Senior Lecturer/Lecturer in International Business AND Senior Lecturer/Lecturer in Strategy

Aston Business School is one of Europe’s leading Business Schools, with the majority of its research rated world-leading or internationally excellent in RAE2008, QAA 24/24 for teaching quality and accredited by AACSB, AMBA and EQUIS. There is a thriving research culture and strong demand from well-qualified students for its range of undergraduate, Masters and post-experience courses. This opportunity exists within the Economics and Strategy Group a highly motivated individual to make a significant contribution to research and teaching in International Business, and the second post in strategy. For a Senior Lectureship appointment you will have a strong publication record in refereed international journals and be able to demonstrate an established on-going research programme in addition to leadership in research and teaching. Application forms and further particulars are available on our web site:, by email: or by telephoning: 0121 359 0870 (24 hour answerphone). (CVs will only be considered if accompanied by a completed application form.) Reference number R090385 (IB) and R090386 (Strategy) Anyone wishing to discuss the posts is welcome to contact Professors Nigel Driffield ( or Paula Jarzabkowski (