
This special issue seeks to advance research on entrepreneurship in emerging markets. We invite scholarly and practitioner papers that advance extant knowledge and understanding of the factors that impact the establishment, internationalization, success and survival of small and medium enterprises in emerging markets. We welcome conceptual and empirical research including meta-analytical studies on the topic. Interesting topics may include, but are not limited to, the internationalization strategies of SMEs from emerging markets; the internationalization and de-internationalization processes of SMEs in emerging markets; relationships of SMEs with suppliers, customers, governments, labor unions and other institutional constituencies in emerging markets; the impact of culture on entrepreneurship in emerging markets; female entrepreneurship in emerging markets; the sustenance of born-global firms in and from emerging markets; economic, political, legal, technological and social impacts on entrepreneurship in emerging markets; and opportunities and challenges facing entrepreneurship in emerging markets.

Submission and Review Process

The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2011. Articles must be submitted through Thunderbird International Business Review’s Manuscript Central electronic submission system: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tibr  

Please ensure your article abides by the scope and formatting conditions of this journal, which are detailed at http://www.thunderbird.edu/knowledge_network/tibr/submission.htm When submitting your article, please specify in your cover letter that you are submitting to the special issue on “Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets”.

Time Line

December 1, 2011: Deadline for electronic submissions of papers to TIBR special issue
March 2012: First round reviews for authors
September 2012: Deadline for papers with revisions
December 2012: Final decisions on papers for TIBR special issue

More Information

For additional information, please contact the special issue editors:

Ilan Alon, The China Center, Rollins College & Harvard Kennedy School, IALON@rollins.edu

Daniel Rottig, Lutgert College of Business, Florida Gulf Coast University, DRottig@fgcu.edu