Mining, Minerals, Metals: Resources
American Society for Metals (ASM) International is a society that, through conferences and meetings with its large international network, provides information on aspects of the mining and materials industries. This resource includes news, membership opportunities, events, journals, and courses available for purchase.
AMIRA Global is an association of several mineral companies that work together in sponsoring projects, networking, finding resources, and researching. The website contains useful information regarding membership, research providers, current projects, news, and publications.
InfoMine focuses on bringing together news stories involving the mining industry and mining technology, with most articles explaining the effect on other industries as well. The articles are divided up into roughly a dozen different categories, including investment and equipment. The site also provides information on important mining countries and how to get a career in this industry.
This is the official website of the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM), an organization that brings together 21 mining and metal companies, and 35 national, regional, and global mining and commodity associations. Its purpose is to enhance performance within mining companies and contribute toward sustainable development by working in different work programs involving multiple projects. The website also includes news on the organization as well as upcoming events and publications.
The International Nickel Study Group (INSG) is an organization of members from nickel producing and trading countries. INSG does economic analyses of nickel markets and provides statistics, general information, and discussions about the metal. The website provides general information about nickel and the INSG, including statistics and publications.
The International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF) is a development and research organization that works to provide information and statistics regarding stainless steel as well as to promote the stainless steel industry. The website also gives information about sustainability, applications for membership, publications, and statistics.
International Zinc Association (IZA) is an organization dedicated to the development and support of products and markets for zinc. The site's main goal is to provide value through its programs focusing on the environment and sustainable development, technology, and market development and communications. They provide a platform for members of the zinc industry to anticipate and analyze upcoming issues. The site includes business plans, programs, activities, membership information, and publications.
Kitco Metals is a dealer in precious metals. The website provides both historical and live charts and data on price information in the precious metals market. Along with monetary data, the site provides related news feeds plus daily and weekly reports.
MEsteel is geared toward countries in the Middle East and is divided into two categories: steel interaction and information. Steel interaction provides offers, company information on various products, a message board, and job postings. The steel information section includes a dictionary, lectures, statistics, and other materials. A section of the website also provides links to information on specific steel businesses in different countries that provide services including manufacturers, engineers, and consultants. In order to access some parts of the website, a company registration is required.
Metal Finishing, of the Metal Powder Report, is a resource serving the surface finishing industry. The site includes technical articles, in-depth reporting, and shop profiles.
Mining News provides news concerning the global mining industry. It also features current job openings in the industry, and a commodity index rating to show which mined resources are on the rise or decline. is a source for global mining news. The site also has news for specific metals, regions of the world, market data, and mining companies that are hiring. provides a company directory, industry news, and various products and services regarding the mining industry. Information is also provided on industry projects located in different regions of the world. Finally, the site provides a list of worldwide industry events.
The Minor Metals Trade Association (MMTA) is a non-profit organization that has a membership of companies involved in international minor metals and has an interest in promoting this sector. The website contains information on minor metals, trade, warehouses, and events. Membership fees are required to join the organization; however, many free resources are offered on this site.
PricewaterhouseCoopers provides background information on industry sectors globally. This site includes an up-to-date industry environment description, challenges facing the industry and potential solutions, free downloadable publications such as annual reviews, and events.
This is the official website of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration (SME), a society with a membership of mining professionals from all over the world. SME is divided into eight divisions that represent different parts of the mining industry and focuses on providing information exchange and professional development. The website provides information on its sections, committees, publications, and news. provides the steel sector with headlines and reports. The site also provides various statistics related to steel industries, including costs and data, information on steel views, conferences, and consulting. Registration is required for some sections of the site.
Steel-Technology provides projects, products, services, and a company directory regarding the steel industry. The site also provides a series of upcoming events to be held around the world.
This is the official site for the Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST), an international non-profit organization that provides a professional network for the steel industry. The website includes information about membership, member chapters, tech committees, conferences, and expositions.
The Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining (IOM3) is an engineering institution based in the United Kingdom that deals with all aspects of the materials, minerals, and mining industry worldwide. The main goal of the institute is to promote the industry globally through networking and events, information services, publications, and training.
This is the official website of the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS), an international organization that covers the scope of the minerals, metals, and materials industry. TMS's functions include promoting technology transfers, developing professionals, and developing unity. The website includes information about membership, meetings and events, publications, and volunteer tools.
The Silver Institute is an international organization that has members from all over the world who work in various parts of the silver industry. The institute's goal is to research the industry and develop markets for silver. The site includes news, events, resources, publications, and other information on different properties and uses of silver.
This is the official website for the World Gold Council, an international association that looks to develop the markets for the gold industry. The site includes the council's investments, government affairs, news, events, and information concerning gold.
World Steel Association (worldsteel) represents steel producers and aims to provide relevant information for steel companies all over the world who become members. The site includes a multimedia center, world steel figures and statistics, descriptions of activity and corresponding reports, past conferences, speeches, and presentations. Publications are accessible in PDF.