Regulatory Agencies
The Flemish Regulator for the Media (VRM) consists of a chamber that regulates telecommunications in Belgium. The VRM can issue or suspend licenses to radio broadcasting networks, determine relevant markets for the broadcasts, supervise legislation compliance, and protect consumers by solving disputes.
The Swedish Consumer Agency is the state agency tasked with safeguarding consumer interests. This site contains a list of consumer rights in Sweden as well as information regarding product safety, filing complaints, and budget and debt.
The Afghanistan Telecom Regulatory Authority (ATRA) regulates broadcasting, post, and telecommunications in Afghanistan. Its site contains information regarding regulations and licensing within the industry, policies and guidelines, recent news, upcoming events, and statistics.
Provided by the Afghanistan Investment Support Agency, Invest in Afghanistan serves as a resource for those wishing to do business with or in Afghanistan. General economic, political, social, and infrastructure information is provided by the site as well as a country profile. An investment opportunities section provides information regarding Afghanistan's most popular industries. There are also dedicated sections of reasons to invest in the country, processes of starting a business, and success stories.
The goal of the Ministry of Commerce and Industries (MOCI) is to promote the development and growth of private sector enterprises through the development of the appropriate policies. This website contains all of the publications and regulations made by the MOCI as well as contact information for the MOCI's staff. Trade agreements, information concerning imports and exports, and licensing instructions are also included in the site.
The Electronic and Postal Communications Authority (AKEP) is the regulatory agency for postal and electronic communication in Albania. AKEP creates regulatory policies for operators and monitors compliance with these regulations. The website provides information about AKEP's board members and organization structure, legislation, and publications.
The Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) regulates broadcasting by managing the radio frequency spectrum, monitoring compliance with regulations and policies by operators, granting licenses to producers, ensuring appropriate broadcasts, and resolving conflicts from consumers. The AMA website provides information about AMA regarding its members, the council of complaints, and structure. Site content also includes service media providers, legislation, and press releases. Some parts of the website are only available in Albanian.
The Albanian Financial Supervisory Authority (AFSA) is responsible for the regulation and supervision of the financial services industry within Albania. This site contains information about AFSA, legal framework, publications and statistics, and consumer protection.
The Regulatory Authority of Post and Telecommunications (ARPT) regulates Algeria’s post, broadcasting, and telecommunications. The ARPT is responsible for granting operating permits, giving recommendations to producers, managing the radio frequency spectrum, ensuring fair competition, improving technology and equipment, and protecting consumers. Only available in Arabic and French.
The Algerian Space Agency (ASAL) is a member of the International Astronautical Federation. ASAL is responsible for developing space programs in Algeria and gaining independence in satellite design. Only available in French.
The Andorran Financial Authority (AFA) was established in 1989 as a public financial institution to carry out many functions related to regulating and overseeing the financial sector in Andorra. This site contains information on the specific functions of the Institute, as well as a section on the laws and regulations in Andorra. The website is available in English, Catalan, French, and Spanish.
The Ministry of Commerce of Angola is in charge of the development and regulation of all import and export policies. The website contains information about the ministry itself, services available, news, and a calendar of events. A search engine allows users to search through a library of publications, which are available for free in PDF. A limited English version of the site is available, however, content is mainly in Portuguese.
The Angola Ministry of Finance aims to stimulate economic activity within Angola and promote equitable distribution of national income through the implementation of its fiscal policies. The site contains a general ministry overview, financial legislation, and information regarding the national economy as well as international affairs. An English version of the site is available.
The Antigua and Barbuda Investment Agency (ABIA) is the investment promotion agency for both domestic and foreign investors. The site provides information about various programs, initiatives, and investment opportunities. In addition, the site provides information about starting a business, background information about Antigua and Barbuda, and a resource library.
The Financial Services Regulatory Commission (FSRC) of Antigua and Barbuda is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the financial services industry within Antigua and Barbuda. The site contains a list of services, directories, and FAQs.
The National Administration of Drugs, Foods, and Medical Devices, also known as Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica (ANMAT), is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and food and beverage industries within Argentina. The site contains information on regulations, press releases, and publications as well as state agency and medical publications links. Some areas of the site are only available in Spanish.
Argentina's National Space Activities Commission, also known as Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE), represents the nation's civil research and development capabilities in space activities. CONAE develops advanced space technology, enhances economic and human resources, and builds international space cooperation. The site is only available in Spanish.
The National Stock Market of Argentina, also known as Comision Nacional de Valores (CNV), is responsible for the regulation and oversight of the Argentinian Financial Services Industry. The site is only available in Spanish.
The Public Services Regulatory Commission (PSRC) regulates industries in Armenia including electricity, natural gas, water, and electronic communications. For the communications industry, the PSRC grants licenses to operators, monitors the radio frequency spectrum, allocates resources to broadcasters, sets regulations and standards, and monitors producers' compliance with legislation. Most of the website is only available in Armenian.
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) is responsible for the oversight and regulations of the food and beverage industry in both Australia and New Zealand. The site contains information on the food code and regulations as well as important information for consumers, including recent recalls, insight into food labeling, and recent food complaints.
The Australian Industrial Chemicals Introduction Scheme (AICIS) helps protect the Australian people and the environment by assessing the risks of importing or manufacturing industrial chemicals and promoting their safe use. The AICIS website provides companies with resources to help them register their business to handle hazardous chemicals and to hit all compliance registrations.
The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources is responsible for developing and implementing policies in Australia's agriculture industry. The department aims to ensure the safety and competitiveness of Australian agriculture on an international level. This site provides information on various aspects of the Australian agricultural industry, including importing, exporting, and travel.
The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade provides advice on foreign trade and development policy to the government in order to promote Australian interests internationally. The site contains information on the department's policies as well as the latest news relating to Australian foreign affairs and trade.
The Department of Health is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the healthcare industry in Australia. The site contains publications, information about the department's programs, and relevant information for both consumers and medical professionals.
Australia's Department of Primary Industries (DPI) develops successful and diverse food and agriculture industries. The site provides recent news related to these industries as well as a number of useful publications detailing a variety of methods to help start, grow, and sustain an agricultural or food-related industry.
The Department of the Environment and Energy designs and implements policies and programs to protect and conserve the environment, water, and heritage while promoting climate action. The department deals with topics including air quality, national fuel quality standards, and renewable energy. The site is a source for information regarding the department's legislation, grants, permits and licenses, and programs.
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) is the regulatory authority for the Australian pharmaceutical industry. The TGA oversees and regulates numerous therapeutic goods, including prescription medicines, vaccines, and medical devices. The site contains information catered specifically to consumers, health professionals, and industry manufacturers. It also lists recent pharmaceutical recalls and alerts.
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) is responsible for the regulation of broadcasting, the internet, radio communications, and telecommunications. ACMA's responsibilities include promoting competition in these sectors, protecting consumers, developing equipment standards, managing the radio frequency spectrum, and representing Australia's communications internationally. The website provides resources for businesses, consumers, and the community on relevant topics regarding the ACMA and its regulated industries.
The Australian Department of Defence was created to protect Australia's national interests and promote peace and security internationally. The department includes the navy, army, and air force. Their webpage provides reports and publications, a section with information on possible careers, updates on the industry and their contracts, and a large number of media and news reports on the department.
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) oversees and regulates all areas of Australia's financial services industry. The site provides publications and statistics , as well as information regarding financial legislation and policies.
Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) is the regulator for Australia’s corporations, markets, and financial services. ASIC is more specifically involved in the registration of securities as well as the oversight of financial reporting and market mechanics. The site contains useful links and publications for those in the Australian financial services industry.
The role of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is to manage and shape tax, excise, and superannuation systems that fund services for Australians. The site contains a listing of all tax laws, regulations, and tips sorted by tax filing type.
The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) was created by the Australian government to help businesses sell their products overseas. The site provides a directory of Australian exporting firms, trade statistics, an event calendar, industry reports, and information on investing in Australia.
The Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Health and Consumer Protection is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Austrian healthcare industry. The site contains information for tourists traveling to Austria, physician certifications, and pediatric health. The information provided covers the Austrian healthcare system as well as more specific topics such as nutrition, diseases & medicines, and women & equality.
The Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA) is responsible for the regulation and supervision of the Austrian financial services industry. The site contains a list of all applicable laws, statistics, and relevant links for different sectors of the Austrian financial services industry.
The Austrian Regulatory Authority for Broadcasting and Telecommunications (RTR) consists of two divisions: Media and Telecommunications and the Postal Service. The RTR regulates these divisions by granting operating licenses to producers, setting standards and regulatory policies, ensuring compliance with legislation, mediating disputes, and encouraging the growth of technology in the sectors. The website provides information for consumers, telecom operators, and media service providers. A limited English version of the site is available.
The Ministry of the Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan aims to increase the country's agricultural capacity. The site provides information about legislation, international cooperation, and statistical data. In addition, users can find in-depth information about various sectors, such as plant-growing, technical policies, and production facilities.
The Ministry of Defense Industry of Azerbaijan Republic is responsible for implementing the policy regarding national defense, aviation, communication and radio-electronics, and engineering. The site provides information about various enterprises, production, e-services, and recent news. The site also provides useful country resources regarding information on national leadership.
The Ministry of Economy and Industry is in charge of implementing all legislation and regulations that impact trade and economic development in Azerbaijan. This website contains economic statistics, information for entrepreneurs, data on regional and international development, and a list of relevant legislation.
The Securities Commission of The Bahamas (SCB) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Financial Services Industry in the Bahamas. This site contains information on how the SCB regulates, the laws it enforces, publications, and information specifically for investors.
The Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) regulates electronic communications and broadcasting in the Bahamas, as well as controlling the spectrum and numbering systems. URCA promotes fair competition in the sectors, ensures quality, appropriate radio & TV broadcasts, mediates disputes, and ensures operators comply with legislation and permits.
The Ministry of Finance and National Economy of Bahrain is responsible for all aspects of the financial services industry in Bahrain: regulation, oversight, and promotion. The website includes information on budget and law, as well as analyses and headlines relating to the economic state of Bahrain.
The Ministry of Health is responsible for overseeing and regulating the Healthcare Industry within Bahrain. This site contains information on medical services and institutions within Bahrain.
The Ministry of Industry and Commerce strives to increase economic competition and foreign investment through regulations and policies impacting trade. This site contains relevant publications and a listing of regulations and services provided by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) is responsible for the regulation of telecommunications & post in Bahrain. The TRA promotes effective and fair competition in the industry, while also encouraging the development of technologies and promoting investment. The TRA also grants licenses to operators, sets equipment standards, and protects users by mediating disputes.
The Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) regulates telecommunications by granting licenses and permits to operators, setting regulations and standards, monitoring compliance with legislation, setting tariffs, promoting fair competition, mediating disputes among consumers and operators, and encouraging technological innovation and investment.
The Ministry of Commerce is responsible for Bangladesh’s overall trade and commerce-related activities by implementing proper policies and regulations as they impact global and local trade. This website has information on trade and trade organizations concerning Bangladesh. This site is originally only available in Bengali; click the link in the top right corner of the page for the English version of the site.
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOH&FW) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Healthcare Industry within Bangladesh. This site contains information on healthcare services, budgets, and an annual report published by the MOH&FW.
The Ministry of Textiles and Jute is responsible for developing policies for Bangladesh’s apparel and textile industry. Specifically, the Ministry is focused on furthering the development of Bangladesh’s apparel sector. This website contains information on current projects and policies the Ministry uses. The site is available in English, but many publications and reports are only in Bengali.
The Securities and Exchange Commission of Bangladesh (BSEC) is responsible for creating policies and regulating the financial services industry in Bangladesh. The site contains a list of recent press releases and important links for investors.
The Telecommunications Unit of Barbados (TU) is responsible for promoting a competitive environment, ensuring the industry is easily accessible, and developing and implementing regulatory policies. On the site, you can also find resources related to Barbados domains, government notices, application forms, and types of licenses.
The Ministry of Communications and Informatization regulates the telecommunications, post, and audiovisual sectors in Belarus. The website includes ministry information, a press center, management practices, projects, news for investors, and online services.
The Ministry of Economy in Belarus is responsible for implementing and designing regulations that promote economic competition and entrepreneurship while monitoring and responding to bankruptcy and monopolies in Belarus. This website contains macroeconomic data on Belarus, reasons to invest in the country, foreign economic and anti-monopoly policies, business reforms, and news and publications.
The Belarusian State Concern for Oil and Chemistry, also known as Belneftekhim, is an agency that promotes safety in crude oil production companies, oil product sales, chemistry and scientific research, and development in foreign markets in Belarus. The site contains information about the agency itself, investments, licensing, and recent news. Although an English version is available, the content is minimal.
The Belgian Institute for Postal Services and Telecommunications (BIPT) supervises both the postal and telecommunications sectors. BIPT sets standards for producers, such as prices, tariffs, and equipment standards, as well as solve consumer complaints and disputes. The BIPT site contains information about internet, television, radio, and post services.
The Federal Public Service (FPS) Health, Food Chain Safety, and Environment is responsible for overseeing and regulating Belgium's healthcare, food, and beverage industries. The site contains information about food safety, healthcare, the health of animals and plants, and the health of the environment. Food regulations are addressed for specific food production aspects and are downloadable in PDF. Some parts of the site are not available in English.
The Financial Services and Market Authority (FSMA) is responsible for regulating and overseeing the Belgian financial services industry. This site is broken up into two major sections, one with information for consumers and the other with information for professionals. The consumer section covers general topics like savings, investments, and pensions; also offered here are fraud warnings and a portal to file complaints. The professional section offers information on major target groups, a business portal, and a link to the Belgian Audit Oversight College document collection on financial supervisory regulations. Other sections on the site cover recent news and warnings relevant to the financial industry.
The Media Council of the German-Speaking Community of Belgium is responsible for regulating audio-visual media among German speakers in Belgium. The council governs the broadcasting sector by granting licenses to operators, setting equipment standards, monitoring compliance with legislation and standards, managing the radio frequency spectrum, and encouraging technological innovations. Some information is only available in German.
The Superior Audiovisual Council (CSA) regulates the audiovisual sector in Belgium for non-German speaking citizens. The council mainly assigns broadcasting licenses for TV and radio, monitors operators' compliance with laws, and ensures quality, appropriate broadcasts. Only available in French.
