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The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) is Asia's first stock exchange and additionally one of India's leading exchange groups. Their site contains information about markets, public issues, and offers for sale (OFS) for corporations, members, and investors. Various products and services are offered by the exchange along with training and certification information.

The Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX) is a self-regulated stock exchange in Iraq. The ISX site provides market data, indices of different business sectors, as well as company data and guides. Various laws and regulations pertaining to trading in Iraq are available in PDF in the rules & instructions section, but some publications are only available in Arabic.

The Algiers Stock Exchange provides essential information on the markets of Algeria. Information on the website includes market regulations, prices of stocks and commodities, and economic statistics.


Armenia Securities Exchange is one of the major securities market infrastructure institutions in Armenia. The site provides general information about the institution structure, market data, legislation, and events.

The Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) provides prices and research for the securities traded on the exchange as well as listing and operating regulations. Information is also available on finance seminars and online courses.

The Vienna Stock Exchange, or Wiener Börse, is Austria's main stock market. The website offers market data and press releases on the homepage. The site also contains various analyses and research documents compiled in cooperation with the Austrian Association for Financial Analysis and Asset Management.

B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão is one of the world’s largest financial market infrastructure companies, providing trading services in an exchange and OTC environment. B3 is a public company traded under ticker symbol B3SA3 on the Novo Mercado premium listing segment and its stock is tracked by the Ibovespa, IBrX-50, IBrX and Itag indices, among others. 

This resource contains information on the Bahamas International Securities Exchange (BISX). Its content includes pricing information, the Securities Exchange's products & services, and press releases that contain insights into the exchange's functions. The resource also contains links to recent news releases relevant to the exchange and links to a social media account for current pricing and index updates.

Referred to as Bahrain Bourse, the exchange is made up of over 50 companies that can be traded Sunday through Thursday. It operates as an autonomous institution overseen by an independent board and the Central Bank of Bahrain.

The Dhaka Stock Exchange is one of the two stock exchanges in Bangladesh. The website provides information on Bangladesh's capital market, as well as market highlights and company information.

The Barbados Stock Exchange (BSE) is a privately owned nonprofit organization. Its goal is to create wealth by trading in a cost effective and efficient way throughout the Caribbean. The site also offers news, education for investors, and trading reports.

The Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange is the main source of information on prices and other characteristics of transactions in financial assets traded in the country's organized market. The site contains information on the foreign exchange, forwards market and stock markets, as well as data on exchange rates, trading volume, and other indices.

The Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX) is the world's leading fully electronic offshore securities market. The products the exchange offers include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and some derivatives. The site provides general information about the exchange, regulations, and daily trade reports.

The Stock Exchange of Bolivia, also known as Bolsa Boliviana de Valores, provides essential information on the markets in Bolivia. Information on the website includes rules of the markets, prices of stocks and commodities, economic statistics, and news updates. Only available in Spanish.

The Banja Luka Stock Exchange (BLSE) is one of two official stock exchanges in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Its official website shows active market information, financial reports, indices, trading systems, issuers, regulations, and news. Some portions of the site are only available in Serbian.

The Sarajevo Stock Exchange (SASE) is one of two official stock exchanges in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Its official website includes information about the exchange, market research, legislation, services, reports, and indices.

The Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE) is Botswana’s national stock exchange, which operates and regulates the nation's equities and fixed interest securities market. Its site provides a variety of resources such as market statistics, directories for listed companies and brokers, and overviews of the various regulations that govern the BSE.

The Bulgarian Stock Exchange provides all of the necessary information on the markets in Bulgaria and around the world that investors would need. This site includes information on the rules of the markets and the prices of various stocks and commodities.

The Cabo Verde Stock Exchange is the primary stock market in Cabo Verde. The site provides information about the markets and products, types of investments and investment methods, exchange operators, and legislation and regulations. The site is only available in Portuguese.

The Montreal Exchange site contains information on the exchange and its various functions. The site provides information about trading activity and reports, Montreal Exchange products and indices, and potential future markets. In addition, the site provides recent news, publications, and education guides.

