Journal of International Business Studies Special Issue and Review Article
JIBS Special Issues address under-researched or controversial topics, and new emerging themes in international business. Special Issues should encourage new streams of insightful and influential research, in line with the JIBS Statement of Editorial Policy. The JIBS Editors welcome in particular, Special Issue proposals that connect mainstream research performed within the AIB community and streams of research on international business issues developed in related disciplines, and where these strands of research have so far been developed largely independently of one another. The team of Guest Editors for a Special Issue will typically include at least one JIBS Editor as the Supervising Editor, but there is no requirement to include a JIBS Editor in any initial Special Issue proposal, as the editorial team will add an appropriate Supervising Editor after acceptance of the proposal. The proposal should include a maximum of four guest editors (not including the JIBS Supervising Editor). There are typically two JIBS Special Issues published each year.
JIBS also invites proposals for Review Articles. A Review Article should include a compelling summary of the state-of-the-art in a well-researched subject area within the international business field. In addition, it should explore the links, both explicit and implicit ones, between this subject area and complementary research streams in related disciplines: here, it should demonstrate the value of cross-fertilization of ideas from international business and from these complementary research streams, and it should establish an agenda for future research. The team of authors of a Review Paper should ideally include a recognized scholar from another discipline than international business. A JIBS Editor will be actively involved in providing feedback to the authors at an early stage, after proposal acceptance. First drafts of Review Articles will be subjected to a double blind review process, but the reviewers will be informed that the submitted manuscript results from a Review Article proposal that has been accepted by the Editors. The expectation is that manuscripts should go through only one round of revisions.
All proposals for Special Issues should be submitted by July 1, 2024, and all proposals for Review Articles should be submitted by July 1, 2024, to the JIBS Managing Editor, Ms. Anne Hoekman; please note that no extensions will be offered for these deadlines.
A proposal should be approximately 3 pages long, excluding cover letter, references and bios, which can be added in an appendix to the proposal; bios should be limited to 400 words per contributor. Please submit everything in one PDF file. Please note that one criteria used in evaluating any proposal is originality and novelty of the topic, so we ask that submitters disclose any previously published or in process projects on similar themes in a cover letter; if disclosing any projects on a similar topic, please also fill out and include an originality matrix.
For more information:
- Categories:
- Academy
- Call for Papers