The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Post Office (ARCEP) is responsible for defining standards and regulations for telecommunications producers, granting licenses and permits to operators, and arbitrating disputes between consumers and operators. The site contains information about the organization's structure, legal texts, and regulatory activities. In addition, publications and news are available. The site is only available in French.
The Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) is the regulator of the financial services industry in Bermuda. This site contains information on company matters, banking, insurance, and investment. Statistics, legislation, and publications are also available.
Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan (RMA) is the central banking institution of Bhutan. The RMA is responsible for the creation and regulation of all monetary policy in Bhutan, including laws that govern brokers, insurance companies, and bankruptcies. The website provides forms for foreign currency exchanges. The site also provides links to other Bhutan financial institutions.
The Financial Regulatory Authority, also known as Autoridad de Supervisión del Sistema Financiero (ASFI), is responsible for regulating and supervising the financial services industry in Bolivia. The site contains statistics, publications, regulations, and consumer information. Only available in Spanish.
The Ministry of Economy and Public Finance (MEPF), or Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas Públicas, creates an equitable financial services industry in Bolivia. The MEPF site contains listings of applicable laws, industry news, economic forms, vice ministries, and citizen information. Some content is only available in Spanish.
The Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Transportation, also known as Autoridad de Regulación y Fiscalización de Telecomunicaciones y Transportes (ATT), regulates communications, transportation, and post in Bolivia. The ATT website contains information about its functions, legal framework, each of the sectors it is responsible for regulating, and recent news. Only available in Spanish.
The Communications Regulatory Agency (CRA) regulates communication and broadcasting in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The site contains information and regulations on telecommunications, broadcasting, radio spectrum management, and news. Some sections of the website are only available in Bosnian.
The Securities Commission of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina is responsible for the policies and regulations that impact the Bosnian financial services industry. The site contains a list of audit companies, an information registry index, and lists of laws, publications, and financial statements.
The Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA) is responsible for regulating the telecommunications, postal, internet, and broadcasting sectors. The site provides information about the responsibilities of BOCRA, its projects, and a list of documents and legislation pertaining to telecommunications.
The Brazilian Ministry of Industry, Foreign Trade and Services site is a comprehensive resource for Brazilian trade. The site contains information about trade barriers, imports, and exports all dealing with Brazil. An English version of the site is available, however, the majority of pages on the site are only available in Portuguese.
The National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL) regulates telecommunications, post, and broadcasting in Brazil. ANATEL promotes fair competition in the industry while also promoting the innovation of equipment. ANATEL monitors radio frequency, implements legislation and standards, and arbitrates disputes among consumers and operators. The site is only available in Portuguese.
The Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (CVM) is charged with maintaining a fair and equitable financial services industry through policy development and regulation. This site contains information on the CVM, recent news, and important links.
The Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Healthcare Industry within Brazil. The site contains news, education, and knowledge resources sorted by sector. Parts of the site are only available in Portuguese.
The Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) is responsible for formulating and coordinating the Brazilian space policy. AEB promotes the autonomy and development of the space industry. The site is only available in Portuguese.
The Brunei Darussalam Central Bank (BDCB), previously known as the Monetary Authority of Brunei Darussalam (AMBD), is responsible for policy development and regulatory affairs in Brunei. This site contains a list of regulatory information divided by sectors as well as information on financial intelligence and monetary policy in Brunei.
The Department of Economic Planning and Statistics is responsible for implementing all policy that affects natural development in Brunei. The department's website contains links to current news, reports by the department, and statistics on the economy of Brunei.
The Communications Regulation Commission (CRC) regulates communications in Bulgaria. The CRC monitors the radio frequency spectrum, grants licenses to operators, regulates the post, arbitrates disputes, and monitors operators' compliance with legislation. The site contains news related to the CRC, available E-services from the commission, and archives of annual reports and other practical information.
The Council for Electronic Media (CEM) is a regulatory agency of Bulgaria that is responsible for electronic communications, especially the broadcasting of radio and TV. The CEM regulates broadcasts by setting standards and regulations that operators must comply with. The CEM also arbitrates disputes, protects the freedoms of consumers, and promotes fair competition in the industry.
The Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) is charged with maintaining stability and transparency through policy development, promotion, and regulation. This site contains information on the FSC's projects and functions as well as relevant information in the financial services industry.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry is in charge of upholding the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for Bulgaria. The CAP dictates how farmers receive subsidy distributions, support payments, and rural development policies.
The Republic of Bulgaria Ministry of Economy is responsible for the implementation and regulation of government policies as it impacts the business services industries. Specifically, this site contains updates on current news, lists of policies, and relevant statistics.
The Bulgarian Drug Agency (BDA) is associated with the country's Ministry of Health. It is responsible for overseeing the safe production of medicines in Bulgaria. The BDA inspects laboratories, drugs, and medical devices in order to ensure the quality and safety of drug use. Their site includes useful information for citizens, medical specialists, and companies regarding medical laws, devices, and treatments.
The priorities of the Bulgarian Space Research and Technology Institute (SRTI-BAS) are to research solar-terrestrial and space physics, research and design remote sensing of the Earth, and research new space technologies. The site provides information on their research projects and events.
The Regulatory Agency for Telecommunications (ARCT) is responsible for regulating communications in Burundi. ARCT regulates by processing applications for licenses, establishing standards for equipment and operation, arbitrating disputes, ensuring fair competition, and managing the frequency spectrum. Only available in French.
The Ministry of Commerce is responsible for maintaining all international trade relations that Cambodia is involved with as well as encouraging private sector growth through policy and regulatory development. This site contains news links, material on Cambodia's free trade agreements, and information on new projects the ministry is working on.
The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications is responsible for implementing regulatory policies pertaining to post, telecommunications, and information technologies in Cameroon. The Ministry grants licenses to communications operators, provides training of employees in the sectors, ensures appropriate and efficient products, encourages technological innovation, and encourages investment.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) provides information, research, technology, policies, and programs to achieve an environmentally sustainable agricultural industry. The site offers information on the industry, trade, and innovation. It also contains a list of all the services and programs AAFC offers to Canadian farmers and businesses. The website is available in English and French.
The Department of Finance is responsible for using and regulating Canada's public funds and international trade with Canada. This site provides information about various topics, such as financial institutions & markets, international issues, federal budgets, publications, and reports. In addition, the site provides information about acts and regulations, tax treaties, news releases, notices to the media, and speeches. The website is available in English and French.
This is the official website of the Department of Global Affairs in Canada. It provides information about the department, Canada's foreign policy, and international trade and development. News releases and articles regarding hot topics are posted on the homepage, in addition to numerous quick links. These quick links offer information regarding trade missions, exports, and investing in Canada. The website is available in English and French.
Canada's Department of National Defence (DND) provides advice and support to the minister of national defense. They also implement the government's decisions on the security of Canada and of Canadian interests at home and abroad. The site provides information about doing business with DND and investing in the Canadian Armed Forces. The website is available in English and French.
Health Canada is responsible for overseeing and regulating the Canadian healthcare industry. This site contains information on legislation, activities, and publications. This website is available in English and French.
Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada (ISED) is in charge of increasing Canada's share of global trade and building a fair, efficient, and competitive marketplace. ISED is responsible for regulating Canada's airwaves and protecting and promoting the interests of Canadian consumers. This resource allows users to apply for radio licenses, browse federal regulations, and report frauds and scams, among many other functions. Extensive trade statistics are also available under the "International trade and investment" section. These reports provide detailed information on imports, exports, countries of origin, and destinations for Canadian trade. The website is available in English and French.
The Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) creates the rules that all regulatory agencies in Canada's financial services industry must adhere to. This site provides information about the industry, regulations and governance, investors, and a rule book. In addition, the site offers resources, including notices, news, publications, and the IIROC Advisor Report.
The Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada (MFDA) is a self-regulatory agency for the distributors of mutual funds within Canada. This site contains information on regulation and enforcement as well as an area where one can check the background of a mutual fund adviser or distributor.
The Public Health Agency of Canada is responsible for medical research and development and then communicating with the Canadian government to enforce policies and regulations within the public sector of the Canadian Healthcare Industry. This site contains resources on diseases, education, and statistics. The website is available in English and French.
Public Safety Canada protects Canadians from risks such as natural disasters, crime, and terrorism. Its official website includes information on national security, border strategies, countering crime, and emergency management. The website is available in English and French.
Transport Canada is in charge of the rule making, oversight, and outreach for the transportation industry in Canada. This agency's goal is to ensure the safety of the transportation system and proper investment in Canada's infrastructure. This site includes information on road, marine, rail, and air transport. The website is available in English and French.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the Canadian food and beverage industry. The site contains news, recalls, and regulatory information, as well as a listing of frequently requested links. The website is available in English and French.
This is the official website of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal, an independent quasi-judicial body that carries out its statutory responsibilities within Canada's trade remedies system. The website provides detailed information on the tribunal's various mandates and recent press releases. Users may additionally locate numerous e-filing forms and search for specific international trade cases. The website is available in English and French.
The Canadian Radio-Television & Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) regulates broadcasting and communications in Canada. The CRTC issues broadcasting licenses, makes decisions on mergers, approves tariffs, encourages competition in the communications sector, provides information about broadcasting and communications, and resolves consumer disputes. The website is available in English and French.
The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) is an umbrella organization composed of all of Canada's provincial financial regulators that create equal and consistent regulation and financial markets across Canada. This site provides information about various investor tools, legal enforcement, cease trade orders, and industry resources. In addition, the site provides relevant news releases, letters, and statements.
The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) promotes the peaceful use and development of space to advance the knowledge of space through science. The CSA site provides information regarding its activity sectors, multimedia, resources, and recent space-related news.
The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority regulates and supervises the financial services industry. The site provides information about the regulatory framework, regulated sectors, external cooperation and assessments, enforcement and statistics and regulated entities.
The Department of Commerce & Investment (DCI) promotes investment within the Cayman Islands. The DCI site provides information on doing business in the Cayman Islands, licensing, press releases, and news and updates.
The Ministry of Posts and New Information and Communication Technologies in Chad is responsible for developing and implementing policies as well as maintain a regulatory framework in the telecommunication, information technology, and postal sectors in the country. The Ministry's website provides information about the Minster and Ministry, laws and ordinances, and the Ministry's entities. A limited English version of the site is available.
The Ministry of Economy, Development, and Tourism, also known as Ministerio de Economía, Fomento y Turismo, is responsible for the promotion and development of the Chilean economy through proper regulatory actions. Features include studies and surveys in business, innovation, and a foreign trade procedures section. This site is only available in Spanish.
The National Television Committee, also known as Consejo Nacional de Televisión (CNTV), regulates Chilean television by ensuring the broadcasts divulge accurate information. The CNTV receives and handles complaints from users, promotes the development of new technology, grants licenses to TV broadcasters, and ensures easy access to television while also featuring various publications. Only available in Spanish.
The Supervision of Securities and Insurance, also known as Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros (SVS), is the regulatory agency overseeing the securities and insurance segments of the Chilean financial services industry. The site contains a list of relevant legislation, presentations, stock and insurance market statistics, and recent news. The website is in Spanish, with an English overview.
The Undersecretary of Telecommunications, also known as Subsecretaría de Comunicaciones (SUBTEL), regulates communication services in Chile. SUBTEL is in charge of creating legislation for producers as well as granting licenses, monitoring services according to regulations, resolving disputes among consumers and producers, and developing new technology to improve the telecommunications sector. The site provides sector reports and statistics related to the TV, telephone, and internet industry. Only available in Spanish.
The Ministry of Commerce People’s Republic of China website includes news and trade information for businesses and a section on investing in China and global policy. The ministry is also in charge of all regulation of international trade as it relates to China. The site provides various economic data such as foreign direct investment, imports, and exports, as well as numerous policies and opinions.
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China (MIIT) regulates IT in China by fairly allocating resources to producers, forming regulations and standards, monitoring producers' compliance with regulations, mediating disputes among consumers and operators, and developing efficient technology. The website provides forms for businesses to submit projects for the government's approval. It also provides data on information technology. The site is only available in Chinese.
The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) oversees much of China’s international actions. This site contains information on the functions of the NDRC as well as recent news and policy updates.
The Public Construction Commission (PCC) regulates and enforces construction within China. This site contains a list of the current regulations, publications and statistics, news happening within the industry, and information on working with the Chinese government.
The Communications Regulation Commission, also known as Comisión de Regulación de Comunicaciones (CRC), regulates communications by promoting fair competition, issuing regulations and permits to operators, determining standards for equipment, monitoring services, and resolving conflicts among consumers and operators. The site contains information about the CRC, its ongoing projects, the telecommunications industry as a whole, and citizen services. Recent press releases and other important notices are also available.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, also known as Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural, is in charge of the safety, development, and productivity of the agricultural industry in Colombia. The site provides information regarding the organization's regulations and programs. Only available in Spanish.
The National Institute of Health, also known as Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS), is responsible for the medical research and regulation of the Colombian healthcare industry. This site contains information on public services and educational resources for the public. Only available in Spanish.
The Supervisory Agency of Finance, also known as Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia, is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the entire financial services industry in Colombia. This site lists regulations, recent financial news sorted by sector, a data and reports library, and information for consumers and supervised institutions.
The National Regulation Authority of Information and Communications Technology (ANRTIC) regulates ICT in Comoros. The ANRTIC approves tariffs, enforces fair competition, promotes low prices, manages frequencies, approves equipment, ensures operators' compliance with legislation, and also promotes the interests of consumers. Only available in French.
The Ministry of Health, also known as Ministerio de Salud, oversees and regulates the healthcare industry in Costa Rica. This site contains press releases, regulations, and a listing of services for both citizens and businesses.
The Telecommunications Regulatory Agency of Cote d'Ivoire (ARTCI) enforces regulations regarding telecommunications. A few of ARTCI's duties include defining standards for operators to comply with, determining prices of services, issuing operating permits, and managing radio frequencies. The site contains information about the regulated sectors, laws and regulations, procedures, and decisions. Site only available in French.
The Ministry of Health is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Croatian healthcare industry. This site contains information on services and regulations, strategy plans, and important documents relevant to healthcare in Croatia. It is only available in Croatian.
The Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Croatian Financial Services Industry. The site contains regulations, decrees, and statements as well as specific information sorted by applicable sector of the industry.
The Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM) goal is to promote stability, competition, and growth in the electronic communications and postal services market. The site provides market analysis and other information for both operators and consumers in the network industries.
The Ministry of Public Health, also known as Ministerio de Salud Pública, is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Cuban Healthcare Industry. This site contains information on regulations, services, and statistics. Only available in Spanish.
The Cyprus RadioTelevision Authority (CRTA) is the radio television regulatory authority for Cyprus. The CRTA site provides information about authority itself, its composition, legislation, and recent news. English version available with limited content.
The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) is responsible for overseeing the investment services market and regulating transferable securities transactions. The site contains information about the CySEC, regulated entities, regulatory framework, and investor protection.
The Ministry of Finance is responsible for economic policy development and the regulation of public funds within Cyprus. The site explains the divisions, services, and departments of the ministry. It also contains publications, economic indicators, legislation, and the minister's press releases.
The Council for Radio and Television Broadcasting (RRTV) regulates broadcasting in the Czech Republic. The RRTV supervises broadcasting operators to ensure their compliance with legislation, grants licenses, and monitors broadcasting content. In addition, RRTV advises broadcasting operators, manages frequencies and territorial ranges of frequencies, and regulates disputes among consumers and producers. The site provides a list of broadcasting operators.
The State Institute for Drug Control (SUKL) regulates the safe production of pharmaceuticals in the Czech Republic. SUKL is responsible for the surveillance of advertising and marketing medicines and medical devices. The site contains various databases that allow users to search for clinical trials, medicinal products, and pharmacies. Articles covering the results of recent clinical trials are also posted on the homepage.
The Czech Telecommunication Office regulates electronic communications and postal services in the Czech Republic. Additionally, the office regulates the markets and business conditions, as well as works to ensure fair economic competition. The website provides resources including publications, information on consumer protection, and telecommunications.
The Agency for Post and Electronic Communication (ARPCE) regulates telecommunications in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The site contains information about the agency itself, operators and service providers, observatories, and recent news. Site is only available in French.
The Danish Agency for Digitization implements IT projects that focus on digitizing Denmark in order to provide better services to businesses and citizens. The agency operates a number of national digital service solutions, develops business cases and plans for profit realization, forms IT policies, and develops new technologies. The site provides detailed information about the agency and its activities, IT news, and figures and statistics related to the industry.
The Danish Business Authority contributes to sustainable economic development and increasing Denmark's competitiveness. In addition, the authority is also responsible for regulating competition in the telecommunications and internet markets. This site details the responsibilities of the authority and regulations within the telecommunications sector.
The Danish Medicines Agency (DKMA) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries within Denmark. The site contains information on licensing and supervision, product information, medical devices, pharmacies, and the sale of medicines. A library of publications about pharmaceutical research and development is also available.
The Danish Ministry of Energy, Utilities and Climate aims to prevent climate change and address energy issues, meteorology, and buildings. It also conducts national geological surveys in Denmark and Greenland. The site contains information on the ministry's policies, legislation, an overview of the issues it is tasked to cover, and its EU and international policies. In addition, the site provides facts about energy supply, savings, and security, as well as recent news and press releases.
The National Space Institute at the Technical University of Denmark aims to create and expand knowledge about Earth and space physics as well as related space technologies. The institute fosters scientific research within Earth and space physics, provides technological research, and creates educational opportunities for new scientists and engineers. The website provides research information to its users as well as educational material. A news section also provides users with recent articles, photos, and videos related to the aerospace industry in Denmark.
The Superintendency of Banks (SB) supervises and regulates the banking sector of the Dominican Republic's financial services industry. The site contains information on the regulations and services which the SB controls. The site also provides recent announcements, news, and statistical reports and is only available in Spanish.
The Superintendencia del Mercado de Valores de la República Dominica (SIMV), or the superintendent of the stock market, is responsible for overseeing and regulating the securities market within the Dominican Republic's financial services industry. This site contains a list of regulations, projects, services, and strategic plans for the SIMV.
The Telecommunications Regulatory and Control Agency, also known as Agencia de Regulacion y Control de las Telecomunicaciones (ARCOTEL), is the body that regulates telecommunications in Ecuador, which includes managing the radio spectrum. ARCOTEL creates policies and regulations that are then implemented by the Ministry of Telecommunications. ARCOTEL also grants licenses to operators and promotes high competition within their regulatory framework. Its site contains information about the council itself, its programs and services, and recent news.
The Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Society, also known as Ministerio de Telecomunicaciones y de la Sociedad de la Información (MINTEL), regulates telecommunications and information technology in Ecuador, among other fields. MINTEL implements policies for operators to comply with, advises operators, promotes competition, and ensures efficient and quality products. The site contains information about the ministry, its programs and services, related publications, and recent news.
The Ecuadorian Civilian Space Agency (EXA) is in charge of the administration and execution of the Ecuadorian Civilian Space Program. They conduct scientific research on planetary and space sciences and push forward the development of science in the educational system in Ecuador. The EXA website contains information about the space program and its history, missions, astronauts, satellites, and services the agency provides.
Egypt's National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences (NARSS) is the pioneering Egyptian institution in the field of satellite remote sensing. The sector of remote sensing works on data provided by earth observation satellites to produce maps and spatial data for the evaluation of natural resources and natural hazards. The space science sector develops sensors for earth observation to be mounted on satellites, and it also deals with problems involving communication with satellites.
The National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (NTRA) oversees telecommunications in Egypt. The three primary responsibilities of the NTRA are policy and licensing, competition safeguards, and interconnection regulation between licensed operators. This site provides updates on the industry and a list of approved devices and various forms.
The Department of Finance, also known as Superintendencia del Sistema Financiero, is responsible for overseeing and regulating the entire financial services industry within El Salvador. The site contains statistics, rules, and financial statements.
The Ministry of Health, also known as Ministerio de Salud, is charged with the education, oversight, and regulation of the healthcare industry within El Salvador. The site lists news, policies, and services the Ministry of Health provides.
The Agency of Medicines of Estonia is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries within Estonia. The site contains information on Estonia’s regulations, drug trials, and proper healthcare techniques.
Finantsinspektsioon is responsible for overseeing and regulating the financial services industry within Estonia. The site contains annual reports, market data, and information on financial supervision.
The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Estonia is responsible for the implementation of tax, financial, and fiscal policies in Estonia. The ministry's website provides information on the ministry and its main activities, press releases related to the financial services industry in Estonia, and links to other useful resources.
The Ministry of Regional Affairs and Agriculture for drafting and implementing natural development plans. This page includes links to news regarding areas the ministry is involved in, as well as information about the role of the ministry in Estonia and the greater European Union.
The Eswatini Posts & Telecommunications Corporation (SPTC) is composed of two units, EswatiniTelecom and EswatiniPost. EswatiniTelecom is committed to modernizing telecommunication technology by providing a spectrum of global telecommunication services through internet and telephone services. EswatiniPost is Swaziland's mover in cost-effective written communication.
The mission of the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development is to promote the sustainable development of Europe's agriculture and to ensure the well-being of its rural areas. This site is divided into several sections within the agricultural industry and includes many forecasts and analytical articles. (The site is also available in many European languages).
The European Medicines Agency (EMA) protects and promotes public health through the evaluation of medicines. The EMA provides recommendations on the quality and safety of medicines. They apply evaluation procedures to help bring new medicines to the European Union.
The European Space Agency's (ESA) mission is to shape the development of Europe's space capabilities. The ESA's programs are designed to find out more about the Earth and the Solar System. They also develop satellite-based technologies and services, as well as promote European industries.
The Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA) is responsible for the regulation of medicinal products for human and veterinary use in the European Economic Area. The HMA focuses on the development, coordination, and consistency of the European medical regulatory system. Its site contains information about the authorities of HMA as well as the regulations associated with human and veterinary medicines.
The Ministry of Health & Medical Services is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the healthcare industry within Fiji. This site contains information regarding the ministry and available health services as well as a media center with various articles, press releases, and speeches related to improving the healthcare industry.
The Finland Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the entire Finnish financial services industry. The site contains information on regulation, securities registration, statistics, and publications made by FIN-FSA.
The Finnish Medicines Agency (Fimea) promotes the health and safety of the population by regulating medicinal, blood and tissue products, and by developing the pharmaceuticals sector. The site provides medicine databases, a directory of pharmacies, and veterinary information.
The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency is a body of the Ministry of Transport and Communications and its main purpose is to regulate communications and electronic media in Finland. The site provides industry news and general information about the Internet, telephone, TV, radio, postal, cybersecurity, and spectrum industries.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry steers the policy on the sustainable use of natural resources. It is in charge of a broad array of resources in Finland, including agriculture, fisheries, land development, and the care of game animals. The site also provides a variety of facts, reports, and publications.
The Ministry of Transport and Communications is responsible for both Finland's transportation and communications policies. The site provides information on transport and communication policies, industry issues, and press releases.
The Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the securities and financial markets segments of the financial services industry in France. The site provides information about market participants and products, warnings, regulations, and sanctions and settlements. In addition, the site provides the latest news and relevant publications.
The French Telecommunications and Post Regulator (ARCEP) regulates telecommunications and postal services. The site provides news, publications, major files, and reports concerning the industry.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food regulates agriculture, fisheries, forestry, and food. The site provides information on various agricultural sectors, the members of the department, press releases, publications, and media. Most of the website is only available in French, but an "English contents" section is an option. This section lists articles and videos that summarize issues the ministry deems essential.
France's Ministry of Social Affairs and Health oversees issues of social exclusion, unemployment, racism, sexism, and social justice. The Ministry is also responsible for regulating the public healthcare facilities and managing the health insurance sector of the French Social Security system. They also set prices pertaining to healthcare goods and services. Their site includes ministry information, campaigns, press documents, statistics, and publications. Only available in French.
The National Security Agency of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the French Healthcare Industry. This site contains information on news, activities, publications, and services as provided by the ANSM. Only available in French.
The Higher Audiovisual Council (CSA) is responsible for regulating broadcasting in France. The CSA allocates frequencies to broadcasters, protects consumers, resolves disputes, and ensures the protection of French culture in broadcasts. The site provides general information about the council, television and radio, interactive services, press releases, and legal documents. This website is only available in French.
The Ministry of Finance of Georgia (MOF) is a regulatory agency that works to ensure development and adherence to legislation in regards to budgeting, accounting, and taxation within Georgia. The official MOF site provides an overview of the ministry and its responsibilities, and also covers topics such as budget, public debt, and the taxation system in depth.
The Georgian National Communications Commission (GNCC) regulates electronic communications, broadcasting, and postal services. The website of the GNCC includes information about the commission, regulations, legal acts, consumer rights, and news.
The German Medical Association is the central organization in the system of medical self-administration in Germany. It represents the interests of physicians in matters relating to professional policy and plays an active role in opinion-forming processes with regard to health, social policy, and in legislative procedures. The site contains information about health tips for patients and it explains how the organization will assist doctors in the medical field.
The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the financial services industry within Germany. The site contains information about its structure and functions, as well as topics such as supervision, consumers, international, and recent news.
The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) is responsible for licensing and registering finished medicinal products as proof of safety and efficacy. BfArM monitors the risks of medicinal products by collecting and evaluating laboratory reports. The institute also evaluates and develops safe medical devices in Germany. The BfArM site contains information about the institute and its functions, medicinal products, and medical devices. Various research documents covering topics such as pharmacogenomics, pharmacoepidemiology, safety of medical devices, neuropsychopharmacology, special indications, and biostatistics are also available.
The Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy is responsible for policy and regulatory development that impacts the business services, energy, technology, and hospitality and travel industries. This site contains information on the various trade agencies Germany is involved with, as well as statistical data and policies.
The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) aims to promote a balanced and healthy diet, ensuring that everyday goods are safe. The ministry assists in developing clear consumer rights and helps to ensure that the agricultural sector is strong and able to perform its duties.
Germany's Federal Ministry of Health is responsible for maintaining and enhancing the quality of the health care system and the prevention, rehabilitation, and disability policy for the country. The ministry's goals include the continuation of safeguards and further developing the effectiveness of health insurance. Its website contains information about the ministry itself, prevention, long-term care, and health. Recent topics in healthcare are also posted on the homepage.
The Federal Network Agency (BNA) is a body that regulates the telecommunications and postal sectors in Germany, among other sectors such as electricity, gas, and railway markets. For telecommunications and post, the BNA is responsible for securing fair competition, promoting telecommunications in public institutions, securing efficient frequencies, and protecting consumers by resolving problems. The BNA website provides information to users about their responsibilities in each of their respective areas along with pertinent stakeholder information.
DLR, the German Aerospace Center, is Germany‘s national research center for aeronautics and space. Their research also includes the fields of aeronautics, space, energy, transport, defense, and security. DLR conducts research into Earth and the solar system; it delivers important data for the preservation of our environment and develops environment-friendly technologies to enhance power supply, mobility, communication, and security. The DLR website provides overviews of their responsibilities in aeronautics, space, transport, energy, and security. Recent news related to the DLR, as well as information about its previous and current missions, is also available on the site.
The Media Authorities are in charge of regulating radio and television in Germany and granting licenses to broadcasting operators to ensure that producers fulfill the requirements of the legislation. The authorities also strive to create a level playing field in the industry, while also safeguarding the interests of consumers, by mediating disputes and developing equipment standards. This site is only available in German.
The National Communications Authority (NCA) regulates telecommunications in Ghana by granting licenses for operation, ensuring fair competition among licensees, monitoring the quality of service, setting equipment standards, protecting consumers by providing safeguard mechanisms, and coordinating frequencies with neighboring countries. The site provides information for consumers and stakeholders, licensing and relevant projects, and recent news.
The Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission (EETT) regulates the electronic communications and postal services sectors in Greece. The EETT supervises service operators, grants licenses, ensures consumer protection, promotes fair competition, and promotes innovation and investment. Information is provided on the website for consumers, electronic communication operators, and postal services operators.
Greece's National Organization for Medicines (EOF) protects public health in relation to medicinal products, medical devices, supplements, and cosmetics. The EOF evaluates new safe and effective products, controls the production of medicines to meet the standards of good manufacturing, and promotes medical and pharmaceutical research. The site provides announcements for various products and laws. Only available in Greek.
