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The People's United Bank provides a list of trade events by industry. The events are in the United States and include Exhibitions, Conferences, Conventions, and Shows. 

The Good Country Index was created by Simon Anholt, Honorary Professor at the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom. The index ranks countries based on their contributions to the common good of humanity and also their negative impact on the common good, relative to the country's size. The index is global in scope, looking at how countries impact the wider world.

The International Debt Collection report, which is provided by Euler Hermes, includes a ranking of 50 countries based on their debt collection complexity. The collection complexity scores are based on expert judgement, as well as over 40 objective indicators related to local payment practices, legal court proceedings, and local insolvency proceedings. This report also includes advice on dealing with the complexities of international debt collection.

The Global Risk Monitor (GRM) tracks the likelihood of our top ten global risks – the most serious and pertinent geopolitical and macroeconomic risks the world faces in the year ahead. The GRM’s rigorous and transparent methodology helps businesses and policymakers track emerging risks and measure their impact on geopolitics, macroeconomics and investor interests – all available through a user-friendly, fully interactive interface which links directly to further analysis from the Oxford Analytica Daily Brief. Resource requires website membership in order to view full report.

The report identifies and measures the underlying factors that contribute to high rates of economic growth in the medium term (a time horizon of about 5 years). These factors are quantified and then combined into an Index of Competitiveness. The website provides access only to an interactive map (link on right column) that provides the current state of world countries with various hotspots clickable for detailed explanation. The report is available in PDF format; rankings are available in PDF and Excel formats.

The report identifies and measures the underlying factors that contribute to high rates of economic growth in the medium term (a time horizon of about 5 years). These factors are quantified and then combined into an Index of Competitiveness. The website provides access only to an interactive map (link on right column) that provides the current state of world countries with various hotspots clickable for detailed explanation. The report is available in PDF format; rankings are available in PDF and Excel formats.