As the main webpage of the Toronto Stock Exchange, this resource provides information and insights into the functions of the stock exchange market. The site offers information about listings, trading, Toronto Stock Exchange products and services, market activity, and statistics. In addition, the site provides relevant news and press releases. The website is available in English and French.

The Cayman Islands Stock Exchange is the country's official market. This site lists the participating companies and provides information regarding fees, rules, and forms. Information is also supplied relating to investment funds and different types of debt.

The Santiago Stock Exchange, also known as Bolsa de Santiago, is Chile's official webpage for its stock market. The site contains information on market data, investor services, and income statistics in order to enhance market opportunities in Chile.

The Colombia Stock Exchange, also known as Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (BVC), is the country's official stock exchange. The website includes stock prices, company information, and regulation information.

The National Stock Exchange of Costa Rica website, also known as Bolsa Nacional de Valores (BNV), provides market indices for companies and investors, statistics, news, and press releases. Only available in Spanish.

The Croatia Zagreb Stock Exchange web-portal provides trading data and statistics, regulations, information on the Zagreb Stock Exchange Academy, market information, and useful resources for investors.

The Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE) provides information for investors about companies listed on the exchange. The site includes market information and indices, as well as links to articles and other services. Additionally, the site provides content on the regulated market, emerging companies market, central depository, and legal framework.

The Prague Stock Exchange provides information about the various indices and trades. The site provides an annual report, information regarding rules and regulations, and information about members in the exchange. In addition, the site provides information for traders and investors, price lists, and a list of investment instruments.

NASDAQ OMX lists country-specific indexes for the Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, and Sweden, as well as several indices for the entire Nordic region. Available for each country are listings for shares, bonds, options and futures, investment funds, and exchange-traded funds/products. 

The main stock exchange of the Dominican Republic, La Bolsa de Valores (BVRD), allows trading by investors and issuers to occur successfully within the country. The BVRD website includes market information and statistics, information for investors and issuers, and a "how to invest page". 

The Stock Exchange of Quito, also known as Bolsa de Valores de Quito, is charged with continuing Ecuador's economic advancement. It provides information on financial institutions and services within the country and acts to maintain and improve the financial market. Only available in Spanish.

The Egyptian Exchange comprises two exchanges: Cairo and Alexandria. These entities are governed by the same board of directors and share the same trading, clearing, and settlement systems. This site provides the latest stock information on the Egyptian capital market, trade rules, and investor education.

The Stock Market of El Salvador, also known as Bolsa de Valores de El Salvador, provides information on the markets in El Salvador through its website. It also offers information on market rules, regulations, various stocks and commodities, and other essential market information. Only available in Spanish.

The Nasdaq OMX Baltic Stock Exchange lists country-specific indices for the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, as well as several indices for the entire Baltic region.

As the official site of the Eswatini Stock Exchange (SSX), this resource provides users with data and information about the market, as well as links to other stock exchanges.

Euronext is the official stock exchange for several European countries, including Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, and the UK. Its official website provides several stock services, including equities, listings, bonds, exchange-traded products (ETPs), derivatives, indices, and market data. The site also includes news releases and statistics.

The South Pacific Stock Exchange (SPX) is currently the only licensed securities exchange in the Fijian Islands that works to raise capital by issuing new shares of stock to the public. The SPSE site provides indices and market statistics, company information, and educational tools for prospective investors.

This is the website for the Georgian Stock Exchange (GSE), the stock exchange center of Georgia. Information and reports are available on market listings, securities, companies, and rules.

This is the official website of the Berlin Stock Exchange. It contains the most current data in regards to stocks, bonds, funds, ETCs, and ETFs. The site also provides a variety of notices, as well as information about the quality of trading, fee structure, and regulations. 

Deutsche Börse Group is an exchange organization that aims to provide investors, financial institutions, and companies access to global capital markets. The site contains information on market data, current market news, and links to various trading websites, which offer different market research and trading knowledge.

