This edited book is scheduled as volume 12 of International Financial Review, an annual book series. The IFR publishes theme-oriented volumes on various issues in international finance, such as international business finance, international investment and capital markets, global risk management, international corporate governance and institution, currency markets, emerging market finance, international economic integration, and related issues. Elsevier Science published IFR volumes 1-8; starting with volume 9, Emerald Group Publishing, the U.K., publishes the Series (

The edited volume on The Role of Institutional Investors in a Globalized Environment will publish original papers that examine various issues concerning the strategies of institutional investors, the role of institutional investors in corporate governance, their impact on local and international capital markets, as well as the emergence of sovereign and other asset management funds and their interactions with micro and macro economic and market environments including the impacts on international economic and market stability. In addition, we are interested in papers that address the role of sovereign wealth funds in the current global financial crisis, as well as the potential role of asset management funds and private equity in corporate governance generally.

We encourage submission of manuscripts that investigate these broad issues concerning economic implications and determinants of institutional investments around the world. We also invite papers that examine the different types of institutional investors including pension funds, mutual funds, hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds, and so forth. Cross-country studies are of particular interest. All types of original papers – theoretical, empirical, or policy-oriented – will be considered.

Within this framework, possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Do institutional investors lead to better corporate governance and/or enhanced firm performance?
  • How do active and passive investors affect corporate governance, firm value and performance?
  • The performance of institutional investors according to their type.
  • The emergence of sovereign wealth funds: the impact of the institutional environment, their transparency, etc…
  • What is the role of institutional investors in relation to the other internal corporate governance mechanisms?
  • How do institutional investors pick up and influence their targets?
  • What are the recent trends in institutional investors’ investments?
  • What was the impact of the recent financial crisis on institutional investors’ investments, especially cross- border?
  • What is the role that institutional investors play in changing local corporate governance institutions?
  • What are the determinants of institutional investors’ participation in firms?
  • Do foreign institutional investors help stabilize or destabilize local markets?
  • The political economy of institutional Investment around the world.

Interested authors are encouraged to contact volume co-editors as early as possible. Complete papers should be submitted, electronically in Microsoft Word, via email to both of the co-editors by February 28, 2011:

Narjess Boubakri, Professor of finance, School of Business and Management, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Jean-Claude Cosset, Professor of International Finance, HEC Montréal, Canada
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