Financial Statistics

Click on a row to display its 5-year graph on the right. Click the icon search to view a ranking of all trade blocs.

Balance of payments - Current account
net of trade groups
($58,451,610,000) (2021)
Balance of payments - Current account
net of trade groups (percentage of GDP)
-58451.61% (2021)
Foreign direct investment - inward flows
$40,466,321,350 (2021)
Foreign direct investment - outward flows
$31,350,504,240 (2021)

Trade Statistics

Click on a row to display its 5-year graph on the right. Click the icon search to view a ranking of all trade blocs.

Value of intra-group trade $161,575,086,500 (2021)
Value of intra-group trade as a percentage of total exports 20.574% (2021)
Trade group exports $899,821,482,000 (2021)
Trade group imports $965,010,942,300 (2021)
Trade group service exports $161,850,900,500 (2021)
Trade group service imports $252,253,306,575 (2020)
