Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia is the country's main producer and coordinator of statistical surveys. It is also responsible for providing census information and a national statistical database.
The Solomon Islands National Statistics Office offers statistical data about several sectors of the country. The official website also provides mapping, official documents, and press releases.
Statistics South Africa serves as the official portal for statistics for the country. It provides key national indicators such as CPI and GDP, census information, interactive data, reports, and statistical publications.
The official website of Statistics Korea (KOSTAT) provides a wide range of statistical data regarding the Korean economy, society, and people. The site also contains a listing of events and current news for international businesses.
The National Bureau of Statistics is the official statistical agency of the government of South Sudan. The official site contains census information, surveys, news, publications, and important documents.
The National Statistics Institute (INE), also known as El Instituto Nacional de Estadística, is an internet-based statistical information storage system. The INE site contains statistics by industry, economic indicators, census reports, and publications.
Provided by the government of Sri Lanka, statistics on the site include demographic, social, and economic indicators. The site also provides quick links to a newsletter and a statistical data sheet.
The General Bureau of Statistics in Suriname provides social, cultural, demographic, and economic data for the country. Basic social and economic statistics are available on the site free of charge; however, the user must pay for additional detailed statistics. This site is available only in Dutch.
Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides up-to-date and reliable statistics about business activities, financial markets, prices and consumption, and trade in Sweden. Most recent and upcoming statistics are posted and updated continuously on the site's homepage. Still, users may also search for specific statistics by category in the "finding statistics" portion of the website. These statistics may also be viewed as publications and articles, which are downloadable in PDF.
The Swiss Statistics website provides indicators and in-depth statistical information on employment and income, national economy, prices, industry and services, sustainable development, and crime. The site presents some free information online, while other detailed statistics and customized services are offered at a fee. This site belongs to the Swiss Federal Statistics Office.
National Statistics for the Republic of China (Taiwan) provides the latest statistical indicators, such as yearly reports on the labor force, social indicators, and the green national income.
This resource provides a wide range of statistics regarding the Tajikistan economy and society, such as publications on Tajikistani figures and economic industries, recent news reports and governmental updates, and macroeconomic indicators.
The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) serves as the official statistics office for Tanzania. The site includes statistics standards, census and survey data, publications, and data visualization.
The National Statistic Office of Thailand provides various statistical data on the following categories: economics, population and society, environment and energy, industry and construction, information and communication technology, and agriculture and fishery. Also included are sections dedicated to census, publications, knowledge, and more.
The Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBOS) is the national office responsible for providing statistics releases, survey results, and data concerning the nation. Some of the statistics provided include trade, transport and tourism, prices, agriculture, and education. Most statistics can be downloaded in PDF.
The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies and Demographic (INSEED) is an administrative institution under the supervision of the Ministries of Statistics. The site provides various publications as well as social, economic, and demographic statistics. The site is only available in French.
The Tonga Department of Statistics (TDoS) provides statistics on Tonga relating to the economy, society, environment, and migration and tourism.
The Central Statistical Office (CSO), a division of the Ministry of Planning and Sustainable Development, is responsible for taking censuses in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. CSO collects, compiles, analyzes, and publishes statistical information on the social and economic activities of the country. The site contains statistics regarding agriculture, travel, business, environment, income, price, and trade.
Part of the Ministry of International Development and International Cooperation, the National Institute of Statistics provides statistical data and coordinates statistical surveys for Tunisia. The site provides information on social demographics, economic and financial statistics, indicator indices, and publication catalogs.
The Turkish Ministry of Treasury and Finance publishes a variety of statistics regarding areas such as the public sector, debt statistics, financial system statistics, and investment. Data is presented in Excel files.
The Turkish Statistical Institute presents economic and financial statistical data. The site also provides links to recent projects with significant statistical information. It offers an extensive informatics database as well as relevant statistical indices.
The Turkmenistan State Committee of Statistics provides official statistical data. Site is available in Turkmen.
This is the official statistics page for the Turks and Caicos Islands. The site contains economic and social statistics as well as several official reports.
The Central Statistics Division of Tuvalu provides economic, social, and demographic statistics. Information about migration and tourism, utilities, a document library, and a glossary are also provided.
The Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) is the central statistical office of Uganda. The website offers a range of economic, social, and demographic statistics. It also has a library of publications related to statistics.
The State Statistics Service of Ukraine provides a variety of different publications regarding demographic, social, economic, and sector statistics. Also, the site provides a calendar of important economic indicator release dates as well as frequent news headlines. Some parts of the site are only available in Ukrainian.
This is the official website of the United Arab Emirates Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Authority (FCSA). The authority's mission is to strengthen and enhance the U.A.E.'s national data and competitiveness capacities. The site provides statistical data and information on the United Arab Emirates market.
Formerly known as the Britain Yearbook, this is the definitive overview of the UK in text, figures, tables, maps, charts, and color photographs. The publication is available here for free, in PDF. This issue covers the UK and its people, the system of government, overseas relations, defense; education, the labor market, social protection, health services, criminal and civil justice, religion, culture, media and communications, sport, environmental protection, planning and housing, transport; the economy, public finance, international trade and investment, science, engineering and technology, agriculture, manufacturing, energy, and finance and other services.
Uruguay's National Institute of Statistics, also known as the Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), is the official statistics site for the country. It provides a variety of indicators, demographics, and other statistical information. Only available in Spanish.
The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics is an executive body of the Uzbekistan government that runs the statistical methodology system and provides accurate statistics on Uzbekistan's economic and social life. The site contains press releases and statistical documents.
The Vanuatu National Statistics Office (VNSO) provides various statistical data in the following categories: economic statistics, social statistics, and census and surveys. VNSO also publishes a Quarterly Statistical Indicator snapshot summary as well as monthly highlights and special reports.
The General Statistics Office of Vietnam offers a variety of data including monthly statistical information, thematic data, surveys, databases, and publications. News, press releases, and legal documents pertaining to Vietnamese statistics are also available on the website.
The main mission and goal of the Central Statistical Office (CSO) is to provide for a comprehensive national statistical database yielding timely, relevant, and high-quality statistical information to institutions of the government, private sector, and the wider national and international community. Information offered on the site includes statistics on Zambia's population and agricultural products. This website can sometimes be slow to load.