In March 2018, CPTPP was officially signed by 11 country members (excluding the United States). The CPTPP officially came into force in Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, and New Zealand on 30 December 2018, in Vietnam on 14 January 2019, and in Peru on 19 September 2021. On October 5, 2022, Malaysia officially ratified the CPTPP, and this Agreement came into force in Malaysia on November 29, 2022. Chile ratified the CPTPP on December 22, 2022, and this Agreement entered into force in Chile on February 21, 2023. On May 13, 2023, Brunei also officially ratified the CPTPP, and this Agreement came into force in Brunei on July 12, 2023. Up to now, the CPTPP has been ratified by all 11 member countries.

From the Blog Blog RSS


10/31/2016 3:23:43 PM

Despite Criticism, the TPP Provides Many Benefits

8/1/2016 10:55:47 AM

Member Countries

Member Countries
Australia Brunei Canada
Chile Japan Malaysia
Mexico New Zealand Peru
Singapore United Kingdom Vietnam


United States Trade Representative TPP Official Website