Government Resources

Statistics Office
Central Banks

Company Directories

The El Salvador Trade website provides a directory of companies in El Salvador exporting goods to other countries. Exporters are grouped by category with their respective products. Export-import statistics are also available. Only available in Spanish.

Regulatory Agency Sites

The Department of Finance, also known as Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero, is responsible for overseeing and regulating the entire financial services industry within El Salvador. The site contains statistics, rules, and financial statements.

The Ministry of Health, also known as Ministerio de Salud, is charged with the education, oversight, and regulation of the healthcare industry within El Salvador. The site lists news, policies, and services the Ministry of Health provides.

Other Resources

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry, also known as Camara de Comercio e Industria, provides access to several services for businesses interested in investing in El Salvador. Information on the website includes mediation services between member and foreign companies, import and export advice, and general information about El Salvador. Only available in Spanish.