The industry events page contains upcoming conferences, meetings, webinars, and other types of events covering current trends and new findings in each industry. These events take place internationally and each event listed on the page links to the event's official website. An events sites section is also available which contains links to websites that provide a listing of upcoming events specific to each industry.

Upcoming Events

March 2025

Dates: March 26 - 27, 2025
Location: Texas, United States

Dates: March 30 - April 2, 2025
Location: California, United States

April 2025

Dates: April 9 - 10, 2025
Location: Valencia, Spain

Dates: April 14 - 16, 2025
Location: Washington, United States

Dates: April 28 - 29, 2025
Location: Washington, DC

May 2025

Dates: May 13 - 15, 2025
Location: Texas, United States

Dates: May 19 - 22, 2025
Location: Arizona, United States

October 2025

Dates: October 27 - 29, 2025
Location: Texas, United States

Dates: October 29 - 31, 2025
Location: Texas, United States

Event Sites

To view event sites with multiple industry listings, please visit the Shows and Events section of the Resource Directory.

The American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) is a national trade association for the U.S. wind industry. The upcoming events page contains a listing of upcoming events that pertain specifically to wind energy. Users may also view the events listing as a calendar. The group was succeeded in January 2021 by American Clean Power.

The American Public Power Association (APPA) provides a listing of events such as conferences, courses & workshops, and various types of training programs. Events are listed by event categories and a calendar is also available with all events provided by their dates.

Energy Global is an online news source for the energy industry. Recent news articles are divided by categories of upstream, pipeline, LNG, and downstream news. The events section of the website provides upcoming energy industry events taking place in locations around the globe. 

The Energy Industries Council (EIC) aims to provide market intelligence to its members through its online energy project database. Its events page provides a number of upcoming event types, including showcases, presentations, and exhibitions in the energy industry. The full events diary section contains a listing of all these events in chronological order. 

Separated into North American events and worldwide events, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) provides websites and contact information for energy industry conferences.

The Energy Institute (EI) is a professional body that works to develop and share knowledge, skills, and good practice in order to achieve a safe, secure, and sustainable energy industry. Its events page contains a wide variety of conferences, seminars, and other industry events. Users can view events via the calendar, or search for events by keyword, topic, type, and date. 

Green Power Global provides information on upcoming events worldwide pertaining to various types of energy sources.

Hart Energy is an energy industry publisher with coverage in terms of magazines, newsletters and directories, conferences, consulting services, and online resources. Its future events page contains a listing of events with coverage in various areas. Events are listed by year. 

Oil and Gas Journal is a worldwide publication covering the petroleum industry to inform engineers and executives. Its oil and gas conferences section contains a number of upcoming events sponsored by PennWell, as well as other company-sponsored petroleum events taking place around the world. 

Renewable Energy World is an online network for news, information, and companies in the energy industry. Its events page contains a listing of upcoming renewable energy events with the most currently updated events being listed at the top of the page. 

Rigzone contains an event calender for the current month, as well as a search engine to aid in finding future events in the oil and gas industries. It also has the events listed by category and type as well as provides links to various industry training programs.

Solar Power Events is a website sponsored by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and the Smart Electric Power Alliance (SEPA). This website provides users with cutting-edge events that center on the recent trends, technology, and research that powers the industry. Users may also join the website's mailing list to receive regular notifications about upcoming events. 

WINDExchange's calendar events contains a listing of webinars and events that take place within the United States. Users may view events by state in which they are to be held and the month of the event.

World Oil provides an event calendar with worldwide events concerning the developments and changes in the oil industry.