Utah: Profile
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State Info
- Governor:
- Spencer Cox (R)
- Treasurer:
- Marlo Oaks (R)
- Senators:
- John Curtis (R)
Mike Lee (R) - Entered Union:
- January 4, 1896
- U.S. Representatives:
- 4
Logistics [3]
- Public Road Length:
- 48812Miles (2020)
- Gas Tax:
- 31.9% (2022)
- Number of Public and Private Airports
- 45 (2016)
Population [4]
- Population:
- 3,271,616 (2020)
- Non-English Speaker (at home)
- 460,999 (2021)
- Net International Immigration
- 5,414 (2022)
- Birth Rate (per 1,000)
- 64.1 per 1,000 (2022)
- Percent of People Under Poverty Level (%)
- 7.3% (2020)
Gender Distribution
Age Distribution
Education [5]
High School Graduation Rate
Percent of Population with a Bachelor's Degree
Percent of Population with an Advanced Degree
Employment [6]
Average Weekly Wage (USD)
Unemployment Rate (%)
GDP [7]
Total GDP (USD Billions)
Per Capita Real GDP
GDP State Rank
Revenue [8]
Per Capita Personal Income (USD)
Per Capita State Tax Collection (USD)
State Internal Revenue Collection (USD Thousands)
Cash and Security Holdings by State Government (USD Thousands)
Personal Income State Rank
Expenditures [9]
Per Capita State Spending (USD)
Energy Expenditures per Person (USD)
Expenditures of State and Local Government Employee-Retirement Systems (USD Thousands)
- U.S. Census Bureau (2015)
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (2018)
- Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS) (2023)
- U.S Census Bureau (2023)
- U.S. Census Bureau (2023)
- BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) (2023)
- Bureau of Economic Analysis (2023)
- U.S Census Bureau (2023)
- NASBO (National Association of State Budget Officers) (2023)