The Ghana Stock Exchange (GSE) is the main facilitator to the public for the purchase and sale of bonds, shares, and other securities. The webpage provides users with current market information, a list of companies, access to training programs to become an authorized dealing officer, and market news and highlights.

The Athens Exchange Group (ATHEX) is a group of companies that provide support to the Greek Capital Market and promote the investment culture in Greece. The site provides information about various market models, financial products that are listed and traded, and information about companies listed on ATHEX. In addition, the site contains information about ATHEX's various operations, regulatory information, and services. The site provides press releases, company announcements, publications and reports, and market data.

The National Stock Exchange of Guatemala, also known as Bolsa de Valores Nacional (BVN), is responsible for providing infrastructure, services, and regulations all with the main goal of furthering the development of the economy in Guatemala. The site provides various reports and publications, information about stockbrokers and issuers, and a legal framework. This resource is only available in Spanish.

The Guyana Association of Securities Companies and Intermediaries (GASCI) is the official stock exchange of the country. The site includes trading information, presentations for download, a list of brokers, and news.

The Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (HKEX) acts as the country's official stock exchange. The site includes market indices and statistics, links to market participants, and news and updates. 

This is the official website of the Budapest Stock Exchange. The site provides information on market data, lists of issuers, and various information services. It also provides information on traders, brokers, and data vendors.

The National Stock Exchange (NSE) is India's primary stock exchange offering a trading system with national reach and market watch as well as an extensive section on foreign exchange markets. The site contains information for domestic and foreign investors, in addition to its spotlight on tech, education, and research. Also available are multiple live watches on topics including equities and derivatives. 

The Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) is the official stock exchange of the country. Its website includes listed companies, membership, market information, news, regulations, publications, and services.

The Irish Stock Exchange (ISE), founded in 1793, serves Ireland as the country's only stock exchange. Its website includes information on listing debt, funds, and securities. Additionally, the site provides a variety of statistical reports related to ISE market activity and a section that allows users to look up stock prices.

The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) provides market data and investing information for those interested in the Israeli markets, as well as sections for the local investment community and securities sector. Also included is a section for news and events relevant to Israel and the markets.

The Borsa Italiana is charged with the responsibility of managing the Italian stock exchange. Information is provided on stocks, ETFs, funds, derivatives, and bonds. On the site, users can learn about different markets, stock options, how to take a business public, read up on new regulation information, and analyze statistics.

The Jamaica Stock Exchange (JSE) is an electronic market that allows users to buy and sell stock. It provides valuable insights into the stock exchange via market reports, stock market facts, and publications regarding market prospects. Users can also download corporation action data, dividend data, history indices, and pricing information from the website.

The Japan Exchange Group (JPX) is a financial institution that operates the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Osaka Exchange, Japan Exchange Regulation, and Japan Securities Clearing Corporation. The site provides information about listed companies, financial instruments, data and statistics, self-regulation, clearing and settlement, and updated market news and indices.

The Amman Stock Exchange is the primary stock exchange in Jordan. The website provides information on its listed securities, rules and regulations in the market, and trading statistics. The site also gives a look into the daily market.

The Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) is responsible for providing a trading platform for listed securities and overseeing its member firms. The site provides a list of trading participants, a list of companies, market statistics, and information about products and services. In addition, the NSE site contains regulatory framework, investor information, financial reports, and a media center with press releases, podcasts, and videos.

The Kuwait Stock Exchange is a stock market exchange  mandated to organize trading activities in Kuwait. The site offers recent market data information about regulations, market participants, forward markets, and historical data. In addition, the site provides information about the listed companies' various publications on trading systems, as well as information on reporting and analysis.

The website for the Kyrgyz Stock Exchange provides a listing of securities, trade statistics, and a history of the exchange. Also included on the site are real-time trade trackers and resources regarding the regulation of financial markets in Kyrgyzstan. 

This website provides information about the only stock market in Laos, the Lao Securities Exchange (LSX). It also provides a brief history of the exchange, and a breakdown of its internal organizational structure, as well as the trading hour. In addition, the site presents information regarding corporate reports, educational events and activities, and research. 

