Emerging Markets Firms Venturing into Advanced Economies
Emerging markets firms venturing into advanced economies has received increasing attention from both academics and practitioners (Atsmon, Kloss, & Smit, 2012; Luo & Tung, 2007). Although existing research has examined various aspects of this important phenomenon, such as the role of government (Luo, Xue, & Han, 2010), ownership and entry mode choice (Cui & Jiang, 2012), and absorptive capacity and overseas acquisitions (Deng, 2010; Liu & Woywode, 2013), there is the need to unpack contextual factors and to explore how context can influence the business leader’s decision making and managerial practices amid the venturing abroad phenomenon by emerging market enterprises.
Context matters a great deal for international business research and practices, such as the multiple embeddeness of multinational enterprises and local contexts (Meyer, Mudambi, & Narula, 2011). Cultural difference has an important bearing for emerging market firms venturing abroad. For instance, favours are a medium of exchange for social capital and prevalent in business in emerging markets (Teagarden & Schotter, 2013). However, such business practices might not be available in advanced economies which might become obstacles for emerging markets firms, or induce misunderstanding and confusion for Western managers. Despite under the same umbrella concept of emerging economies (Hoskisson, Wright, Filatotchev, & Peng, 2013), yet, emerging markets can vary on most significant dimensions—institutionally, economically, culturally, socially, technologically (Teagarden, 2013). Hence, there is the need to delineate and specify the contextual factors and boundary conditions with respect to emerging markets firms venturing into advanced economies. Furthermore, marketing practices in emerging markets may challenge the assumptions of received body of knowledge (Sheth, 2011).
The international marketing strategy of emerging market firms might pursue different strategy against the conventional wisdom (Vrontis, 2003; Vrontis, Thrassou, & Lamprianou, 2009). Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) is a complex and sophisticated international management topic which involves multi-faceted challenges for managers in both emerging and developed markets (Weber, Tarba, & Oberg, 2014). M&A was identified as one primary market entry mode for emerging markets firms venturing abroad (Deng, 2012; Gomes, Angwin, Weber, & Tarba, 2013). One recent study shows that Chinese firms adopted an innovative post- acquisition integration approach largely due to the influence of contextual factors (Liu & Woywode, 2013). In addition, the ambidexterity perspective might largely advance our understanding of multinational enterprises from emerging economies (Chebbi, Yahiaoui, Thrassou, & Vrontis, 2014; Luo & Rui, 2009).
We embrace a pluralist view on emerging markets (Von Glinow & Teagarden, 2009) and encourage scholars to gain a nuanced contextualized understanding of emerging markets firms venturing into advanced economies through a comparative international management perspective (Luo, Sun, & Wang, 2011). Therefore, we seek for thought-provoking research on contexts and emerging markets firms venturing into advanced economies, and welcome both empirical (qualitative as well as quantitative) and conceptual contributions. Especially, we hope to highlight the practical implications derived from rigorous scholarship, to inform practice and provide insights for business practitioners and/ or policy makers. It is of significant importance to nurture future business leaders with a global mindset (Javidan, Teagarden, & Bowen, 2010), and we suggest a better understanding of emerging market firms venturing into advanced economies can help business leaders as well.
This SI aims to attract a variety of papers that can move the exciting research agenda further. Topics appropriate include, not limited to, the following:
- Institutions (formal and/ or informal) impact on emerging markets firms venturing abroad
- Commonalities and differences among emerging markets firms venturing abroad, BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) countries and beyond
- Standardization vs. adaptation of international marketing of emerging markets firms
- Learning and (reverse) knowledge transfer of emerging markets firms venturing abroad
- International marketing practices and market entry strategy
- Ambidexterity, HRM and leadership practices
- Strategic management from a comparative international perspective
- Community involvement and non-market strategy
We encourage cross-fertilization approach by blending different theoretical lenses (Oswick, Fleming, & Hanlon, 2011), and we particularly welcome scholars from strategy and international business to join our stimulating discussions. Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. All papers are refereed through a double-blind peer review process. A guide for authors and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/117946257/grouphome/ForAuthors.html
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: November 1, 2014
- Publication release: 2016
Articles must be submitted through Thunderbird International Business Review’s Manuscript Central electronic submission system: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tibr
Please ensure your article abides by the scope and formatting conditions of this journal, which are detailed at http://www.thunderbird.edu/knowledge_network/tibr/submission.htm When submitting your article, please specify in your cover letter that you are submitting to the special issue on “Emerging Markets Firms Venturing into Advanced Economies”.