The Ministry of Public Health and Welfare (MSPAS), was established to ensure the right to health of the inhabitants of Guatemala. The MSPAS regulates the health services, and controls the financing and management of the resources, orienting it towards health promotion, disease prevention, and people recovery and rehabilitation with quality and equity. This resource is only available in Spanish.
The Superintendency of Telecommunications (SIT) is a technical body of the Ministry of Communications, Infrastructure, and Housing in Guatemala. SIT manages the operation of the radio spectrum, grants licenses to telecommunications providers, resolves disputes, ensures producer compliance with legislation, and promotes international treaties and agreements. This website is only available in Spanish.
The National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL) regulates the telecommunications sector in Honduras. CONATEL promotes the modernization of telecommunications equipment, private investment, and free and fair competition. The CONATEL website provides news and notices, regulations, and information about the services they provide. Only available in Spanish.
The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) is the governmental authority in Hong Kong responsible for maintaining monetary and banking stability through policy development and regulation. This site contains publications, statistics, and regulations as overseen by the HKMA.
The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the food and beverage industry within Hong Kong. The site posts recent news about the food industry including incident posts and alerts of food recalls. Additionally, information about import control, export certification, slaughterhouses, animal monitoring, food legislation, and other topics is available for those interested in moving their food-related business to Hong Kong.
The Communications Authority (CA) regulates the telecommunications and broadcasting sectors in Hong Kong. The CA briefs officials and proposes legislation and regulatory policies relating to the sectors. The authority grants service licenses, deals with complaints, manages the radio frequency spectrum, develops equipment, and enforces legislation. CA's site contains a media library with press releases, publications, and data and statistics. Specific information regarding policies, regulations, and licensing is also available on the website.
Hong Kong’s Drug Office is responsible for the market surveillance of medicines, risk assessments, and complaints of drugs. Additionally, the office inspects the drugs, licenses manufacturers and retailers, and conducts research and development to improve drug standards. The site is designed to provide specific information for consumers, healthcare providers, and those interested in pharmaceutical trade, and the homepage offers sections specific to these audiences.
Responsible for the welfare and regulation of the Hong Kong labor market, the Labour Department of Hong Kong offers a series of publications, labor legislation, recommended employment practices, and up-to-date information regarding the Hong Kong labor market situation.
The Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (SFC) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the securities and futures sectors of the Hong Kong financial services industry. The site contains a list of rules, regulations, publications, and services provided by the SFC.
The Ministry of Rural Development provides central governance for agriculture, game management, fisheries, and food sectors. This website includes links to all the laws imposed on these areas and information on protected food and beverages in Hungary.
The National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition (OGYÉI) is a licensing and administrative authority for pharmaceutical products. The OGYÉI also evaluates medicines, issues licenses, and supervises medical testing. The site includes news as well as information regarding authorization, supervision, methodology, and drugs. Some information is only available in Hungarian.
The National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) regulates media, electronic communications, and postal and IT services in Hungary. The authority manages radio frequency, issues licenses to operators, promotes the innovation of equipment, maintains competition, and promotes investment into the media and entertainment industries. The site includes news, legislation, market data, and links to other important European organizations.
Iceland's Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour deals with policy-making relating to social affairs, health, and social security. This site provides an overview of the ministry as well as some of its legislation and publications.
The Post and Telecom Administration of Iceland (PTA) is responsible for regulating the post and telecommunications sectors in Iceland. The roles of the Ministry are to issue licenses to telecommunications providers, mediate disputes, promote the innovation of equipment, and ensure appropriate broadcasts to protect the consumer.
The Financial Supervisory Authority (FME) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the financial services industry within Iceland. The site contains a list of regulations, statistics, and annual reports published by the FME.
The Icelandic Medicines Agency (IMA) is responsible for assessing the quality and safety of medicinal products in Iceland. They provide inspections to confirm that regulatory requirements are fulfilled. The IMA website serves as a source of information for health professionals and the public. The site includes information regarding licenses, inspections, and Medical devices. It also has a section covering the latest medical publications.
The Central Drugs Standard Control Organization in India sets standards and regulatory measures for medications. The organization provides guidance on health issues and medicines. They also regulate the standards of imported drugs and clinical research in India. Various regulatory documents and forms are available to download for free in PDF from the website.
The main functions of India's Department of Commerce are regulation, development, and promotion of India’s international trade and commerce through the creation of appropriate international trade and commercial policy. This site specifically contains information on those policies, as well as current news, statistics, and contact information.
The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI) is responsible for formulating and implementing the policies and plans related to the food processing industry. The site provides information for investors and stakeholders, current research projects, and related government agencies, as well as statistics about food-processing in India.
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) is responsible for maintaining and improving the healthcare system and population control measures of India. An overview of the ministry links to its various departments and programs and reports are listed on the website along with information regarding medical education and counseling.
The Ministry of Textiles of India is responsible for policy formulation, planning, development, export promotion, and trade regulation concerning the apparel and textiles industry. The ministry's site provides information regarding the specific sectors in the apparel and textiles industry, related statistics, and recent news. Additionally, the site includes information about the ministry, its responsibilities, and regulations.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the securities sector of the financial services industry within India. The site contains a list of regulations, publications, statistics, and news.
The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) is responsible for both the telecom and broadcasting sectors in India. The TRAI issues licenses to operators and creates regulations for them to comply with. The site provides regulations, directions, recommendations, and consultations for consumers and companies in regards to telecommunication.
The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is the apex body in India for the formulation, coordination, and promotion of biomedical research. Aside from information about research and a directory of council directors, publications regarding medical research and scientific forms are available and may be downloaded from the website in PDF.
The Ministry of Agriculture of Indonesia is in charge of regulating the agricultural commodities business. This site contains directories of the ministry's various programs, a database of important information, and a list of publications. The site is only available in Indonesian.
The Ministry of Health is responsible for overseeing healthcare services in Indonesia. The site includes public information, public services, data publications, and news. Some pages are available only in Indonesian.
The Indonesian Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (BRTI) is in charge of regulating Indonesia's telecommunications sector. The site includes general information on BRTI, events, press releases, news, and current policies. Only available in Indonesian.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) focuses on assuring reliable, affordable, and clean energy around the world through proper policy development and regulation. This site features energy statistics worldwide through publications and papers, newsletters, events, and workshops. IEA also publishes the World Energy Outlook, an annual flagship publication that is available in a variety of languages. Most publications and papers require paid subscriptions or pay-per-article; however, universities and developing country clients receive a discount.
This is the official webpage of Iran's Ministry of Agriculture. The site contains statistics, rules and regulations, and news on the agriculture industry in Iran.
The Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) regulates all broadcasting content by granting licenses to operators and ensuring their compliance, encouraging technological innovation, and promoting fair competition in the industry. The BAI strives to protect consumers by guaranteeing high quality, affordable, and appropriate broadcasts. The site includes current projects, publications, information on licensing, and lists of broadcasters.
The Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) regulates the electronic communications sector, which includes telecommunications, radio communications, broadcasting transmission, and the postal industry. The leading roles of ComReg are to protect consumers by resolving disputes and ensuring quality products, promotion of competition, and encouraging innovation. Their site includes publications, consultations, licensing, and services.
The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine website contains all of the links and documentation that one may need regarding Ireland's food and agriculture industries. The department is in charge of all policies and support related to those industries in Ireland. Publications, legislation, news, and documents in PDF on different agricultural sectors are available on the website.
The mission of Ireland's Department of Defence is to provide for the military defense of Ireland and to contribute to national and international peace and security. The site includes publications, press releases, and news.
The Department of Finance of Ireland works to support the achievement of the government's economic and social objectives by promoting a sound, sustainable economic and budgetary environment, continuing improvements in the efficiency of public services, and an effective framework for financial services. This resource includes sections on the Irish government's budget and tax policies.
The Irish Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade is responsible for the policy development and regulation of international trade with Ireland. The site provides information on passports, citizenship, travel advice, and Irish embassies and consulates.
The Department of Health is responsible for improving the health and well-being of people in Ireland in a manner that promotes better health for everyone, fair access, responsive and appropriate care delivery, and high performance. The site includes a news center, publications and statistics, and information about projects being done by the department.
The Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) protects the public and animal health by regulating medicines, medical devices, and healthcare products. They also monitor the safety of cosmetics. The HPRA website includes product listings, descriptions of different medicines, current topics in medicine and legislation, as well as news and publications.
The Israel Securities Authority (ISA) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the securities and capital markets sectors of the Israeli financial services industry. The site contains information sorted by sub-sectors (such as for mutual funds only) and international and domestic regulatory information.
The Ministry of Communications is responsible for regulating telecommunications in Israel. Examples of the ministry's duties include formulating regulatory policies, supervising providers and ensuring their compliance with legislation, supervising the postal authority, setting tariffs, and managing the electromagnetic spectrum.
The Ministry of Health bears national responsibility for ensuring the health of the population of Israel. The Ministry determines the policy on matters of health and medical services, and is in charge of planning, supervision and control, licensing and coordination of the health system’s services.
The Israeli Space Agency (ISA) is a part of Israel's Ministry of Science and Technology. The ISA promotes both academic research and research institutes to support the development of innovative space technologies as well as to create the next reserve of scientists in space research and education.
The Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) promotes good health through medicines by setting pharmaceutical policies and assuring their consistent application nationwide. AIFA promotes pharmaceutical research and development to further the safety and efficiency of drugs and medical devices. The site provides information on pricing and reimbursement, medical and scientific information, assessment and registration, and inspections and certifications.
The Italian Space Agency (ASI) is a significant player in space science, satellite technology, and the development of mobile systems for exploring the universe. The site provides users with educational information as well as current news, missions and projects, and a deeper look into the agency. Some parts of the site are only available in Italian.
The Authority for Communications (AGCOM) regulates communications in Italy by implementing licenses to operators, promoting fair and accessible competition, resolving disputes, protecting copyrights, and supervising the quality and appropriateness of communication products to protect consumers. The site provides statistics on telecommunications in Italy, information on postal services, and access to a user section for consumers. This website is only available in Italian.
The Ministry of Health has been assigned the responsibility to look over the healthcare, veterinary healthcare, and occupational healthcare industries, as well as coordinate national health services and regulate hygiene and food safety in Italy. The site offers information on the ministry such as the functions, organizations, and information on the National Health Council. The site provides tools and services for users. Only available in Italian.
The National Commission for Society and the Stock Market (CONSOB) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Italian Financial Services Industry. The site contains a list of laws and resources, as well as an education section that covers basic legal financial material.
The Broadcasting Commission of Jamaica is responsible for monitoring and regulating broadcast radio and television. The commission monitors licensees and ensures their compliance with regulations, which the commission creates. The site includes information on services provided by the commission as well as a library of broadcasting laws, regulations, and codes that open in PDF.
The Financial Services Commission (FSC) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the Jamaican financial services industry. The site also contains featured articles and speeches, information on financial education and literacy, and general information about the FSC.
The Ministry of Health's (MOH) mission is to ensure the provision of quality health services and to promote healthy lifestyles and environmental practices in Jamaica. The ministry, together with its regional health authorities, agencies, and related organizations, make up the public health system and are responsible for healthcare delivery across the island. The MOH website provides current news regarding healthcare and pharmaceuticals as well as information about the ministry's services.
The Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) specializes in space development, as well as aviation research and development. Exploring space and pursuing aerospace fields are JAXA's greatest missions. The site includes topics, press releases, missions, and global activities.
The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is responsible for the regulation and oversight of the atomic energy industry in Japan. This site contains a list of news, information, publications, and JAEA research and development.
The Japan Railway Construction, Transport, and Technology Agency (JRTT) was created to promote the establishment of mass transportation systems in Japan through the creation of railways and marine transportation companies. The JRTT is in charge of ensuring a smooth evolution of Japan's rail, marine, and air transportation industries.
The Financial Services Agency (FSA) of Japan is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Japanese financial services industry. The site provides information about various laws and regulations, measures, regulated institutions, and topical information. In addition, the site provides annual reports, announcements, and FAQs related to the financial industry.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF) is in charge of the promotion and policies of the Japanese Agriculture industry. The site provides links to current promotions, statistics, and policies, as well as annual reports on the department and the industries they oversee.
The Ministry of Finance (MOF) offers information on the budget, customs, national property, government bonds, tax policy, and stabilization of Japan. The site also provides links to other major financial institutions in Japan.
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare provides regulations on maximum residue limits for agricultural chemicals in foods, basic food and drug regulations, standards for foods, and food additives for Japan. The site includes policy information, news, statistics, and documents.
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) regulates the information, communications, and postal services sectors, along with several other systems such as administrative organizations, electoral systems, and disaster prevention. The MIC promotes the fair competition of these sectors while also developing new technological systems for information and communications. The MIC grants licenses to operators and sets tariffs and taxes for regulation.
The National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS) conducts testing, research, and studies toward the proper evaluation of the quality, safety, and efficacy of pharmaceutical products, foods, and the numerous chemicals in the living environment. The site includes information on drugs, medical devices, food, and chemicals as well as general information on the NIHS.
The National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID) is a research institute attached to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare for conducting fundamental and applied research on infectious diseases and setting testing standards for the development of antibiotics and vaccines. The NIID website contains information about the institute, as well as recent news articles and research being done.
The Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission (SESC) of Japan is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the securities and capital market sectors of the Japanese financial services industry. The site contains news, regulations, and publications as they apply to Japan.
The Jordan Securities Commission (JSC) oversees and regulates the financial services industry within Jordan. The site contains a list of news, publications, regulations, and information on specific services provided by the JSC.
The Ministry of Health (MOH) is responsible for maintaining public health by offering preventive, treatment, and health control services. The ministry also organizes and supervises health services offered by the public and private sectors. The site provides access to publications, health information systems, primary community initiatives, and nutrition education. Certain links on the site are only available in Arabic.
The Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) regulates Jordan's telecommunications, information technology, and postal sectors. The TRC establishes policies for all operators to comply with and grants licenses to all operators. The site lists the commission's laws and by-laws, the regulatory framework in place, consumer information, licensing, and publications.
The Capital Markets Authority (CMA) supervises, licenses, and monitors the capital market and market intermediaries. The site provides information about the regulatory framework of the CMA, investor protection and education, and licensing and approvals. In addition, the site includes news and events, multiple online services, research and policy publications, and information regarding the CMA's upcoming plans for the capital market.