The Beirut Stock Exchange is the main institution delegated by the law to manage and regulate Lebanon's financial markets. The website includes general information, laws and regulations, listed securities, market information, and brokers. A free subscription is required to access the stock exchange portal.

The Luxembourg Stock Exchange has developed extensive experience in the field of listing and trading securities from many different regions. It is organized around the listing and trading of securities and is the largest stock exchange in Europe in terms of international bond listings. The website provides different financial market indices and market legislation.

The Malawi Stock Exchange (MSE) is the primary stock market in Malawi. Currently, the MSE has 16 companies listed on its exchange. The site provides market information and the market's rules and regulations.

Bursa Malaysia, a stock exchange headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, offers a full range of investment-related services. The website includes information on securities and derivatives, as well as a section on Islamic markets. They also offer information on sustainability and a variety of products and services. 

The Maldives Stock Exchange (MSE) provides facilities for the buying, selling, and dealing of securities. The website contains current reports on daily trading, information on market regulations, getting listed on the MSE, listed and dealing companies, trading information, and market statistics.

The Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) is the primary institution for regulating capital finance in Malta. Its web portal provides information on the MSE itself, the marketplace, and the MSE central securities depository services. There is also a section on statistics and publications on market data, the Malta Stock Exchange, and its member firms.

The Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM) is the official stock exchange for the country. The site contains information on the exchange, market statistics, listing with the exchange, and rules and regulations. An investor education portion of the site provides helpful links to online courses, interactive research, and educational games.

The Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV) aims to provide helpful information and trading and market development services for businesses. The site provides information on capital markets, mutual funds, and issuers.

The Mongolian Stock Exchange is a marketplace for trading financial instruments to help promote growth in the market. The site provides information about the primary market, secondary market, and government securities. In addition, the site provides information regarding markets, laws and regulations, and recent news and reports.

The Casablanca Stock Exchange is a joint stock company that reports to the Ministry of Finance and Privatization. The Casablanca Stock Exchange operates under well-defined Terms of Reference and complies with rules known as General Rules. Its goal is to promote the growth of the Moroccan stock market by monitoring and managing trading sessions.

The website for the Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX) displays information about the NSX local index and overall index. News can be found related to the stock exchange on the site's homepage. Users can access PDF versions of the NSX annual reports and trading data by week.

The Amsterdam Exchange Index (AEX) is a stock index made up of the 25 most actively traded securities on the exchange. The index is made up of Dutch companies and is one of the main national indices in Europe promoting a more reliable market that offers increased opportunities by bringing together buyers and sellers. This resource is available in limited English translation.

The New Zealand Exchange Markets (NZX) site provides information to investors on securities currently being traded on the official New Zealand Stock Exchange. Business headlines, stock market information, indices, and other financial news are also provided on the site.

The Nicaraguan Stock Exchange, also known as Bolsa De Valores De Nicaragua (BVN), is the only organized securities market in the country. Information for investors regarding investing, financing, legal frameworks, and regulations is provided. Only available in Spanish. 

The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE), the largest financial center in sub-Saharan Africa, provides several services such as securities listing, trading, and data dissemination. The site provides information on listings, products, market data and indices, regulation, market news, and investing.

The Macedonian Stock Exchange works to provide efficient functioning of North Macedonia's securities market. The site includes information on issuers, markets and trading, indices, statistics, memberships, products and services, investors, and legislation. The site also contains market data, news reports, and announcements. 

This is the official website of the Norwegian stock market. The site provides details about market information, derivatives, indices, and a finance calendar that provides important events for leading Norwegian finance firms. In addition, the site includes financial news, courses and seminars, and regulations on the exchange and securities market.

The Muscat Securities Market is the primary institution established to regulate Oman's securities market and financial sector. The site includes information on the country's markets, indices performance, securities, information on brokers and investors, as well as financial reports and publications.


Papa New Guinea's National Stock Exchange is the main stock exchange of Papua New Guinea. The site provides information on companies and their stocks, as well as listing rules for potential companies. There is also information for investors on trends and trading in Papua New Guinea.

