With the rapid growth of Asian economy, interest is growing among executives in learning the unique aspects of Asian business practices. Most Asian countries are implementing institutional transitions which entail dramatic changes of both formal and informal rules of business practice (Peng, Wang, & Jiang, 2008). Asian institutional environments (regulative, normative, and cognitive institutions), along with industry structure and firm factors are having substantial impacts on firm strategy and performance (Galbreath and Galvin; Zhou et al 2005). As such, scholars are calling for more rigorous theories that shed light on management and marketing from an Asian perspective (Kim, Yang, & Hyman 2009; Yang and Wang, 2011). This special issue seeks papers that enable deep understanding of Asian business practice and contribute to Asian theories of strategic management and marketing.

This special issue pursues manuscripts related to topics including, but not limited to:

  • How do Asian cultures (such as Confucian values) influence interorganizational relationships in strategic management and marketing?
  • How do Asian MNEs conduct strategic management and marketing to cope with institutional challenges in the process of outward foreign direct investment?
  • How do Asian companies cope with the negative country of origin effect and build up brands in an upscale market?
  • The effect of social networks, social capital, and government policies on strategy formation, execution, and performance of Asian companies
  • Knowledge management and innovation activities in Asian companies
  • How do institutional environments affect Asian firms’ strategic responses?
  • A comparison of management and marketing strategy between Asian and Western markets.
  • The opportunities and challenges of internationalization process of Asian companies
  • Governance strategy in marketing channels in Asian markets.
  • Adaptation and modification of existing consumer behavior theories to Asian markets; novel constructs that help explain variations in consumer or organizational buying behaviors.
  • How do Asian companies cope with such strategic decisions as corporate Social Responsibility, corporate governance, professionalization, organizational forms, philanthropy, family office, and sustainable development?

Submission Details
The deadline for submission of manuscripts is October 31, 2011.  Submit manuscripts as an e-mail attachment to both of the guest editors. The reviewing process will be similar to that used for previous special issues, including the use of guest editors and an editorial review board for the special issue submissions. Chenting Su (mkctsu@cityu.edu.hk) and Zhilin Yang (mkzyang@cityu.edu.hk), College of Business, City University of Hong Kong.


Galbreath, Jeremy, Peter Galvin (2008), “Firm Factors, Industry Structure and Performance Variation: New Empirical Evidence to a Classic Debate,” Journal of Business Research, 61, 109-117.

Fam, Kim-Shyan, Zhilin Yang, and Michael Hyman (2009), “Confucian/Chopsticks Marketing,” Journal of Business Ethics, 88 (3), 393-397.

Peng, Mike, Denis Wang and Yi Jiang (2008), “An Institution-based View of International Business Strategy: A Focus on Emerging Economies,” Journal of International Business Studies, 39 (5), 920-936.

Yang, Zhilin and Chenlu Wang (forthcoming), “Guanxi as a Governance Mechanism in Business Markets: Its Characteristics, Relevant Theories, and Future Research Directions,” Industrial Marketing Management.

Zhou, Zheng, Yong Gao, Zhilin Yang, and Nan Zhou (2005), “Developing Strategic Orientation in China: Antecedents and Consequences of Market and Innovation Orientations,” Journal of Business Research, 58 (8), 1049-1058.