Papers are invited for publication in this special issue of the Journal of Teaching in International Business (JTIB) published by Routledge/Taylor and Francis. JTIB is the premier scholarly journal in its field now in its 27th year of publication (JTIB home page, ).  JTIB instructs international business educators, curriculum developers, and institutions of higher education worldwide on methods and techniques for better teaching to ensure a global mindset and optimum, cost-effective learning in international business. JTIB seeks original, significant, scholarly, and applied articles that use empirical data and analysis to show the effectiveness of various approaches to teaching international business; enrich and make more effective the classroom presentations of teachers of international business; facilitate research endeavors of international business consultants, researchers, business education foundations, and institutions of higher learning.  Papers for this special issue should not have been published or submitted elsewhere for publication.

We expect the papers in this issue to make significant contributions and provide fresh insights for the teaching of International Entrepreneurship, preferably based on empirical evidence. Topic areas (but not limited to) can include how entrepreneurship is taught around the world.  Specifically:

(1) To what extent research and case studies on entrepreneurship are brought into undergraduate, MBA, and PhD curriculum, and/or how effect this has been for the following topics:

  • entrepreneurial finance
  • entrepreneurship and innovation
  • crowdfunding
  • venture capital and private equity
  • cross-border entrepreneurship
  • entrepreneurial opportunities
  • measuring entrepreneurship
  • country comparisons
  • microfinance
  • IPOs
  • culture and entrepreneurship
  • public policy and entrepreneurship
  • legal perspectives on entrepreneurship
  • corporate governance perspectives on entrepreneurship
  • gender and entrepreneurship

(2) To what extent student study abroad programs have enriched the international entrepreneurship education?

(3) What are some specific challenges entrepreneurs facing globally and how can we educate them better to prepare these challenges?

Submission and Review Process:         

To ensure full consideration for inclusion in this special issue, fully developed manuscripts should be submitted to JTIB by July 1st, 2017. All manuscripts submitted to the special issue should be submitted through the JTIB Manuscript Central website  (Special Issue: International Entrepreneurship). Contributors should follow the JTIB Author Guidelines (see