Ascuncon Stock Exchange is the official stock exchange of Paraguay. The site has information on specific stocks, issuers, and operations. Only available in Spanish.

The Lima Stock Exchange, also known as la Bolsa de Valores de Lima (BVL), is the stock exchange of Peru. This website lists current prices, other statistics, and a stockbroker directory. The site also offers information about the BVL and learning to invest in the stock market. Only available in Spanish.

The Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) provides users access to news articles, market information, and investor information. The website also has information on stock prices, products and services, and the rules and regulations for the market.

The Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW) is the national stock exchange for the country of Poland. The site includes information about the market, current trading prices, companies, and news articles.

The Qatar Stock Exchange aims to support Qatar's economy by giving investors a platform through which they may trade in a fair and efficient manner. This website provides useful tools for those looking to invest in Qatar such as economic indices, exchange news, events, regulations and instructions, and links to various regional markets. Financial documents from Qatar-based companies are provided in the "listed securities" portion of the website. Some parts of the site may only be viewed by registering for a free membership. 

The Regional Stock Exchange (BRVM) is a specialized financial institution with a public service mission for each African country of the Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU). It is responsible for organizing and ensuring the completion of security transactions and informing regional investors. The BRVM site contains current market data, listings, information about stakeholders, company reports, important regulatory documents, and numerous forms of downloadable media.

This resource provides information on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) with the aim of enabling investors with the information needed for successful investment in the stock exchange. The resource provides information on investor relations, trade statistics, companies, Romanian financial instruments, market indicators, and market data services.

The Moscow Exchange website includes related news and announcements, as well as an overview of the different markets and indices. The site also contains important information for issuers and an in-depth section designed for investors.

The Saudi Stock Exchange (Tadawul) works to foster the development of a diverse Saudi capital market. The site provides general information about trade data and finances, including equities, mutual funds, market data, and indices. Site available in English and Arabic.

The website of the Belgrade Stock Exchange (BSE) provides information on trading data, market and securities, products and services, the trading system, and market regulations. The site also contains daily reports of market indicators, listings, and news. 

Singapore Exchange is the official stock exchange of Singapore. This resource provides market statistics, company disclosures, and a listing of securities. Information for investors is provided along with details on stock exchange regulation

The Ljubljana Stock Exchange provides market data and services to those investing in the Slovenian markets. This site includes a daily price list, a list of members, indices, and other archives.

The Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) acts as Africa’s premier exchange in financial markets. Its official website provides information on current stocks, news, and how to invest in the market. The site also lists products, markets, events, and investment documents.

This is the official website for the Korean Exchange (KRX). The site contains up-to-date trading data, information regarding financial market regulation, and companies listed on the exchange.

The Bolsa de Madrid, or Madrid Stock Exchange, is a market that trades a range of products and also serves as a meeting point for companies and investors. The Madrid Stock Exchange strives for the further development of the Spanish economy, a greater majority of productive investments, and an increase in overall wealth. The Bolsa de Madrid website lists markets and prices, companies, indices, shares, exchange-traded funds, warrants, and investment funds. The site also contains publications and statistics, as well as studies and reports. 

The Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) provides information on the stocks trading on the market with financial data. Also provided are CSE events, press releases, upcoming listings, and other information for investors seeking investment opportunities in Sri Lanka. 

The Suriname Stock Exchange promotes securities in order to stimulate the capital markets in Suriname. This website provides weekly stock prices, periodic market reports, and annual financial statements. Site available only in Dutch.

The SIX Swiss Exchange is Switzerland's primary stock exchange. The exchange admits securities, operates a trading platform, monitors trading activity, and distributes market data.

The Damascus Securities Exchange (DSE) is the main source for companies listed on the exchange in Syria and their performance in the market. All the securities listed on the exchange may be found here. Other trading information is provided along with studies, statistics, laws, and regulations.

Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation (TWSE) is the nation's stock exchange. The site provides real-time trading information, market information and statistics, listed companies, and relevant products and services. In addition, the site offers information about clearing services, regulations, and for foreign investors and issuers.

The Central Asian Stock Exchange (CASE) aims to build a platform for investors and companies to trade financial instruments in compliance with the international standards. This website provides background information about the stock exchange as well as a financial news section. The link to this site leads to an English page but most of the content of this site is only available in Russian.

The Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange is the largest exchange in Tanzania. Their site includes the current trading prices of listed companies, exchange rates, and helpful information pertaining to the exchange.

The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) is Thailand's national stock exchange. In addition to market data, products and services, and companies and securities information, the website also provides information about rules and regulations, an event calendar, and relevant news releases.

The Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange facilitates the allocation of capital and trade of securities in the secondary market. The site provides information on the Small and Medium Enterprise Market (SME), listed securities, security brokers, rules, and regulations. A newsroom and a list of upcoming events are also available.

This resource is the official stock exchange for Tunisia where investors can research debt and equity markets. Investors can research publicly traded companies and gain information on market events.

Borsa Istanbul is the only Turkish stock exchange. This website contains information such as market indices, archived market data, publications, trends, and current news. It also includes the former stock exchange as well as the gold and derivatives exchanges of Turkey.

Uganda's Securities Exchange is a security market that promotes partnerships with the general public, foreign investors, institutional investors, and stakeholders in the development of Uganda's capital markets. The website provides market information, rules and regulations, and listed securities.

Ukrainian Exchange is the leading local market maker for equities and derivatives in Ukraine. The types of financial instruments offered include equities, bonds, a range of different derivatives, and cash equities. The site offers information on each product and news about the Ukrainian financial markets.

The Dubai Financial Market (DFM) aims to provide investors with innovative services in conducting trade in an efficient, transparent, and liquid environment. The DFM site provides information on market data, available securities, rules and regulations, and investor relations.

The London Stock Exchange website provides real-time trading data, as well as specific information for traders and brokers, companies and advisers, and specialist issuers.

NASDAQ is the second-largest stock exchange in the world by market capitalization. It was founded in 1971, is located in the City of New York, and is owned by NASDAQ OMX Group. The site provides quotes, research, and information on market activity, news, investing, and personal finance. By registering for free with the site, users can create their own profile, which allows them to instantly access portfolios, stock ratings, real-time alerts, and other features.

The New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) is a major US stock exchange based in New York City. Its site includes several indices and other data about the stock performance of numerous US corporations. Additionally, users may locate specific information regarding the stock market regulation and listing with the exchange.

The Electronic Stock Exchange of Uruguay S.A., also known as the Bolsa Electronica de Valores del Uruguay S.A., acts to maintain and improve the financial markets. This website provides market price data as well as information regarding the country's financial institutions. Only available in Spanish.

The Uzbekistan Republican Stock Exchange, known as Tashkent, is composed of numerous brokerage firms in the country and works to assist with country reforms and the oversight of publicly traded companies. This includes information on the country's trading system, companies, brokers, and analytics. Some information is only available in Russian.

The Caracas Stock Exchange is a Venezuelan stock exchange that provides information and facilitates in the negotiation of financial instruments.

The Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange website provides a listing of all the companies that are on the stock exchange. The site also includes trading information, regulations, and publications. The Ho Chi Minh Stock Exchange is responsible for running and supervising the stock exchange.

The Lusaka Securities Exchange (LuSE) was established in 1933 with support from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the World Bank. LuSE aims to draw foreign portfolio investment in Zambia by promoting its potential high investment returns and emerging capital market. This website provides in-depth information about the Lusaka Securities Exchange as well as investor and issuer information. In addition, a variety of market reports are available in PDF. 

This resource is the official website of the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. The stock exchange's three core functions include providing a critical link between companies that need funds to set up new businesses or to expand their current operations and investors, providing a regulated marketplace for buying and selling of shares, and providing a properly constituted and regulated environment that ensures market integrity and fairness. The site contains a company directory, stock-related news articles, and market data.