Country Risk Rating

A somewhat shaky political and economic outlook and a relatively volatile business environment can affect corporate payment behavior. Corporate default probability is still acceptable on average. - Source: Coface
A1A2A3A4BCDEVery Low RiskAcceptable RiskVery High Risk

Business Climate Rating

The business environment is relatively good. Although not always available, corporate financial information is usually reliable. Debt collection and the institutional framework may have some shortcomings. Intercompany transactions may run into occasional difficulties in the otherwise secure environments rated A3.
A1A2A3A4BCDEVery Low RiskAcceptable RiskVery High Risk


  • Large domestic market
  • Major agricultural potential: wheat, barley, colza, etc.
  • Limited energy dependence on imports thanks to local coal, oil, gas and uranium deposits
  • Large-scale renewable electricity generation
  • Diversified and competitive industry thanks to cheap labour
  • Well-integrated in the euro area through trade and investment ties, but still not a eurozone member


  • Low birth rate and emigration of well-educated youth
  • Strong regional disparities in terms of education, vocational training, health and transport; rural areas lag
  • Low participation of Hungarian and Roma minorities, youth, and women in the economy
  • Large underground economy
  • Inefficient agricultural sector
  • Volatile tax legislation
  • Slow administrative and legal processes; corruption, bureaucracy, and poor management of the workforce and procurement

Current Trends


Coface (08/2024)