For additional information, please contact the special issue editors: Demetris Vrontis, School of Business, University of Nicosia, vrontis.d@unic.ac.cy, Yipeng Liu, Kent Business School, University of Kent, Y.P.Liu@kent.ac.uk
Atsmon, Y., Kloss, M., & Smit, S. 2012. Parsing the Growth Advantage of Emerging-Market Companies. Mckinsey Quarterly, 3: 10-14. Chebbi, H., Yahiaoui, D., Thrassou, A., & Vrontis, D. 2014. Building Multi-Unit Ambidextrous Organizations - A Transformative Framework. Human Resource Management: Forthcoming. Cui, L., & Jiang, F. 2012. State ownership effect on firms' FDI ownership decisions under institutional pressure: a study of Chinese outward-investing firms. Journal of International Business Studies, 43(3): 264-284. Deng, P. 2010. What determines performance of cross‐border M&As by Chinese companies? An absorptive capacity perspective. Thunderbird International Business Review, 52(6): 509-524. Deng, P. 2012. The Internationalization of Chinese Firms: A Critical Review and Future Research*. International Journal of Management Reviews, 14: 408-427. Gomes, E., Angwin, D. N., Weber, Y., & Tarba, S. Y. 2013. Critical Success Factors through the Mergers and Acquisitions Process: Revealing Pre‐and Post‐M&A Connections for Improved Performance. Thunderbird International Business Review, 55(1): 13-35. Hoskisson, R. E., Wright, M., Filatotchev, I., & Peng, M. W. 2013. Emerging Multinationals from Mid‐Range Economies: The Influence of Institutions and Factor Markets. Journal of Management Studies, 50(7): 1295-1321. Javidan, M., Teagarden, M., & Bowen, D. 2010. Making it overseas. Harvard Business Review, 88(4): 109-113. Liu, Y., & Woywode, M. 2013. Light-touch Integration of Chinese Cross-Border M&A: The Influences of Culture and Absorptive Capacity. Thunderbird International Business Review, 55(4): 469-483. Luo, Y., & Rui, H. 2009. An ambidexterity perspective toward multinational enterprises from emerging economies. Academy of Management Perspectives, 23(4): 49-70. Luo, Y., Sun, J., & Wang, S. L. 2011. Comparative strategic management: An emergent field in international management. Journal of International Management, 17(3): 190-200. Luo, Y., & Tung, R. L. 2007. International expansion of emerging market enterprises: A springboard perspective. Journal of International Business Studies, 38(4): 481-498. Luo, Y., Xue, Q., & Han, B. 2010. How emerging market governments promote outward FDI: Experience from China. Journal of World Business, 45(1): 68-79. Meyer, K. E., Mudambi, R., & Narula, R. 2011. Multinational enterprises and local contexts: the opportunities and challenges of multiple embeddedness. Journal of Management Studies, 48(2): 235-252. Oswick, C., Fleming, P., & Hanlon, G. 2011. From borrowing to blending: Rethinking the processes of organizational theory building. Academy of management review, 36(2): 318-337. Sheth, J. N. 2011. Impact of emerging markets on marketing: Rethinking existing perspectives and practices. Journal of Marketing, 75(4): 166-182. Teagarden, M. B. 2013. Not All Emerging Markets Are Created Equal. Thunderbird International Business Review, 55(3): 235-236. Teagarden, M. B., & Schotter, A. 2013. Favor prevalence in emerging markets: A multi-level analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 30(2): 447-460 Von Glinow, M. A., & Teagarden, M. B. 2009. The future of Chinese management research: rigour and relevance redux. Management and Organization Review, 5(1): 75-89. Vrontis, D. 2003. Integrating adaptation and standardisation in international marketing: the AdaptStand modelling process. Journal of Marketing Management, 19(3-4): 283-305. Vrontis, D., Thrassou, A., & Lamprianou, I. 2009. International marketing adaptation versus standardisation of multinational companies. International Marketing Review, 26(4/5): 477-500. Weber, Y., Tarba, S. Y., & Oberg, C. 2014. A Comprehensive Guide to Mergers and Acquisitions: Managing The Critical Success Factors Across Every Stage of The M&A Process. USA & UK: Pearson & Financial Times.
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