The Swedish Consumer Agency is the state agency tasked with safeguarding consumer interests. This site contains a list of consumer rights in Sweden as well as information regarding product safety, filing complaints, and budget and debt.

NASDAQ OMX lists country-specific indexes for the Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, and Sweden, as well as several indices for the entire Nordic region. Available for each country are listings for shares, bonds, options and futures, investment funds, and exchange-traded funds/products. 

Sweden Sverige includes information on Swedish business, culture and traditions, society, nature, and quick facts. Under the business section, this site provides market insights via news articles, market analyses, and commentaries regarding various aspects of business in Sweden. Other topics covered include travel, tourism, working, and living in Sweden.

Affärsvärlden is a weekly business magazine from Sweden. The site provides current business news, information on the Swedish Stock Exchange, business law, and analysis on exchange and markets. Site only available in Swedish.

The Board of Agriculture is the Swedish government's expert authority in agriculture policy and is responsible for the agricultural and horticultural sectors. The site describes rural and trade opportunities in the Swedish agricultural industry regarding the country's crops and animals. In addition, several forms and brochures related to agriculture in Sweden are available for download in PDF.  

Business Sweden was founded in 2013 after a merger of the Swedish Trade Council with Invest Sweden. It aims to strengthen and promote Sweden as an attractive and competitive business partner. Business Sweden's site publishes facts and news of interest for Swedish export companies and foreign investors. The site also provides information about ongoing marketing programs, seminars, and events relating to international trade. Most site content can be accessed free of charge, while some content requires registration and a paid subscription.

Dagens Industri (Di) is a business and industry newspaper in Sweden that covers various aspects such as the economy, stock market, and performance of various industries in Sweden. The site is only available in Swedish.

Finansinspektionen (FI) oversees and regulates the Swedish financial services industry. The site provides information about regulations, authorization information, supervisory activity, and international information. In addition, the site contains recent news, registers, and reports.

As the official website for the Government Offices of Sweden, this resource provides a broad range of information regarding the Swedish government and its ministries. The site details how Sweden is governed in terms of its governmental system, legislation, and its relation to the EU. Additionally, the "Government policy" section of the website provides in-depth details on Sweden's governmental responsibilities and links to the related ministries.

The Kommerskollegium National Board of Trade is a Swedish governmental agency responsible for resolving issues related to foreign trade, the internal market, and trade policy. The board also provides the government with analyses and recommendations regarding developments in the global economy. This website provides information on the areas of expertise of the board, research publications, and trade statistics covering Sweden's trade with other countries.

The Medical Products Agency (MPA) regulates and monitors the development of drugs and medicinal products. MPA's website contains information regarding herbal, homeopathic, and other types of medicinal products as well as medical devices. Recent news releases from the MPA regarding recalls or updates in the pharmaceutical industry are also posted on the site's homepage. 

The Ministry of Climate and Enterprise in Sweden is responsible for promoting sustainable development by implementing environmental legislation and policies. The ministry's website contains an overview of its areas of responsibility, news articles about recent events, and various environmental publications, which can be downloaded for free in PDF. 

The Ministry of Defence is responsible for setting Sweden's defense policy, promoting peace and international cooperation, and preparing the country's defense system for potential threats and conflicts. The ministry's website provides an overview of its responsibilities and recent news articles related to defense.

The Ministry of Education and Research in Sweden is responsible for all levels of education and funding research within the country. Its website describes the ministry's activities and responsibilities in-depth and provides recent news and publications related to educational research.

The Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation is responsible for promoting the development and growth of Sweden's service and manufacturing sectors. The ministry also monitors the country's agriculture, construction, and food and beverage industries. This website details the ministry's areas of responsibility, organization, and relationship with the European Union. Recent news related to the ministry is posted on the main page of its website. 

The National Food Agency is the central administrative authority for all matters concerning food in Sweden. This website contains information about maintaining a healthy diet and the numerous regulations within Sweden's food and beverage industry.

Statistics Sweden (SCB) provides up-to-date and reliable statistics about business activities, financial markets, prices and consumption, and trade in Sweden. Most recent and upcoming statistics are posted and updated continuously on the site's homepage. Still, users may also search for specific statistics by category in the "finding statistics" portion of the website. These statistics may also be viewed as publications and articles, which are downloadable in PDF.

The main functions of Sveriges Riksbank are safeguarding the value of money, promoting a safe and efficient payment system, issuing banknotes, and managing the gold and foreign reserves. The site contains information about interest and exchange rates, notes and coins, monetary policy, and financial stability. The site also provides numerous downloadable statistics and publications.

The Swedish Environmental Code constitutes environmental legislation aimed at promoting sustainable development. Provided by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, the page includes information on this code, as well as links to the code itself and other Swedish environmental statutes.

The Swedish National Space Agency (SNSA) is responsible for national and international space and remote sensing activities, primarily research and development. The three main tasks of the SNSA are to distribute government grants for space research, initiate space research, and act as Swedish contacts for international cooperation. The site provides information about space activities, the space industry, and research in Sweden.

The Business Finder, or Allabolag, is Sweden's official export directory that enables you to find Swedish products and suppliers. By providing contacts to exporters, this site is an effective tool for international marketing. The site offers business information on Sweden's goods and services, which makes it easy to find the right exporters. The site is available in Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish.

The Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC) is a private Swedish independent business organization with numerous member companies ranging from world giants to small entrepreneurs. Members facilitate international trade and establish trade contacts to improve Sweden's economy and competitiveness. The SCC website contains informational sections under the "policy" tab covering infrastructure, urbanization, international trade, education and innovation, business climate, and real estate in Sweden.

The Swedish Press and Broadcasting Authority promotes opportunities for diversity and availability in radio and television. The authority decides upon permits, fees, and registration and oversees radio and TV broadcasts. Its mission is to monitor and disseminate knowledge on media development. The site provides an overview of the authority's licensing and content regulation functions, as well as news updates regarding the telecommunications industry. 

Veckans Affärer is an online business magazine covering capital, sustainability, leadership, innovation, and digital technology topics. Featuring articles from the weekly print magazine, it also has an extensive database of facts about Swedish companies. Updated daily, this is Scandinavia's most comprehensive source of business news. It is published in Swedish only.