The number in the colored box on the left represents the country’s score for a particular index. The bar below shows the country relative to other countries, with the total number of ranked countries shown to the right. Each index is a separate entity, with a unique scale. The "view heat map" button opens both a visual map of all countries, as well as a table of scores of all countries included in the index.

Financial Secrecy Index link


The Financial Secrecy Index ranks jurisdictions according to their secrecy and the scale of their offshore financial activities. A politically neutral ranking, it is a tool for understanding global financial secrecy, tax havens or secrecy jurisdictions, and illicit financial flows or capital flight. Source: Financial Secrecy Index open_in_new (2020)

KOF Index of Globalization link


The KOF Index of Globalization measures the economic, social, and political dimensions of globalization in each country. Source: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich open_in_new (2017)

Additional rankings and indices are available in the Rankings section of the globalEDGE Resource Directory.