The Communications Authority of Kenya is responsible for facilitating the development of Kenya's information and communications sector. The authority grants licenses to all sector operators, including telecommunications, postal, courier, and broadcasting. The website provides users with statutes and regulations, research and statistics, and publications on annual reports, licensing, and current strategies.
The Independent Media Commission (IMC) is responsible for regulating the broadcasting frequency spectrum in the Republic of Kosovo. The IMC grants licenses to broadcasters, promotes a competitive industry, resolves disputes among producers, and implements policies to those who provide audio and audiovisual media services.
The Ministry of Finance is responsible for regulating Kuwait's Financial Services Industry and international trade. This site contains a listing of all of the relevant laws, guidelines, and circulars distributed by the Ministry. This website is only available in Arabic.
The Electronic Communications Office regulates the telecommunications sector in Latvia. The office issues operation permits, manages the radio frequency spectrum, resolves disputes among consumers and operators, and develops new communications technology. Its site contains basic information about the office itself, its activities and functions, and its commercial services.
The Financial and Capital Market Commission (FKTK) is in charge of the oversight and regulation of the Latvian financial services industry. The site contains relevant information regarding the commission, financial markets, licensing, legislation, statistics, aggregate news, and publications.
The National Electronic Mass Media Council regulates the electronic media sector in Latvia by registering broadcasting permits to operators, resolving disputes between consumers and operators, ensuring the appropriateness of broadcasts to protect viewers, and promoting competitiveness in the industry.
The State Agency of Medicines of Latvia (SAMLV) implements local and international legislation to ensure that human medicines and medical devices are safe and efficient. SAMLV provides objective information on medicines while ensuring inspection, accreditation, and certification of drug manufacturers and distributors. The SAMLV site contains information about pharmaceutical legislation, services provided by the agency, and recent news posts related to the agency's activities.
Lebanon's Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) works to improve the health of its citizens by providing them access to services through universal coverage. The website includes information on laws and regulations, medical care, prevention, e-services, and drugs. It also provides statistics, publications, news, events, and conferences. The news articles and announcements are generally in Arabic.
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) regulates the telecommunications sector in Lebanon. The website includes information on consultations, regulations, decisions, circulars, licensing, market data, and cybersecurity. The site also includes regulatory and cybersecurity news, as well as a calendar of events.
The Lesotho Communications Authority (LCA) is in charge of regulating the communications sector of the country. The site includes information on applying for a license, application forms, complaint lodging, regulation, press releases, and documents available for download such as important legislation.
The Ministry of Commerce & Industry is responsible for the growth and development of Liberia's economy and international trade. The site provides information regarding the ministry's current projects, industry, commerce, intellectual property, and the country's Bureau of Small Business Administration.
The Ministry of Communication and Informatics regulates telecommunication and information technology in Libya. They propose laws and regulations and monitor the compliance of these regulations among service providers. The ministry determines prices and sets standards for communication. They promote competition in the industries and strive to protect consumer interests in the communication sector. Available only in Arabic.
The Financial Market Authority (FMA) of Liechtenstein, also known as Finanzmarktaufsicht Liechtenstein, is the independent financial market supervisory authority responsible for overseeing and regulating the financial services industry in Liechtenstein. The site contains resources sorted by individual sectors, reports, news, and general market and financial information.
The Radio and Television Commission of Lithuania is responsible for the regulation of radio and television broadcasts. The commission grants licenses to service providers and ensures their compliance with legislation. It also allocates radio frequencies for broadcasting and transmitting radio and television programs.
The State Medicines Control Agency (SMCA) of Lithuania is responsible for the protection of public health through the evaluation and supervision of medicines for human use. The SMCA supervises manufacturing authorization holders, wholesale distributors, and pharmacies in Lithuania.
The Autorité luxembourgeoise indépendante de l’audiovisuel (ALIA) is responsible for the regulation of audiovisual media in Luxembourg. They closely monitor the programs to ensure the protection of minors from inappropriate or offensive material. The ALIA mediates and also monitors compliance with advertising regulations. The website contains legislation, news, and an avenue for complaints. Some features on the site are only available in French.
The Luxembourg Institute of Regulation (ILR) is responsible for regulating previously monopolized sectors, including electronic communications, electricity, radio frequencies, postal services, natural gas, rail, and airports. The ILR also acts as a mediator for disputes among industries and complaints by consumers. The site contains annual reports, brochures, and publications. This website is only available in French.
The Financial Sector Surveillance Commission (CSSF) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Financial Services Industry in Luxembourg. This site includes laws, regulations, and statistics sorted by sector, as well as circulars, press releases, annual reports, and publications. The CSSF website also provides information about the composition of the European System of Financial Supervision and information for consumers.
Luxembourg's Ministry of Health studies public health problems, advises public authorities and communities on health issues, ensures compliance with legal and regulatory provisions, and takes necessary emergency measures to protect the public's health. The ministry also collaborates on national and international levels to develop and implement health policies. The site explains the healthcare system in Luxembourg regarding its departments, services, and financing. It also provides information about diseases, prevention methods, health occupations, and the rights of citizens. Resources are only available in French.
The Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) makes regulations that govern the communications sector in Malawi. MACRA issues licenses to providers and then monitors compliance with these rules and regulations. MACRA mediates disputes and complaints by industry members or consumers, and they also strive to protect the interests of consumers through quality communications. The website provides information on the organizational structure, policy and legislation, and licensing.
The Ministry of Finance (MOF) in Malaysia is responsible for ensuring adherence to tax and budget regulations. The official MOF website provides information on the current economic status and business environment in Malaysia, as well as downloadable publications and statistics. Although this site is available in English, some portions may only be viewed in Malay.
The National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) in Malaysia ensures the quality and safety of pharmaceutical products. The NPRA site contains information about the agency, press releases, a newsletter section, and a product search feature.
The Malaysian Securities Commission (SC) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Malaysian financial services industry. The SC site contains information on legislation, licensing, enforcement, and statistics about capital markets.
The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) implements and enforces laws pertaining to communications and multimedia. The site provides information on industry sectors and contains databases of publications, statistics, and legislation. An events calendar is also displayed.
The Malaysian Space Agency (MYSA) is responsible for developing the country's potential in the space sector to support economic development, generate knowledge, and strengthen national security infrastructure. The MYSA site provides users with information regarding space science, current programs, and technology. Although an English version of this site is available, some portions of the site are only available in Malay.
The purpose of the Ministry of Health is to establish systems for health, well-being, and social protection of its people. Their goal is to provide affordable, accessible, and high-quality healthcare services as well as drug rehabilitation services. The Ministry of Health also strengthens the mechanisms for protecting the rights of its children, women, persons with disabilities, and the elderly. Website is in Divehi.
The Malta Broadcasting Authority monitors and regulates all radio and television broadcasts in the Maltese Islands. The broadcasting authority ensures producers' compliance with legal and license obligations. They also work to solve controversies in the industries and ensure consumer interests by promoting affordable and quality programs.
The Malta Communications Authority (MCA) is responsible for regulating the electronic communications sector, e-commerce, and the postal sector. The MCA also promotes competition, protects consumers, and encourages innovation.
The Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) is responsible for overseeing and regulating the financial services industry within Malta. The site contains a list of regulations and publications used by the MFSA.
The Medicines Authority's mission is to protect public health in Malta by regulating medicinal products and pharmaceutical activities. The authority provides licensing, monitoring, and inspection services for pharmaceutical activities.
The Ministry for Health is responsible for regulating health institutions, promoting healthy living, supporting the elderly, and offering rehabilitation for people with disabilities in Malta. Its official website includes information on healthy living, events, health institutions, services, and health promotion. The website is available in English and Maltese.
The Regulatory Authority of Mauritania is responsible for telecommunications and post, as well as the regulation of water and electricity. The Authority ensures that producers comply with the law and protect users' interests with fair prices and quality services. This site serves as an overview of the various areas of regulation of the Authority and contains several publications created by the Authority. The website is only available in French and Arabic.
The Ministry of Health and Quality of Life tries to enhance the population's health status and improve the quality of healthcare delivery by monitoring the sanitation of hospitals, clinics, and blood transfusion centers and collaborating with other organizations to approve pharmaceuticals for public use. The site provides information about various departments and hospitals, statistical data, relevant laws, and recent news and events.
The Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT) is an independent government agency that is responsible for regulating telecommunication and broadcasting services. The site provides information about the industry, relevant statistical information, resources, and relevant announcements. This site is only available in Spanish.
The Ministry of Health is responsible for monitoring the universal healthcare system and approving medical facilities. They also regulate the importation standards of drugs, medical goods, and agricultural products. The site provides information on hospitals, institutes, and standards.
The National Banking and Securities Commission, Comision Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (CNBV), is charged with the oversight and regulation of the banking and brokerage sectors of the Mexican financial services industry. The site contains information on regulation, statistics, and international affairs as regulated by the CNBV. Website only available in Spanish.
The Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries, and Food pursues and researches policies for improving the Agriculture and Food and Beverage industries. The organization also aims to improve the quality of the Mexican ecosystem and rural living. The site provides information on international affairs, international trade negotiations, and agricultural ministries. The website is available in Spanish only.
The Mexican Ministry of Finance is responsible for the regulation and use of public funds as well as the development of economic policy. The site provides official information on the Mexican economy, including basic data as well as documents and reports on the economic policy. Site is only available in Spanish.
The National Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology (ANRCETI) is responsible for regulating activity in the electronic communications and information technology sectors. They promote competition and ensure that users benefit from fair prices and quality of services in communications and information. The site includes news, consultations, legislation, and statistics.
The High Authority of Audiovisual Communication (HACA) is responsible for the audiovisual communication sector, including television and radio. HACA grants licenses for audiovisual services and ensures compliance with these legal provisions. HACA also provides quality radio frequencies for broadcast programs. The High Authority of Audiovisual Communication (HACA) is responsible for the audiovisual communication sector, including television and radio. HACA grants licenses for audiovisual services and ensures compliance with these legal provisions. HACA also provides quality radio frequencies for broadcast programs.
L’Autorité Marocaine Du Marché Des Capitaux (AMMC) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the Moroccan financial services industry. The site contains applicable information for investors and participating companies, as well as a list of regulations to ensure the protection of savings and proper functioning. Some parts of the site are only available in French.
The National Agency of Telecommunications Regulation (ANRT) is responsible for the telecommunication and post sectors in Morocco. ANRT promotes both fair competition in the telecoms market and scientific research to enrich the field. ANRT also acts as a mediator for complaints to protect consumers’ rights.
The National Communications Institute of Mozambique (INCM) regulates and supervises the communications sector and spectrum management of radio frequencies. The INCM grants licenses to communication services and monitors compliance with the legislation. They also promote the development of efficient media technology. Only available in Portuguese.
The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) regulates Namibia's telecommunications, broadcasting, and postal sectors. The CRAN site informs consumers and stakeholders about events, licensing, enforcement, and compliance. PDF versions of licensing documents and various media releases are also available.
Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA) aims to make telecommunication services easily available to the public while also maintaining competition. NTA grants licenses to operators, and they also regularly monitor activities carried out by these providers to ensure a high quality of service. NTA settles disputes for consumers and also between telecommunications providers.
The Ministry of Health and Population is responsible for developing standards for the health care system regarding hospital sanitation, medical professionals, and drug distribution. They are also in charge of population and disease control with various international health agencies. This site is available in limited English.
The Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the financial services industry within the Netherlands. The site contains plenty of resources sorted by relevant users (consumer or professional) to provide a better understanding of how the finance industry works for the public, businesses, and government.
The Dutch Media Authority (CvdM) grants licenses to broadcasters of audiovisual content in the Netherlands. CvdM monitors compliance with this legislation and serves to protect consumers' interests by ensuring appropriate and accurate information in the broadcasts. CvdM also promotes the advancement of technology within the media sector and promotes regulations on online advertising to provide monitored media content. The CvdM site contains news, regulations, and information about the organization and their responsibilities. The majority of the site is only available in Dutch, however, limited English features are available.
The Medicines Evaluation Board (MEB) assesses and guards the efficacy, safety, and quality of both human and veterinary medicinal products. The MEB is the primary source of information on new medicinal products, new applications, and current risk information in the Netherlands.
The Ministry of Economic Affairs is in charge of policy development to create a sustainable, competitive business environment in the Netherlands. Specific focus is placed on agriculture and energy and a balance between ecology and economy. This site contains relevant information for the agriculture, biotechnology, and energy industries.
New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority (Medsafe) is accountable for the regulation of therapeutic products in New Zealand. Medsafe ensures that medicines meet acceptable standards of safety and quality. They also provide information about medicine to healthcare professionals, consumers, and industry professionals. Information is provided on medicines, devices, dietary supplements, safety, news and events, and publications.
The Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA) oversees the entire broadcasting system, which includes TV and radio. The main purpose of the BSA is to deal with complaints through research and interpreting legislation and standards. They also serve to protect the rights of New Zealand residents by ensuring broadcasting services are available and affordable. Additionally, they provide news on recent developments in their complaints division and release periodic newsletters with updates from various broadcast outlets.
New Zealand's Commerce Commission is responsible for enforcing legislation in the telecommunications sector, as well as other sectors such as electricity and airport. The Commission promotes fair competition and prices, and they produce legislation in order to achieve this fairness. They also act as a mediator for disputes in the industries.
The New Zealand Financial Markets Authority (FMA) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Financial Services Industry. This site contains information on investing, compliance, legislation, statistics, and reports and papers. A free newsletter is available for subscription with registration.
The Ministry of Health (MOH) assesses and regulates medical products for distribution, the healthcare workforce, and medical standards in New Zealand. The site provides information on the health system, featured work by the ministry, statistics, and publications.
New Zealand's Pharmaceutical Management Agency (PHARMAC) is responsible for the safe production of medicine and medical devices. PHARMAC provides information to citizens and healthcare professionals regarding drugs and devices. PHARMAC is also now responsible for the management of hospital pharmaceuticals
The Ministry of Health, also known as the Ministerio de Salud, in Nicaragua manages the standards for healthcare facilities, water, and agriculture sanitation, as well as drug approval and distribution. The ministry's website contains information on the institution, its branches, recent health news, statistics, and upcoming events. Only available in Spanish.
The Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Post (ARCEP) is responsible for regulation activities for postal services and electronic communications, among other areas like water and energy. ARCEP monitors the communication services, ensures fair prices, ensures quality service, supports the development of enhanced sectors and mediates disputes in the postal and electronic communications industries.
Nigeria's National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) is responsible for monitoring the pharmaceutical and agricultural industry. NAFDAC also regulates the standards of what drugs or foods should be available to the public. The site includes general information about the organization, regulations, guidelines, publications, news, and events.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) of Nigeria is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Nigerian financial services industry. The site contains recent news, regulations, enforcement activities, SEC filings and guidelines, and market information.
The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) facilitates investments in the Nigerian communications markets. The NCC ensures that producers abide by their license agreements and promote fair competition in the industry. They also adopt and enforce technical standards for communications equipment. The website contains general information about the organization as well as industry statistics, legal information, licensing, media, and events.
The Agency for Audio and Audiovisual Media Services regulates the country's broadcasting sector. The site includes information on council members, news, sessions, legislation, broadcasters, operators, publications, and forms.
Finanstilsynet (FSA) is an independent government agency in charge of overseeing and regulating the financial services industry in Norway. The site contains information in several areas, including banking and finance, the securities market, and auditing. In addition, the site provides various documents, annual reports, and risk outlook reports.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Norway is responsible for food and agricultural policy. The ministry is also responsible for preparing and ensuring compliance with regulations and guidelines in accordance with adopted legislation and political decisions. Also available in Norwegian.
The Norwegian Ministry of Defence is responsible for drafting, implementing, and forming security and defense policies. This site includes current news headlines, information on topics related to the Norwegian defense industry, official documents, and press releases on the industry.
Norway's Ministry of Education and Research oversees primary, secondary, upper secondary, higher level, and tertiary vocational education sectors. It is also responsible for kindergartens, cultural schools, and research. In addition, the site provides current information on several topics related to education in Norway, as well as official documents and other resources.
The Ministry of Finance is responsible for policies and regulations that affect taxation and public fund use within Norway. This site contains budgetary information, publications, and news updates.
The Ministry of Health and Care Services (HOD) is responsible for government policy on health and care services in Norway. HOD also monitors the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry, health and social services professionals, health research, and hospitals.
The Ministry of Labor is responsible for the policies, laws, and regulations that apply to the Norwegian labor markets. This site also contains current policy developments, information on the various departments within the ministry, and press releases related to the ministry.
The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy is responsible for policy development and regulation as it applies to the Norwegian energy industry. This site contains contact information, rules and laws, press releases, and reports.
The Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Fisheries is responsible for designating industrial policy and is involved in policy areas that affect value creation. The site provides documents and research on a variety of topics related to business. The ministry implements regulations for industries and ensures their compliance with the legislation. In addition, the ministry designs equipment and encourages research and innovation in trade, industry, and fisheries.
The Ministry of Transport aims to provide good electronic and postal communications infrastructure and an effective, universally accessible, safe, and environmentally friendly transport system. This site includes relevant posts and news for Norway's transportation industry.
The Norwegian Media Authority, Medietilsynet, encourages diversity and quality in Norwegian media. The authority promotes the modernization of technology through digitization. In addition, the authority grants licenses to producers and serves as a consultant by guiding rules and legislation. Some parts of the website are only available in Norwegian.
The Norwegian Communications Authority (Nkom) is an autonomous agency of the Ministry of Transport and Communications. Nkom monitors post and telecommunications producers' compliance with legislation and license requirements. The site provides overview information of the agency, current news headlines related to the agency, laws and regulations, and features on topics related to the media and communications industry.
The Norwegian Medicines Agency (NoMA) is responsible for updating and safeguarding public and animal health by ensuring the efficacy, quality, and safety of medicines. NoMA is also responsible for medicine authorization, pricing, and classification. Furthermore, NoMA provides information on clinical trials, regulatory affairs, and pharmacovigilance.
The Norwegian Space Centre (NSC) promotes the development of national space activities. The main goals of the NSC are to create annual growth in the space sector, attain an international position in space research, and maintain national interests in the European Space Agency. News regarding the NSC, as well as other space-related activities, is available on the website.
The Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) strives to improve nationwide access to mass media. The site provides legislation, licensing, news, publications, and reports.
The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) regulates the establishment and operation of telecommunications systems and ensures that they protect users' interests. The official website contains information about indicators, licensees, and legislation. The site also provides industry and consumer support.
The Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (DRAP) aims to provide effective regulation of drugs and health products. The site offers legislation, services, and reports.
The website of the Ministry of Finance provides information pertinent to financial regulation in Pakistan, including the federal budget, an economic survey, and a directory of press releases. The site also provides a general overview of the ministry.
The Ministry of Textile Industry in Pakistan regulates and develops the apparel and textile industry in Pakistan. This site contains listings of current projects, news, and events. It also provides information regarding policies and textile organizations. Publications about the ministry are also available for free download.
The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) is the agency in charge of regulating Pakistan's electric power sector. The site contains agency information, legislative and licensing documents, tariffs, consumer affairs, information on standards and privatization, publications, and recent industry news.
The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Pakistani financial services industry. This site contains information on licensing, finance, and corporate governance. The website also provides data and statistics.
The Ministry of Health, also known as el Ministerio de Salud, regulates the healthcare system in Panama. The site contains programs and projects, health information, campaigns, publications, and a press center. The site is only available in Spanish.
The Superintendency of Banks of Panama, also known as Superintendency de Bancos Panama (SBP), is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the banking sector of Panama's financial services industry. The site contains lists of entities, regulations, statistics, and news.
The National Information & Communications Technology Authority (NICTA) is responsible for regulating and licensing information and communication technology in Papua New Guinea. NICTA manages resources and ensures consumers have access to information and communication. NICTA also supervises producer performance and ensures the resolution of complaints in the communications sector. The site provides licensing, regulations, and a public registry.
The Ministry of Public Health and Social Welfare, also known as Ministerio de Salud Publica y Bienestar Social, sets the standards for medical facilities, medical professionals, and drug approval. It also oversees issues of unemployment, welfare, and social justice. This site provides information about the ministry's programs and regulations. Only available in Spanish.
The Ministry of Health of Peru, also known as el Ministro de Salud del Perú, is responsible for the healthcare sector and monitoring the drugs released by the pharmaceutical industry. Additionally, it formulates public policy regarding sanitation. Its site contains statistics and news publications related to the healthcare and pharmaceutical industries and basic information about common medical disorders in the country. This resource is only available in Spanish.
The National Commission for Aerospace Research and Development of Peru, also known as la Comisión Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Aeroespacial (CONIDA), promotes the research and development of science and space technology. Its website overviews the commission's functions, projects, and news. Only available in Spanish.
The Department of Agriculture is the principal agency of the Philippines government responsible for the agriculture industry's promotion and growth. The site provides information about laws, issuances as well as services of the industry. Reports, press releases, and news are also available.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the financial services industry within the Philippines. This site contains regulations, notices, statistics, and news releases.
In charge of the research and policymaking for the agriculture industry in Poland, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development website contains many links to current news, research and publications, and contact information for the agricultural institutions in Poland. The website is only available in Polish.
The Ministry of Health in Poland regulates national healthcare policy and oversees the state-financed system and the National Health Fund, which provides free medical treatment countrywide to all citizens and legal residents. It is also responsible for overseeing the labeling and safety of medical goods and services. Furthermore, the ministry's website contains information about the healthcare system, medical treatments, and pharmaceutical products.
The National Broadcasting Council (KRRiT) of Poland controls broadcasters' activities in regards to laws and license agreements. They study content and reception of radio and television programs and also propose scientific improvements in the broadcasting sector. The KRRiT website provides information for consumers and broadcasters about fees and regulations within the sector as well as recent news.
The Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) supervises the telecommunications services and intervenes in issues and complaints. UKE promotes the advancement of technology for electronic communication and post. UKE also serves to protect consumers by issuing licenses to communication providers. Their website offers information about recent activity within the sector, laws, and general consumer issues.
The Space Research Centre (CBK-PAN) in Poland is an institute that studies terrestrial space, bodies of the solar system, and Earth itself with the use of space and satellite technology. The Space Research Centre conducts research papers, participates in international space missions, and constructs space technology. The site offers various information including its history, research publications, technology projects, and doctoral studies.
The Polish Financial Supervision Authority (PFSA) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Polish financial services industry. The PFSA site contains a list of financial regulations, publications, and market data sorted by relevant sector.
The main mission of the FCT Space Office, also known as Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, is to fully explore the benefits of the Portuguese participation in European space programs. The FCT Space Office monitors the participation of Portuguese academia in space programs and contributes to the maintenance of the European Space Agency and other international space organizations. The site provides a general overview of the organization's structure, purpose, and governing bodies. Related statistics and history are also archived. Some aspects of the site are only available in Portuguese.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development (MAFDR), also known as the Ministro da Agricultura, Florestas e Desenvolvimento Rural, regulates the agriculture industry. Its website contains information about the current minister and other head figures in the ministry, as well as recent news regarding the ministry. Although an English version of the site is available, this particular page is only available in Portuguese. The website is available in Portuguese as well.
The National Communications Authority, also known as Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM) is responsible for the electronic and post sectors in Portugal. ANACOM is responsible for market regulation by promoting competition and guaranteeing network access, while also promoting technological advancements. ANACOM also ensures the application of laws and they deal with complaints regarding post and electronics.
The National Institute of Pharmacy and Medicines (Infarmed) is accountable to the Health Ministry of Portugal. Infarmed aims to monitor, assess, and regulate all activities relating to human medicines and health products to protect public health. The site provides detailed information regarding medicinal products, medical devices, cosmetics, licensing bodies, and market monitoring.
The Regulatory Entity for Social Communication (ERC), also known as Entidade Reguladora para a Comunicação Social (ERC) consists of a regulatory board that defines and implements licenses and other regulatory action. The ERC site contains information about its responsibilities, recent news, studies and publications, legislation, and a common questions section. This website is only available in Portuguese.
The Romanian Financial Supervisory Authority, also known as the Autoritatea de Supraveghere Financiara (ASF), is charged with the oversight and regulation of the Romanian Financial Services Industry. The site contains information on regulation, investing, and an annual report produced by the ASF.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development website provides information about the agricultural industry, rural development, and the food industry. In addition, the site contains information about fisheries, phytosanitary issues, transparency, and press releases. Some parts of the resource are only available in Romanian. The website is also available in Romanian.
The Romanian Ministry of Health (MS) is responsible for managing the National Health Program and the general regulatory framework in Romania. The site provides information about the structure of the ministry and information about various topics of concern, such as nutrition, drugs, and vaccinations. In addition, the site provides various reports, press releases, and speeches. Only available in Romanian.
The National Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (NAMMD) surveys the safety of medicinal products for human use in Romania. The NAMMD maintains a high level of performance and safety of medical devices in use by healthcare networks. The agency also ensures access to useful information on medicinal products for patients and healthcare professionals.
The National Audiovisual Council (CNA) is responsible for regulating the audiovisual sector in Romania and for ensuring that TV and radio operate in the environment of free speech, responsibility, and competitiveness. The site provides information about regulations, recent news, various reports and studies, and publications.
The National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) aims to provide a competitive environment in the communications market while protecting interests and maintaining fair prices for consumers. In addition, ANCOM encourages innovation and efficient investments in infrastructure and manages scarce resources. The site provides information about the industry, studies and statistics, legislation, and recent news.
The Romanian Space Agency (ROSA) is the national coordinating body of space activities. The missions of ROSA are to promote development in the space field and promote international cooperation. ROSA is developing its own research and development projects.
The Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy's (BIRA-IASB) main tasks are research and public service in space aeronomy. BIRA-IASB designs instruments to monitor atmospheres and the space environment. They also operate Belgian experiments on many international satellites. The site includes a research section covering the solar system, global change, and space missions.
Per the site, "The Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation is the federal executive body responsible for the elaboration of state and legal regulatory policies within the national agro-industrial complex, agricultural, raw materials and foodstuffs market, food and processing industries, sustainable development of rural areas, and demesnial relations applicable to agricultural land."
The Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Authority (RURA) regulates telecommunications, along with other public utilities, in Rwanda. RURA grants licenses and deals with complaints in the communications sector. The agency promotes research and development for new, efficient equipment and protects consumer rights.
The Department of Commerce, International Trade, Investment, Enterprise Development and Consumer Affairs is responsible for encouraging and facilitating the development of the private sector through regulation and policy development. This site contains press releases, news articles, and relevant information on these industries.
The Saint Lucia Department of Finance, Economic Growth, Job Creation, External Affairs and the Public Service is responsible for the supervision and regulation of the financial services industry within Saint Lucia. The site contains information on regulation and reporting agencies such as news and press releases, research articles, and government resources.
The Financial Services Authority provides a wealth of relevant knowledge for business professionals interested in the financial industry of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. The information is given through sections on business activities, laws and regulations, and investment framework. Additionally, the authority offers general information on the archipelago.
The Samoa Ministry of Finance (MOF) manages government finances, develops economic strategies, and represents the government in dealing with international financial institutions. On the MOF site, users can access budgets & forecasts, financial statements, and ministry publications.
The Capital Market Authority (CMA) oversees and regulates the Saudi Arabian financial services industry. The site contains information on rules, qualifying exams, publications, events, and announcements.
The Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) works to promote a competitive climate for the information and communications sectors in Saudi Arabia. The CITC develops new information technologies and protects the public interest of telecommunications users. They also grant licenses to services and manage tariffs while supervising the entire sector. The site provides annual reports, information regarding the CITC, and other helpful resources. Site available in English and Arabic.
Saudi Arabia's Ministry of Health (MOH) regulates the governmental and private health sectors. This agency sets medical research, academic/professional degrees, and sanitation standards. The site includes information on ministry sectors and services provided. Certain features of the site require a free registration. Site available in English and Arabic.
The Regulatory Authority for Telecommunications and Posts (ARTP) promotes fair competition for the benefit of telecommunications users in Senegal. The ARTP promotes jobs and drafts laws and regulations regarding telecommunications and posts. The ARTP also makes regulatory decisions regarding equipment, conditions for licensing, and determining abuses.
The Medicines and Medical Devices Agency of Serbia (ALIMS) issues market authorizations for medical products and equipment, evaluates their quality in compliance with laws and standards, and provides public information about the use of medicines and medical devices. The ALIMS website contains information about regulations, medical commodities, veterinary medicines, and pharmacovigilance. News and press releases are also available.
