The industry events page contains upcoming conferences, meetings, webinars, and other types of events covering current trends and new findings in each industry. These events take place internationally and each event listed on the page links to the event's official website. An events sites section is also available which contains links to websites that provide a listing of upcoming events specific to each industry.

Upcoming Events

April 2025

Dates: April 8 - 10, 2025
Location: Paris, France

Dates: April 9 - 11, 2025
Location: Las Vegas, United States

Dates: April 28 - May 1, 2025
Location: San Fransico, United states

Dates: April 30 - May 1, 2025
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

May 2025

Dates: May 6 - 7, 2025
Location: Hamburg, Germany

Event Sites

To view event sites with multiple industry listings, please visit the Shows and Events section of the Resource Directory.

CompTIA was founded in order to help companies make sound investments in technology that will in the end improve their overall business. In order to facilitate this further, CompTIA hosts a variety of events in order to gather business professionals together and educate them about the IT industry.

Computer Reseller News (CRN) is devoted to the daily reporting of events and news that affect the information technology sector. Its high-tech event calendar provides users with upcoming events and trade shows in the technology industry. Users can search for a specific event as well as view all available events in calendar format. 

IPC is a global trade association serving the printed board and electronics assembly industry. Its events calendar contains organization events in the technology industry listed in order by date.

Techmeme is an online source for recent news in the technology industry. Its events page contains upcoming conferences and trade shows within the industry. Clicking on each event will redirect users to the event's official website. 

The Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA) provides its member with numerous useful technology-related resources such as industry performance indexes, databases, and webinars. This particular page lists the upcoming webinars provided by the TSIA.