Key Figures

Chief of State:
King Charles III represented by Acting Governor General Errol Charles
Head of Government:
Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre


Government Name:
Saint Lucia
Adopted: 1979; Serves as a set of rules to regulate the relationship between the three branches of government in addition to the institutions associated with each of these branches. The Constitution also establishes the structures, procedures, powers, and duties of the government to ensure that the country is being governed well. The fundamental rights of the people are also guaranteed to be protected.
Government Type:
Parliamentary Democracy
Saint Lucia Flag
Coat of Arms of Saint Lucia

Index of Economic Freedom

Grades each country on a scale of 0 to 100, based on ten freedoms, with 100 representing the greatest amount of economic autonomy from government intervention. Source: Heritage Foundation (2023)

Country Risk Rating

There is no Country Risk Rating for Saint Lucia

Government Branches

Main Powers Election Process Election Cycle 1

Monarch of the United Kingdom acts as a ceremonial figurehead, governor-general represents the king, and prime minister provides advice for the governor-general and leads the cabinet of ministers.

Governor-general is appointed by the monarch, and prime minister is appointed by the governor-general.

Governor-general and prime minister: At the monarch's discretion


Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court presides over multiple countries, one justice resides in St. Kitts.

Appointed by British monarch and the Judicial and Legal Services Commission.

Mandatory retirement age of 65


Main legislative body.

Senate members are appointed, and House of Representatives members are elected by plurality vote in single-member constituencies.

5 years

Regional Trade Blocs

International Organization Participation [2]

Environmental Agreements [3]

Tax Information [2]

Tax Authority:
Information not available
Tax Name:
Information not available


  1. ElectionGuide
  2. EY,
  3. CIA World Factbook,
  4. U.S. Bilateral Relations Fact Sheets