The Ministry of Health regulates the conditions of medicine manufacturing and inspects medical facilities. It also issues medical licenses for professionals and sets standards for sanitation and vaccinations. The Ministry of Health's website contains information about health sectors, international projects, laws, and news.
The Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (RATEL) ensures the efficacy and quality of communications in the Republic of Serbia. RATEL implements legislation and regulatory frameworks for communications operators. The agency also promotes competitiveness nationally and internationally. The RATEL site contains information about regulations, the Telecom market, and quarterly electronic communications reports.
The Republic of Serbia Securities Commission is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Serbian Financial Services Industry. The site contains a list of regulations, educational courses, and commission opinions. Some site content is only available in Serbian.
The Seychelles Financial Services Authority (FSA) is responsible for the regulation of non-bank financial services to protect civilian interests. The site provides a legal framework for the industry and news regarding financial services.
The National Telecommunications Commission of Sierra Leone (NATCOMSL) promotes fair competition among telecommunications operations. NATCOMSL grants licenses and implements regulations to protect consumers and operators. The commission also works to ensure universal availability of efficient and cost-effective telecommunications services. This website offers a breadth of information on topics including licensing, regulations, and legal policies.
The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) is responsible for administering Singapore's national regulatory frameworks for pharmaceuticals, complementary medicines, medical devices, and other health products. HSA also runs the national blood bank and oversees the standards for medical services, forensic medicine expertise, as well as investigative forensic and analytical science services.
The Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) of Singapore seeks to build a competitive and sustainable media industry while fostering technological innovation and encouraging collaboration between local and international media corporations. The site contains Infocomm and media news, as well as information on industry development, regulations, and the industry community within Singapore.
The Ministry of Health (MOH) manages the public healthcare system of Singapore to ensure that affordable essential medical services are available to all. MOH also licenses and regulates all healthcare establishments, such as hospitals, nursing homes, clinical laboratories, and dental clinics. The site provides a comprehensive overview of Singapore’s healthcare system regarding policies and issues, costs and financing, and diseases and conditions. A practical medical directory also allows users to search for licensed healthcare institutions.
The State Institute for Drug Control (SIDC) is a part of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic and is responsible for ensuring the surveillance of the quality and safety of medicinal products. SIDC supervises pharmacies and controls advertisements of medicinal products.
The Agency for Communication Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia (AKOS) is an independent organization that regulates and supervises the electronic communications market. AKOS manages and supervises the radio frequency spectrum in the Republic of Slovenia and performs tasks in the field of radio and television broadcasting. In addition, the agency regulates and supervises the postal and railway service markets. The website is only available in Slovenian.
The Ministry of Health is concerned with matters relating to healthcare and health insurance in Slovenia. The ministry monitors the nation's health programs and health measures to be taken in the event of natural disasters. It also protects the population against diseases and other health problems, especially pertaining to environmental harms like toxic water or waste.
This is the official website for the Solomon Islands Government's Ministry of Finance & Treasury. The site includes information on government finances, customs and excise, publications and forms, and taxation.
The Competition Commission of South Africa, established by the Competition Act, regulates abusive and restrictive business practices in the country in order to promote efficiency in the economy. The site includes ways to file mergers, lodge complaints, apply for a leniency, and apply for exemptions. It also includes events, publications, and information on banking.
The Department of Health is responsible for national health policy and the administration of public health. The department regulates the pharmaceutical industry, approves medical goods and services, issues medical licenses, and oversees insurance policy. This site contains information regarding the department and the services it provides, a resource center, and media available for download.
The Financial Services Conduct Authority (FSCA) is in charge of the oversight and regulation of the non-banking sectors of South Africa's financial services industry. The site contains industry links, legislation, and publications.
The Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries aims to support sustainable agricultural development in South Africa. This website contains links to the regional departments in charge of the South African agriculture industry. It also provides information regarding services, programs, tenders, media, and publications. Publications are located on the bottom left side of the homepage.
The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) imposes licenses and regulations on broadcasters, signal distributors, providers of telecommunication services, and postal services. ICASA promotes international cooperation, protects the rights of consumers, and resolves complaints within the communications sector. The website includes information on consumer protection, legislation, and online systems.
The Financial Services Commission (FSC) is responsible for overseeing and regulating of South Korea's credit and equity sectors of the Financial Services Industry. The site contains laws, news, and relevant links.
The Korea Communications Commission (KCC) is responsible for broadcasting and telecommunications in South Korea. The KCC produces legislation and regulation to ensure the freedom and expansion of the communications sector. The KCC also focuses on expanding communication technology and promotes fair competition and consumer protection. The site provides information on policy issues and offers market statistical data.
The South Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs aims to develop agriculture into an industry that supports public health and improves the well-being of rural residents. This website features its projects and has links to relevant policies and statistics.
South Korea's Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) seeks to secure national health and safety of its citizens, mainly through its operations in the food and drug industries. This is done through the enhancement of risk management systems, tightened safety control, and reform on safety regulations. The site provides information on the ministry's projects, relative market news, and economic statistics.
The Catalan Audiovisual Council (CAC) regulates the audiovisual communication sector in Catalonia, promotes legislation to protect the freedom of speech and freedom of the press, and issues annual reports to parliament and the Spanish government. The CAC website provides information about the Council, a portal of transparency, research, and news reports. This resource has some English translations but is mostly in Spanish and Catalan.
The General Directorate of Insurance and Pensions is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the insurance and pension sectors of the Spanish Financial Services Industry. The site contains information on the sector and investment professionals and an area to file any regulatory concerns.
The Spanish Agency for Medicine and Health Products (AEMPS) evaluates and authorizes medicines for human and veterinary use. AEMPS monitors the safety and efficacy of medicines, licenses and inspects pharmaceutical laboratories, and fights against illegal drugs and counterfeit health products. The website provides information about human medicines, veterinary medicines, medical devices, cosmetics and hygiene, and the medical industry.
The Ministry of Health, Social Services, and Equality in Spain regulates the healthcare industry by carrying out the government's policies on consumer health and assistance as well as protection against discrimination. It also manages the budget for Spain's various public health facilities. This resource provides information about the Ministry and its services, statistics, and publications. A limited English version is available.
The National Commission on Markets and Competition (CNMC) is an independent public body that supervises and regulates several markets of Spain. The Parliament of Spain created the CNMC in 2013 by the integration of the National Competition Commission, National Energy Commission, Commission of Telecommunications Market, National Postal Sector Commission, and the State Council for Audiovisual and Railway Regulatory Committee And Airport. The site provides information about the CNMC, its areas of action, and services for consumers, as well as agreements and legislative decisions, reports, and press releases. A limited English version of the website is available.
The National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA) specializes in aerospace research and technology development in Spain. It provides technical and consulting services to other agencies and companies, and it serves as a technological center for the Ministry of Defense in Spain. The INTA website provides information about the agency's capacities and the various sectors it serves. A limited portion of the website is available in English.
The National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the capital markets sector of the Spanish financial services industry. The site contains information on the markets, listed companies, and investment firms. This resource is available in Spanish with a limited English translation.
The Ministry of Health, Nutrition & Indigenous Medicine is responsible for protecting public health in Sri Lanka. The ministry implements policies to ensure the safety of the production of health services provided to the public. They also promote health programs to educate the public on disease prevention and their quality of health.
The Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRCSL) ensures the reliability and efficacy of telecommunication services in Sri Lanka. The TRCSL protects the interests of consumers and purchasers and promotes effective competition in the communications industry. They also promote research and development of new technologies in the telecommunications field.
China's State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) is responsible for drug administration, food safety, trademarks, and patents, as well as anti-monopoly policies. The website offers market data, information on government affairs, and services such as business registration and a small business directory. Recent news is also provided.
The Board of Agriculture is the Swedish government's expert authority in agriculture policy and is responsible for the agricultural and horticultural sectors. The site describes rural and trade opportunities in the Swedish agricultural industry regarding the country's crops and animals. In addition, several forms and brochures related to agriculture in Sweden are available for download in PDF.
Finansinspektionen (FI) oversees and regulates the Swedish financial services industry. The site provides information about regulations, authorization information, supervisory activity, and international information. In addition, the site contains recent news, registers, and reports.
The Medical Products Agency (MPA) regulates and monitors the development of drugs and medicinal products. MPA's website contains information regarding herbal, homeopathic, and other types of medicinal products as well as medical devices. Recent news releases from the MPA regarding recalls or updates in the pharmaceutical industry are also posted on the site's homepage.
The Ministry of Climate and Enterprise in Sweden is responsible for promoting sustainable development by implementing environmental legislation and policies. The ministry's website contains an overview of its areas of responsibility, news articles about recent events, and various environmental publications, which can be downloaded for free in PDF.
The Ministry of Defence is responsible for setting Sweden's defense policy, promoting peace and international cooperation, and preparing the country's defense system for potential threats and conflicts. The ministry's website provides an overview of its responsibilities and recent news articles related to defense.
The Ministry of Education and Research in Sweden is responsible for all levels of education and funding research within the country. Its website describes the ministry's activities and responsibilities in-depth and provides recent news and publications related to educational research.
The Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation is responsible for promoting the development and growth of Sweden's service and manufacturing sectors. The ministry also monitors the country's agriculture, construction, and food and beverage industries. This website details the ministry's areas of responsibility, organization, and relationship with the European Union. Recent news related to the ministry is posted on the main page of its website.
The National Food Agency is the central administrative authority for all matters concerning food in Sweden. This website contains information about maintaining a healthy diet and the numerous regulations within Sweden's food and beverage industry.
The Swedish National Space Agency (SNSA) is responsible for national and international space and remote sensing activities, primarily research and development. The three main tasks of the SNSA are to distribute government grants for space research, initiate space research, and act as Swedish contacts for international cooperation. The site provides information about space activities, the space industry, and research in Sweden.
The Swedish Press and Broadcasting Authority promotes opportunities for diversity and availability in radio and television. The authority decides upon permits, fees, and registration and oversees radio and TV broadcasts. Its mission is to monitor and disseminate knowledge on media development. The site provides an overview of the authority's licensing and content regulation functions, as well as news updates regarding the telecommunications industry.
The Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM) handles telecommunications, broadcasting, and post issues. OFCOM is responsible for regulating industries and ensuring the quality of communications. This site provides access to legislation addressing the communications sector as well as a database of facts and figures, including TV and radio statistics.
The Independent Complaints Authority for Radio and Television (ICA) determines whether broadcasted programs have violated law or telecommunications legislation. The ICA assesses complaints concerning radio and television. This site is available in English, German, French, and Italian.
The Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products (Swissmedic) ensures that authorized therapeutic products are high quality, effective, and safe. Its goal is to protect the health of humans and animals and to safeguard Switzerland as a location for industry and research. Their site provides the latest news in the Swiss therapeutic industry and information on licensing, authorizations, market surveillance, and legal matters.
The Financial Markets Authority (FINMA) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Swiss financial services industry. The site contains information on regulation, enforcement, and institutions. Also provided are publications such as speeches, news articles, and fact sheets that provide information about specific functions and structures of FINMA.
The Financial Supervisory Commission is the competent authority for the development, supervision, regulation, and examination of financial markets and financial service enterprises in Taiwan. The site contains information regarding the laws and regulations governing financial institutions in Taiwan and provides financial publications.
The Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) is responsible for improving Taiwan's healthcare quality the quality. The MOHW works to improve and expand healthcare services both domestically and internationally while industrializing health technologies. The MOHW website contains information about the ministry, its work, laws and regulations, and statistics and publications.
The Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority (TCRA) regulates the postal, broadcasting, and telecommunications industries in Tanzania. The TCRA ensures the efficiency of these sectors, and that they are accessible and technologically advanced. The website has information on policies, legislation, regulations, licensing, and statistics.
The Capital Markets and Securities Authority (CMSA) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the Tanzanian financial services industry. The site contains information on legislation including regulations and educational programs for the public and businesses.
The Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) was established to develop space technology and geo-informatics that are beneficial to Thailand's development and the general public. GISTDA delivers values from space by developing satellite databases and providing data services relating to space technology and geo-informatics.
The Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) is responsible for the telecoms and broadcasting sectors in Thailand. The NBTC forms policies and regulating legislature to maintain the efficiency and availability of communications for the people.
The Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (FSA) is charged with the oversight and regulation of the Danish financial services industry. The site contains a list of laws, regulations, and statistics about the financial services industry in Denmark. An English version of the site is available. However, some features are only available in Danish.
The Gambian Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) regulates many sectors, including telecommunications, broadcasting, electricity, water and sewage, and transportation. For the electricity, telecommunications, and broadcasting sectors, PURA grants licenses to operators and ensures their compliance with legislation, regulates the radio frequency spectrum, encourages the development of technologies, and protects consumers by resolving disputes.
The Ministry of Health is responsible for regulating Trinidad and Tobago's health system and protecting public health by ensuring that all health service institutions conform to safety standards. The Ministry's website provides access to information regarding disease prevention and safe healthcare procedures, statistics, and a list of health facilities.
The Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago is responsible for regulating the telecommunications and broadcasting sectors in order to keep them competitive. The Authority also manages resources, establishes equipment and service quality standards, and sets guidelines to prevent anti-competitive practices. The website contains information for consumers, descriptions of the Authority's services, reports and statistics, and consultative documents.
The Financial Market Council (Conseil du Marché Financier) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the financial services industry within Tunisia. The site contains news, publications, regulations, and reference texts. Only available in French and Arabic.
The National Telecommunications Authority (INT) has decision-making powers regarding conditions and procedures of granting communications access. INT approves tariffs, roaming agreements, and contracts. They also have the power of inquiry into complaints and the communications services themselves. The site is currently only available in French and Arabic, as the English portion of the site is under construction.
The Banking Regulation and Supervision Authority (BRSA) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the banking sector of the Turkish financial services industry. The site contains legislation, statistics, and publications.
The Capital Markets Board (CMB) of Turkey is charged with the oversight and regulation of the capital markets sector of the financial services industry within Turkey. The site contains laws, a list of institutions, and resources specifically for investors.
The Republic of Turkey's Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is the official government agency in charge of the food and beverage and agriculture industries. This site contains educational videos, reports, and statistics for farmers, consumers, and investors. It also provides access to the industries' laws, procedures, and regulations. The website is also available in Turkish.
