Key Figures

Chief of State:
President Maia Sandu
Head of Government:
Prime Minister Dorin Recean


Government Name:
Republic of Moldova
Adopted: 1994; Provides citizens with information regarding their fundamental rights, freedoms, and duties. Also outlines public authority figures and their roles in the government and summarizes the national economic and public finance system.
Government Type:
Republic of Moldova Flag
Coat of Arms of Republic of Moldova

Index of Economic Freedom

Grades each country on a scale of 0 to 100, based on ten freedoms, with 100 representing the greatest amount of economic autonomy from government intervention. Source: Heritage Foundation (2023)

Country Risk Rating

A very uncertain political and economic outlook and a business environment with many troublesome weaknesses can have a significant impact on corporate payment behavior. Corporate default probability is high. Source: Coface (2024)

Government Branches

Main Powers Election Process Election Cycle 1

The president represents the state and is the guarantor of national sovereignty, independence, and the unity and territorial integrity of the nation. The prime minister heads the cabinet of ministers.

The president is indirectly elected by parliament and the prime minister is designated by the president upon consultation with parliament.

4 years


Supreme Court is the highest court of jurisdiction. Constitutional Court judges the constitutionality of laws.

Supreme Court judges are appointed by parliament upon the recommendation of the Supreme Council of the Magistracy. Constitutional Court judges are appointed by the parliament, the Moldovan president, and the Higher Council of Magistracy.

4-6 years


The supreme representative organ and the single legislative authority of the state.

Members are elected through a closed-list proportional representation system.

4 years

Regional Trade Blocs

International Organization Participation [2]

Environmental Agreements [3]

Tax Information [2]

Tax Authority:
Principal State Fiscal Inspectorate
Tax Name:


  1. ElectionGuide
  2. EY,
  3. CIA World Factbook,
  4. U.S. Bilateral Relations Fact Sheets