The Routledge Companion to European Buisiness
We are currently seeking authors for the following book and its chapters:
A book edited by Gabriele Suder (The University of Melbourne), Monica Riviere (ISC Paris) and Johan Lindeque (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland and the University of Amsterdam)
Book Description and Rational
International Business is a well-established research field, in which regionalisation has gained prominence in the last decade. Because Europe is a market that shows specific patterns of highly advanced market integration, European Business is a subject in its own right and with its own research momentum. In particular, firms view Europe as a challenging, mostly - yet not entirely - mature market location that is subject to complexities that help reveal strategic corporate strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, Europe - and its many sub-locations - represents a location that due to its geo-economic and geopolitical position undergoes frequent and rapid change(s). At present there is no single text on the state of current research knowledge on European Business or which offers a comprehensive guide to research students and academics on the subjects within the domain of Europeanisation.
Target Readership
- Students and researchers of European business and international business;
- Academics and students seeking convenient access to the complex area of European business;
- Established researchers seeking a single repository on the current state of European business research knowledge, current debates, relevant literature and of future research agendas.
Chapter topics for which we seek proposals (except where author name is already indicated):
1. Introduction (Gabriele Suder, Monica Riviere and Johan Lindeque)
SECTION A. Opening Chapters
2. European Business: A literature review
3. European Business Research in Perspective: The focus of regionalisation in the IB literature
SECTION B. International Business Theory and Evidence in Europe: Origins and evolutions
4. Internalization theory and European business (P. Enderwick)
5. On basis of the Uppsala model: evolutions to European research models and frameworks
6. European Locations: multi-country or single regional market?
7. Europeanization and European Business Performance: Theoretical arguments for European strategies.
8. European Small and Medium Businesses and the Born Global concept
9. International business theory and European transition countries.
SECTION C. Culture, Identity and European Business
10. Culture and European Business: Past, Present and Future Opportunities (Sonja Sackmann)
11. European business cultures: theory & practice (A. Kaplan)
12. European Identity and European Business (Richard Brunet-Thornton)
SECTION D. Economic and Market Integration: Doing business in advanced regionalisation
13. Regionalisation and the European Project
14. Single Market evolution and its business impact (M. Benson-Rea)
15. FTAs and RTAs with third countries & European business
16. The case of Russia, Turkey, Belarus and more: Where to draw a frontier in the European business environment? (Andrey Panibratov)
SECTION E. The (International) Political Economy of European Business
17. About European Institutions: how the evolving institutions of the EU shape the environment for business as a whole
18. Non-market strategy and European business (Phil Harris)
19. European business strategy
SECTION F. Sectorial and functional perspectives
20. Human Resources Management and European Business
21. European Business Marketing
22. European Operations and Supply Chain Management
23. European Business Innovation
24. European Business and the Financial Sector
25. European Mergers and Acquisitions
SECTION G. Complex Challenges: Migration, climate change, innovation and more
26. Geopolitics and European business
27. Climate change & energy research and European business
28. Migration research and European business
29. Terrorism research and European business
30. Human Rights and European business (E. Giuliani)
31. European Business and (International) Sustainable Development
SECTION H. Emerging themes in European Business Research
32. Euro and European Competitiveness
33. Conclusion (Gabriele Suder, Monica Riviere and Johan Lindeque)
(We are open to receiving proposals for alternative topics for specific sections and are open to some interpretation of the suggested titles in proposals.)
Submission Procedure
Researchers are invited to submit, by or on 04 July, 2016, a chapter proposal of 500-700 words clearly explaining the structure and planned content of his or her proposed chapter. Authors will be notified by or on 07 August 2016 about the status of their proposals and will, if accepted for a chapter submission, receive chapter guidelines.
Full chapters (6000- 8000 words) are expected to be submitted by 01 February, 2017, and will only be eligible for review under condition that the chapters are submitted in full and in compliance with respect to the guidelines. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a blind review basis. Contributors will also be requested to serve as reviewers for one other chapter in this project.
Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this book publication. Authors will not be paid at any stage. All manuscripts are accepted based on a blind peer review editorial process.
Proposal Submission Deadline: 04 July 2016
Other key dates: Notification of proposal acceptance; guidelines to contributors : 07 August 2016, Submission deadline for chapters: 01 February 2017, Chapters Review deadline: 01 April 2017, Contributor revisions deadline: 01 July 2017
This book project has already been accepted for publication by by Routledge under the normal conditions for such projects. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit This publication is anticipated to be released in late 2017 or early 2018.
Please send your proposals or inquiries to The Editors on : . Please do not send e-mails to the editors directly.
- Categories:
- Academy
- Call for Papers