Market Potential Index (MPI) for Emerging Markets - 2003
September 29, 2003
You are currently viewing an old version of the Market Potential Index (MPI).
Global marketing is becoming more and more important along the years with the increasing trend in internationalization. Having too many choices, marketers face the challenge of determining which international markets to enter and the appropriate marketing strategies for those countries.
The focus of this study is ranking the market potential of countries identified as "Emerging Markets" by The Economist magazine. These emerging economies comprise more than half of the world's population, account for a large share of world output, and have very high growth rates; all indicators of enormous market potential.
This indexing study is conducted by MSU-IBC to help companies compare the Emerging Markets with each other on several dimensions. Eight dimensions are chosen to represent the market potential of a country over a scale of 1 to 100. Each dimension is measured using various indicators, and are weighted in determining their contribution to the Overall Market Potential Index.
Notes:- The most recent version of the Market Potential Index can always be found on globalEDGE at: /mpi/
- The report for previous years can be reached through the Market Potential Index (MPI) Archive table on the right column.
- To sort by any dimension, click on the name of the dimension.
Dimensions and Measures of Market Potential for 2003
Dimension | Weight | Measures Used |
Market Size | 10/50 |
Market Growth Rate | 6/50 |
Market Intensity | 7/50 |
Market Consumption Capacity | 5/50 |
Commercial Infrastructure | 7/50 |
Economic Freedom | 5/50 |
Market Receptivity | 6/50 |
Country Risk | 4/50 |
Data used are those available for most recent year.
For More Information:
For the indexing methodology, please refer to:
"Measuring The Potential of Emerging Markets: An Indexing Approach" - S.Tamer
Business Horizons, January-February 1997, Vol. 40 Number
1, 87-91:
Complementary Approaches to Preliminary Foreign Market Opportunity Assessment: Country
Clustering and Country Ranking
" - S. Tamer Cavusgil, Tunga Kiyak, and Sengun
Industrial Marketing Management, October 2004, Volume 33,
Issue 7, 607-617:
For additional inquiries, please contact MSU-IBC.