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The globalEDGE team has recently updated the Forbes 2000 corporations list with the latest 2020 information. For every country under the "Corporations" tab, a list of companies will appear in descending order of total sales value. Every company is categorized into a gloablEDGE industry, where you can learn about other similar companies and general industry trends. The display order of companies can also be adjusted by clicking on the corresponding column headers: Profits, Assets, and Market Value. 

For example, here is the link to the United States' corporation list.

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As speculated for weeks, Salesforce recently finished the acquisition of the popular messaging app, Slack. The total cost of this purchase is $27.7 billion. This acquisition unites a giant in business software with a newcomer with the mission to replace office emailing. As of Wednesday, November 25, 2020, Slack Technologies had a value of $17 billion and a decreasing stock of -1.81%.

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With the COVID-19 pandemic greatly decreasing travel around the world, airlines quickly retired their older and less economical planes, including Airbus’ A380 and A340, older models of the Boeing 747, and their aging fleets of intercontinental jets. When confronted with the reality that the pandemic would be cutting the world’s airlines revenues by almost $500 billion and the impending climate crisis’ effects, these retirements were necessary for most, but the expected recovery by 2025 also brings several new developments in the world of aviation.

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Social media is skyrocketing in popularity; just ask the 4.14 billion people active on social media throughout the globe.  These apps offer connection and communication and many target different demographics, such as Facebook, which is geared towards adults, and Snapchat, which is aimed at a teenage audience.  But as these apps grow and develop, we can see an increase in similarities.  Let’s look at the top apps dominating social media today, how advertising looks in each app, and what features they share.

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As the days continue to get colder and darker, many Americans flock to the grocery store to prepare for Thanksgiving dinner. Families gather to celebrate with turkey, potatoes, pumpkin pie, parades, and football. The holiday is commemorative of the original feast between Pilgrims and Native Americans. While Thanksgiving has been a national holiday in the United States since the Civil War, many other countries have their own version of Thanksgiving.

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Since the United States of America was founded, food has played an important role, especially meat on holidays; burgers on the Fourth of July, turkey on Thanksgiving, and much more. Yet, within the last two decades, different meat alternatives have started to disrupt sales in the meat industry. Does this mean the meat industry as we know it is coming to an end?

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As the Coronavirus pandemic continues to surge uncontrollably, several countries are going back on lockdown and the retail industry is still trying to figure out how to reinvent themselves to standout as the world becomes more digital. The pandemic has put many brick and mortar businesses in a difficult position with a decrease in in-person shoppers and websites that have not been updated or modified in many years. Consumers are not necessarily looking for stores that have the best goods or services, but for stores that can make them feel safe and comfortable with in-person and online shopping options.

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5G is the next generation of wireless networks expected to change our culture fundamentally. Due to its almost zero request time, 5G will be able to download a two-hour movie onto your phone in less than 10 seconds.