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globalEDGE has gathered a list of Community College Conferences happening in 2019. These conferences are aimed at the community college audience who are refining or developing new programs in their institutions. The next conference coming up is the Workforce Development Institute by the American Association of Community Colleges which will be held in San Diego, CA.

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Wireless network technology is not often on the mind of the average person. Over the past ten years, society has grown accustomed to uninterrupted access to the internet everywhere we go, whether there is a Wi-Fi connectivity or not. The proliferation of mobile applications has made many people dependent on continuous network connectivity to conduct business, commute to work, stay up to date on the news, and interact with family and friends. The wireless network is the technology that underpins omnipresent access to the internet and that technology is scheduled for a major upgrade in the coming years.

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International production, strategic global investments, and the infrastructure design of global supply chains are all a function of driving satisfaction among a company’s customers (and perhaps some can argue satisfaction among a country’s citizens). On October 26, 2018, I am giving a talk (ppt slides) at the World Investment Forum in a session titled “Explaining today’s global investment and international production trends.”

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Jack Ma and Mukesh Ambani are two of the biggest powerhouses in business today, with their net worth being 38.2 billion and 49.2 billion, respectively. But the influence of these two men stretches far beyond their wealth. These businessmen, through exuberant wealth, name recognition, and influence have greatly influenced not only the unities of their countries but also the economies.

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One of the worlds premier decorations, art is hung, stood, and displayed in places all over the world.  Whether a wall painting, sculpture, or online design, art is a topic that is frequently overlooked as a major influence on society.  Much like it can be overlooked as something that simply belongs on a wall, the global art market is not often talked about in the economy.  Despite this, the art industry is a 63.7 billion dollar global market that deserves attention.

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Natural disasters have always been detrimental to society. They disturb peoples' lives, destroys infrastructure, and the aftermath can last up to several months. All of these factors affect the global economy in its own way. From 2000-2017 alone, there was an estimate of about $3 trillion economic loss from natural disasters worldwide. Since this number only represents the measurable losses, the actual amount goes way beyond this number.

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There may be an unintended consequence of the White House’s trade battle with China. Companies in the Pearl River Delta, a Chinese manufacturing hub are accelerating towards making higher-quality products to compete against American goods. Recently, the U.S. government announced their plans to unveil fresh tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese products entering the U.S. Many of these products are focused on low-cost goods, of which were once the bread and butter of the Chinese economy. In response, China is hoping to be innovative and resilient as an attempt to overcome these headwinds.  

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The International Business Center in Michigan State University’s Broad College of Business is delighted to announce that the Center has been awarded a grant by the U.S. Department of Education to continue to operate a Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER). MSU is the only university in Michigan, one of three in the Big Ten, and one of only 15 universities in the country given this privilege.

As the nation’s pioneer land-grant university, MSU has been a leader in international education and outreach since 1855. With a focus on quality, inclusiveness, and connectivity, Michigan State University has engaged in a strategic and transformative journey to become the model land-grant university for the 21st century. We call our destination world-grant and focus on being locally relevant and globally engaged.

Through grant and matching funds, the $3.3 million project for 2018-2022 is titled “Strategic and Sustainable Value Chains for Increased International Competitiveness.” This value chain perspective provides CIBER with a perfect role within the Broad College of Business and on the Michigan State campus.