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Netflix has been considered the leader in the streaming market since its inception in the late 2000s, and its longevity of success is no mistake. While competition grows fiercer year after year and the U.S. streaming market becomes increasingly saturated, Netflix maintains the largest market share, and its success can be largely contributed to its international presence.

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As the global climate change crisis continues to become an increasing focus for government policy and corporate social responsibility, automotive manufacturers around the world are increasing the production and research of electric vehicles (EVs). EV sales, as a percentage of global automotive sales, have grown from 0.6% in 2015 to 2.5% in 2019. As sales of EVs are increasing, consumers are expecting increasing improvements to EV technologies. Some of the largest issues currently affecting EV development are range, charging speed, and safety. Currently, the average range of an EV on the road today is about 197 miles. Often for consumers, this range is not enough regarding the average range of a traditional combustion engine car. 

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The U.S. and European Union are working together to place restrictions on Big Tech companies. This limit on Big Tech will make it more difficult for companies to fight the newly established rules. Both sides are working together, trying to cooperate on the rules. The groups working on the rules are working on areas including hate speech and private data access. Also, the teams will work to prevent major online platforms from working against third-party vendors. This legislation is planning to limit the growing power of Big Tech companies. Memos were presented at the U.S. - EU Trade and Technology Council Meeting on September 29. Here, both parties covered the advancement of technology and trade tensions, placing an emphasis on updating the world economic regulations according to today's state of technology.

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Since the year 2015, the percentage of Americans who watch television via cable or satellite has dropped from 76% to 56%. This recent drop in cable users can be directly related to the rise in popularity of streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu. It is believed that dating back to 2020, about 25 million United States households are expected to cancel their television subscriptions. To add to this, since 2012, 25 million families have already abandoned their television subscriptions. This rapid decline in subscription holders is expected to continue unless a new solution is produced.

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Poland and the European Union are on a path for collision as the Polish Constitutional Tribunal ruled that Poland’s constitution takes precedence over some EU laws. Specifically stating that the European Union’s efforts to interfere with matters of the Polish justice system violates the Polish constitution. Many are now speculating about a “Polexit” as tensions rise between Poland and the EU. However, the real question remains: Is Poland going to leave the EU?

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At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the economic outlook for retail stores did not look promising; as countries put “stay at home” orders in place, it looked like online shopping was going to become the future of retail. Yet, recent research shows that retail stores might be more popular than we thought, and they are expected to make a big comeback.

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On Monday, October 3, 2021, global airlines within the lobby group International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced their plans of reaching net-zero emissions by 2050. “For aviation, net-zero is a bold, audacious commitment,” International Air Transport Association Director General Willie Walsh said, “but it is also necessary.” To many, this plan may seem unattainable due to limited solutions and resources.

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While the holiday season is still a couple of months away, retail companies are preparing to face the looming pressures of the busiest stint of the year. Early predictions show an astounding 7-9% expected increase in retail sales and an 11-15% expected increase in E-commerce sales this holiday season, but companies are wildly unprepared for this increase in demand, as they are dealing with factory closures, shipping container shortages, and labor shortages.

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When the coronavirus pandemic halted our normal lives in early 2020, the ability to do everything from the safety of home became everyone’s focus. We have seen decreases in travel, increases in shopping online, and even a change in the way we work. Last year, companies quickly developed means for their employees to work from home. Software for video conferences, online chatting, and the ability to access company networks from home rapidly evolved under pressure to resume working back in March of 2020, when everything shut down.