Government Resources

Statistics Office
Central Banks
Stock Exchanges
Commerce Ministry
Export Promotion Agency
Investment Promotion Agency

News Sites

This online version of Business World provides business updates for leaders in business, industry, and government, both in the Philippines and abroad. The user can sort news by section as it appears in the print version and view the newspaper in PDF. 

Regulatory Agency Sites

The Department of Agriculture is the principal agency of the Philippines government responsible for the agriculture industry's promotion and growth. The site provides information about laws, issuances as well as services of the industry. Reports, press releases, and news are also available. 

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is responsible for the oversight and regulation of the financial services industry within the Philippines. This site contains regulations, notices, statistics, and news releases.

Other Resources

Business in Asia covers business, economic, and cultural topics for Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. The site also offers statistical data for each country.

Entrepreneur Philippines is a valuable resource for any business professional interested in establishing a business in the Philippines. The information available on the website covers the entire entrepreneurial process under the following main sections: business ideas, start-up tips, and run and grow. There are also franchise and supplier directories as well as a forum.