The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs provides basic facts and info relating to Turkey. It is also a source of business information, foreign trade policy and regulation, economic information, and information on regulations and multilateral conventions.
The Ministry of Health (MOH) regulates medical institutes and their infrastructures. The MOH also provides simple access to information regarding public health, potential health threats, and the prevention of diseases. The ministry also promotes health research and investments. Only available with limited English translation.
The Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology of Turkey implements industrial policies concerning products, enforces research and development regarding science and technology, enforces fair competition, encourages technological innovation, implements safeguards, and promotes cooperation among industries. The site is only available in Turkish.
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBÄ°TAK) is the leading agency for management, funding, and research in Turkey. The mission is to advance science and technology by researching projects carried out in private and public organizations, conducting research on strategic areas, and developing support programs for science research. The TÜBÄ°TAK site contains information about the council itself in regard to funds, scholarships, and research and development activities. Users can also find announcements, publications, and information about science olympiads and fairs on this website.
The Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of atomic energy use within Turkey. This site lists all international agreements Turkey is involved with and resources and publications produced by the TAEK.
The Turkish Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTUK) regulates radio and TV broadcasts, ensuring the appropriateness and efficiency of broadcasts. RTUK also handles technological innovations and strives to improve the media sector.
The U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) is an independent agency that investigates chemical accidents throughout the country and makes recommendations to prevent them from occurring in the future. The CSB website contains information about its responsibilities, investigations, and recent news.
The Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) is responsible for the policy formation and guidance of telecommunications in Uganda. The UCC site provides information about industry affairs, programs, and upcoming events. Users can also find a library of publications related to the media and communications industry in Uganda.
The Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST) is responsible for coordinating the development and implementation of policies for integrating science and technology into the nation. The UNCST website provides information regarding the council and its research, as well as a list of publications and a media center related to science and technology.
The Capital Markets Authority (CMA) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the financial services industry within Uganda. The site contains resources such as investor education, publications, and legislation.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries of Uganda aims to support sustainable and market-oriented agricultural production and ensure food security throughout the country. This website has links to the many agencies and departments involved in agriculture in Uganda as well as statistical and educational resources.
The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the Ukrainian Financial Services Industry. The site includes resources such as information on firms, markets, and consumers as well as the FCA handbook that includes legislation and regulations.
The Ministry of Health in the Ukraine is responsible for implementing regulatory policies in the healthcare industry. The ministry ensures access to public information regarding health risks and disease preventative measures, and is in charge of altering the public of potential health risks such as diseases or environmental hazards.
The National Commission for the State Regulation of Communications (NCCIR) is responsible for licensing and registration procedures for telecommunications in Ukraine. The NCCIR ensures the efficacy and quality of telecommunications in Ukraine.
The UAE Space Agency is a federal agency that is in charge of regulating outer space technologies and missions conducted by the United Arab Emirates. Its official website includes information on strategy, the space industry, missions, and initiatives. Press releases, a newsletter, and publications are also available.
The Ministry of Health (MOH) of the United Arab Emirates is responsible for establishing and implementing policies that regulate the healthcare industry, maintaining infrastructural facilities, and developing healthcare safety systems to counter health hazards. The MOH site provides information about the Ministry's services, data and research reports, news, and events.
The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) safeguards competition in the media industry and protects the interest of telecommunications users. The TRA encourages investment, development, and education of telecommunications, as well as strives to implement the best practices in regulation and supervision of media and telecommunications. The site provides service information, regulations, and market statistics.
The mission of the UK Space Agency (UKSA) is to ensure that the UK grows a strategic capability in space-based systems, technologies, and science. This agency is at the heart of UK efforts to explore and benefit from space. The UK Space Agency leads the UK's civil space program in order to win sustainable economic growth, secure new scientific knowledge, and provide benefits to all citizens. The site includes educational resources, information about licensing, descriptions of missions and programs, and funding opportunities.
The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) represents research-based companies that create life-saving medicines for patients. ABPI researches and develops current medicines to ensure that the UK is at the forefront of helping patients prevent diseases. This site includes information on industry achievements as well as a future outlook on medicinal research.
The Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy is in charge of improving economic development and skills in the United Kingdom as well as offering information on climate change and energy bills. The site offers tools and the opportunity for grants to finance business, statistics, corporate reports, and UK government action on climate change.
The Department for Environment, Food, & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is responsible for creating policies that impact the environment and the Food and Beverage and Agriculture Industries. This site includes information regarding the policies and laws of these industries in the United Kingdom.
The Department for Transport aims to provide leadership to the United Kingdom's transportation sector in hopes of achieving their goal of becoming a greener and more efficient transport system. This site contains recent articles and information regarding contacts and available work with the department, as well as news for potential policies.
The Department for Work & Pensions (DWP) is responsible for welfare and pension policy in the United Kingdom. This site contains links to relevant statistics, publications, and policies used by the DWP.
The Department of Health & Social Care (DHSC) is responsible for the standards of health care in the United Kingdom. The DHSC sets the framework for adult social care and they authorize officials on what they should spend on social care. They promote and protect public health by taking the lead on issues such as environmental hazards to health, diseases, health promotion & education, and the safety of medicines.
The Environment Agency is the leading public body for protecting and improving the environment in England and Wales. This site provides environmental information including statistics, publications, policies, and consultation on environmental issues.
The HM Treasury is responsible for the oversight and regulation of public finances within the United Kingdom. The site contains information on budgets, regulations, and consultations, as well as a directory of published and upcoming statistics.
The Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is the government agency responsible for ensuring the proper use of medicine and medical devices. The MHRA is an executive agency of the Department of Health.
The Ministry of Defence's (MOD) main mission is to protect the United Kingdom and provide a guarantee of security and independence, while also projecting its values and interests abroad. Their responsibilities include information on air safety and aviation, defense estate, military equipment, and environmental protection.
NHS Prescription Services is a service that calculates how much pharmacists should be paid as reimbursement for medicines and medical devices dispensed to patients from NHS prescription forms. NHS Prescription Services provides information to prescribers and organizations, making available financial and drug information.
The Office of Communications (Ofcom) in the United Kingdom regulates TV and radio sectors, mobiles, postal services, and airwaves. Ofcom ensures the efficacy of communication and competitiveness in the media industry. The site provides information regarding Ofcom's policies and guidelines, annual reports and plans, and available job opportunities within the industry.
The Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (UNCOPUOS) was created by the United Nations to review the scope of international cooperation in peaceful uses of outer space. They also devise programs for the member states to partake in, and they encourage research on outer space matters.
The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) implements the decisions of the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. The office assists developing countries in using space technology for development. In addition, it follows scientific and technical developments relating to space activities, technology, and applications in order to provide information to member states.
The United Rocket and Space Corporation of Russia is responsible for the administration of space assets, which includes preserving the Roscomos space agency which manages joint space projects and programs. The goal of the organization is to renationalize the Russian space sector and develop complex technology to support the activities of rocket and space industry entities.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) promote health, prevent diseases, injury and disability, and prepare for new health threats in the United States. The site provides information about diseases and conditions, healthy living, and traveler's health. In addition, the CDC site provides information regarding new studies and results, emergency preparedness, and various outbreaks.
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) oversees and regulates the futures sector of the United States financial services industry. The site contains press releases, market reports, laws, regulations, and information on industry oversight and consumer protection.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) protects the public by regulating the production of consumer products. The site includes information on recalls, safety education, regulations, and laws and standards. In addition, the site provides information about research and statistics, business and manufacturing, and recent news.
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, and related issues based on public policy, science, and efficient management. This website contains links to the various functions of the USDA in the food and beverage and agricultural industries.
The United States Department of Commerce (DOC) provides the information and tools to maximize U.S. competitiveness and enable economic growth for American industries, workers, and consumers through proper regulation. The DOC website provides information on current news topics, departments within the commerce organization, and economic analyses.
The goal of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and protect the country's security. The main priorities of the DOD are the protection of the country, its citizens, and its resources. The site provides news and articles on the top issues facing the Department of Defense and links to all other DOD websites.
The Department of Education (ED) promotes educational excellence and equal access to schooling. The department establishes policies on federal financial aid for education, monitors these funds, and collects data on US schools. Its site provides in-depth coverage of the types of student loans and grants available for students pursuing an education at a post-secondary institution. Users may also access a library containing laws related to education as well as data and findings from research done by the ED.
The United States Department of Energy regulates and oversees the energy industry to meet energy and environmental needs. The site contains sections about public services provided by the department, science and innovation, and saving energy. On the homepage, users can find a blog and a library of news, which provide recent information on advances in energy and the environment.
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) hosts programs that provide equitable treatment of beneficiaries and enable the collection of national health data. HHS conducts research, studies food and drug safety, and offers grants. The HHS website provides users with news related to the healthcare industry as well as information about prevention, regulations, and how to be prepared for a potential public health emergency.
The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has a vital mission to secure the nation from potential threats it faces. The duties of the department are wide-ranging and include aviation and border security, emergency response, and chemical facility inspection. On the site, users can browse topics related to homeland security, find ways to get involved and search for information on how to carry out specific tasks, including becoming a citizen, getting a green card, and moving to the US.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) works to regulate and strengthen the national housing market. Information is included on different housing topics for different audiences, including home buyers, homeowners, and landlords. In addition, the site provides information by states, topic areas, and additional resources.
The United States Department of Labor (DOL) implements policies and regulations that affect the labor force in the United States. The DOL site provides information on several topics, such as health plans and benefits, hiring, labor relations, leave benefits, and unemployment information. In addition, the site provides links to the various agencies that are part of the department, news updates, and various blog posts.
The Department of the Treasury is charged with the oversight and regulation of the use of public finances in the United States' financial services industry. The site contains information on Treasury policies and services as well as links to several additional resources.
The United States Department of Transportation (DOT) aims to provide all US citizens with a fast, safe, and efficient transportation system. This website provides information about the department and its activities, as well as several resources for individuals, partners, and government.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protects human health and the environment by developing regulations, giving grants, studying environmental issues, and teaching people about the environment. The EPA ensures that all Americans are protected from health risks and partakes in national efforts to reduce environmental risks. On this site, you can learn about the laws and regulations that protect the environment as well as potential risks that are of interest to the EPA.
The primary goal of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is to ensure safety and efficiency in the aviation industry within the United States. The resource provides information regarding aircraft, airports, and air traffic. In addition, the resource provides information about regulations and policies, licenses and certificates, and data and research.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable. The FCC promotes competition, innovation, and investment in telecommunications services. They also revise media regulations to account for new technologies and innovations.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) oversees and regulates the banking sector of the financial services industry in the United States. This site contains information on regulation and consumer protection, as well as industry analysis and case studies.
The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is an independent, non-profit organization responsible for the oversight and regulation of the capital markets segment of the financial services industry in the United States. The site contains information on regulation, compliance, and education for both industry professionals and investors.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) protects public health by assuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, the nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation. FDA is also responsible for advancing public health by helping to speed innovations that make medicines safer, more effective, and more affordable.
The Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS) oversees legislation on public health, public welfare, and environmental health in Guam, a territory of the United States of America. The site contains department information and provides regular announcements and press releases relating to its legislative oversight.
The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) conducts its work in the four principal organizations of aeronautics, human exploration and operations, science, and space technology. All of these missions are centered around the exploration of the Earth and the solar system beyond. On the site, there are resources for the public, students, educators, and the media.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) promotes the progress of science, advances national health, prosperity, and welfare, and secures national defense. NSF funds research conducted by universities and supports all fundamental science and engineering fields. Users can read about recent discoveries, news, statistics, and publications.
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) was created to advance transportation safety in the United States. The NTSB investigates the causes of transportation accidents and recommends new technologies or policies to ensure the accidents do not recur. The NTSB also coordinates Federal assistance to families of aviation accident victims.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OHSA) is an organization within the United States Department of Labor. This site lists all the regulations the Occupational Safety and Health Administration oversees regarding the United States' labor force. There is also a list of relevant data and statistics, training information, publications, and a section for workers to learn their rights in the workplace.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is responsible for overseeing and regulating the securities sector of the financial services industry in the United States. The site contains information on regulation, enforcement, and education. Company filing information and recent news are features also available on the site.
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) strives to maintain the security of public travel in the United States. The TSA aims to eliminate threats in transportation by developing technologies and implementing safeguards to ensure the safe movement of people and commerce. The site contains information about travel rules and regulations, as well as recent news and press releases.
The Ministry of Public Health, also known as the Ministerio de Salud Pública, is responsible for establishing policies and strategies to protect the public health of Uruguay. The ministry informs the public and officials of potential public health issues, takes emergency measures for severe public health conditions, and trains employees on how to comply with regulatory legislation. Only available in Spanish.
The Regulatory Unit of Communication Services, also known as the Unidad Reguladora de Servicios de Comunicaciones, regulates and controls the activities of telecommunications and postal services in Uruguay. This includes ensuring universal access to services, promoting competition in the media industry, setting tariffs that reflect the economy, and maintaining the protection of users' rights. This site is only available in Spanish.
The Telecommunications Radiocommunications and Broadcasting Regulator (TRBR) of Vanuatu is obligated to create new and amend existing policies in order to encourage open competition and use of communications in the country. The TRBR website contains information about its main functions, the telecommunications industry, and latest industry news.
The Ministry of Health has responsibilities such as studying problems pertaining to public health in Vietnam, advising public authorities and the population on health issues, ensuring officials' compliance with regulatory policies, and taking emergency measures to protect health. Although portions of the site are available in English, a majority is only available in Vietnamese.
The Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology (MTIT) of Yemen aims to provide, develop, and expand the spread of telecommunications and postal services in the republic. This site mostly contains information regarding the ministry, its communication foundation, and the postal authority. Only available in Arabic.
The Ministry of Health of Zambia is in charge of addressing and sharing health-related ideas with the public in order to provide the people of Zambia with available, effective, and quality healthcare. The site provides information on current problematic diseases and conditions in the country, downloads of relevant publications, and a listing of medical tenders.
The Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) aims to protect public and animal health by keeping the public informed of which medicines, allied substances, and medical devices are safe and effective. The site contains recent news and announcements regarding healthcare and has numerous regulatory and licensing documents that are available for download in PDF.