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By now, everyone has heard of virtual reality (VR). For the past decade, scientists and engineers have tried to improve this technology to be more user-friendly and affordable. Companies around the world are all investing in this "next big thing". Thanks to their hard work, VR has become not just something in fantasy movies but also a technology that can be used in daily life.

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There is really no other way to put it—every day, a countless number of people shave hair off of their face and body with razors.  The image of ideal, clean-shaven men and women has become a cultural staple of a large portion of society, marking the sign of adulthood and prestige amongst much of the global population.  However, recent disruptions to the global razor industry—including the trend of facial hair and introduction of subscription blade alternatives—have changed the playing field for the first time in almost a century.

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Over the past 10 years, advances in technology have led to economic growth as well as stability for many markets throughout the globe; however, one of the most exciting advances is still yet to come: the self-driving car. As tech companies continue to test and develop software that has the ability to control a car’s every move, there are some implications that have sparked global issues. Three of the world’s four largest economies are involved in a debate caused by issues relating to consumer privacy, trade disputes, and business opportunities.

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The Toledo-based pizza Titan, Marco’s Pizza, has plans to expand into Costa Rica, Jamaica, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the Cayman Islands. The company wants to add over 50 franchise into the international arena by 2025. While these plans seem ambitious, Marco’s Pizza is already experiencing massive success in Puerto Rico. The company entered the U.S. territory in 2015 and will have 19 franchises by the end of the year.

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South Sudan, the world’s youngest country since it declared independence back in 2011, has lost the financial support of its primary backer, the United States. While this comes as no surprise considering U.S. officials gave South Sudan’s ruling elite a mid-November deadline to form a unified government, it is compelling considering the United States has spent $11 billion in financial aid, far eclipsing other donors. 

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The United States and China have been in a trade war since July of 2018 when U.S. President, Donald Trump, imposed large taxes on imported Chinese products. President Trump declared a 15% tax on many American goods, and Beijing has fought back with 5-25% taxes on American goods. These taxes have created tension between the two country's markets, making it harder for businesses to sell in either country. But due to new agreements, this trade war may be coming to an end.

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The United States has a long and controversial history within the Middle East. The U.S. maintains a large military presence in the region that has persisted for decades. The most recent conflict began early into the new year with the killing of the Iranian General Qasem Soleimani on Friday, January 3rd, an attack that was ordered by the United States military and Commander in Chief, Donald Trump. The U.S. Department of Defense stated that the general was part of a “Foreign Terrorist Organization... responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition service members.” The Supreme Leader of Iran called for revenge, and Iran shot missiles towards United States bases stationed in the Middle East, though they resulted in no casualties. Unfortunately, Iran did shoot down a civilian airplane, killing 176 in the process. While initially denying the attack, Iran admitted accidentally striking down the plane which contained many Canadian and Iranian citizens, stating they believed it was a cruise missile. 

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A health-and-wellness storm has been sweeping through countries around the world. It has affected and shaped numerous industries, from food to technology. Of course, the ever-changing fashion industry is hopping on the bandwagon as well. This time, it has partnered with the sports industry to create apparel that can be worn not only during workouts. Athleisure wear gave exercise attire a stylish twist in addition to innovative fabrics that are designed for people to have a laid-back, yet stylish lifestyle.

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Indian apparel exporters have got some things to worry about on their hands: the flat growth of apparel demand in the United States for the last eight months and the severe demand slowdown in the European Union (E.U.). Retail sales in the U.S. have remained flat during 2019, following growth of approximately 4.6 percent during 2018. What might follow this is an undoubted effect on order flow but could also result in a renegotiation of trade regulations and the receivable cycle for Indian exporters.